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Dressage - Michael Barisone

Since you asked, I believe that he wanted her (more to the point her horses and her money) to stay, but on different financial terms more favorable to himself.

If he could have rid himself of her, but retained access to the horses and money, then sure. But he was stuck in a love/hate relationship (love the $$$$/hate the client) and he couldn’t legally get her to leave while still getting her money. I am baffled along with everyone else as to how his attempt to murder her was going to solve the problem.

But no, I don’t think he ever asked her to leave. He could have filed an eviction action against them, but there is no court record of his having done so. He could have changed his training services so that during training rides, he sat on her horse at a walk while coaching his girlfriend, or by sitting by mutely during lessons while drinking Long Island ice tea. I have had several trainers get rid of me by simply providing crappy training services, and I don’t think they were trying to get rid of me.

Trainers “fire” unwanted clients all the time. If he tried to fire her (ask her to leave the training program) and she refused, I really cannot imagine a top trainer having trouble getting rid of an undesired client by simply providing crappy training services.

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Are we really going to need to repeat the “nobody deserves to be shot by their trainer” disclaimer here again?

Can we try not to get another thread shut down?

I sincerely hope Barisone is not allowed to plea down from attempted murder. I’m not a fan of plea deals in general.


I can’t tell if you missed the joke or if you think you’re joking now…


I have never requested the “nobody deserves to be shot by their trainer” disclaimer and I’m not requesting it now. By all means skip it.

@cutter99 specifically and directly asked me if I thought Lauren had not been asked to leave, and I responded that, damn straight, I do not believe Barisone asked her to leave.

Re the plea deal: He was charged with two counts of attempted murder. One possible plea deal could be: plead guilty to one count of attempted murder with this specific sentence, and we’ll drop the second count and other assorted stuff. So the possibility of a plea deal does not automatically mean downgrading the central charge from attempted murder to assault.

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No, I didn’t miss the joke.

:rofl: :joy: :rofl:


You stated it was less shocking for LK to be shot than it would someone with less money and horses in training. That’s ridiculous to imply it’s less shocking for a trainer to try to take out the client with multiple horses who is paying a lot of money. If Barisone never asked LK to leave, then you should be even more shocked that he would show up and shoot her.

You don’t know what plea deal may or may not be in the works. There are multiple possibilities, but a lot of plea deals do reduce the charges.


Indeed I am not only shocked but utterly mystified as to how Barisone thought that going over to the rented house and shooting a client (any client) would somehow “solve” the problem, whether he had previously asked her to leave or not.

While I don’t think he had asked her to leave, that is not an important issue to me. Regardless of whether he had or had not asked her to leave, I think it is equally shocking and mystifying as to his reasoning behind thinking going over there with a gun was a viable solution to his problem.

Why do you think it matters whether he had asked her to leave or not? Are you saying that if he asked her once nicely, and maybe threatened eviction (without filing papers) and neither request got her to leave, that his then shooting her is less shocking/ more understandable? I don’t.

Yes, most plea deals involve reduced charges. I was just pointing out that charges could be reduced without dropping a single count of attempted murder.

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I can’t believe I gave up watching Perry Mason.

The real issues here are that you aren’t an attorney, and while you can opine all day long on what you believe could happen, with the very few actual facts that you have at your disposal, and your lack of courtroom experience, it is worth exactly what people here are paying you for it. You are extrapolating on hearsay. Not a wise thing to do.

Second, and more importantly, you are under the impression that you have a right to challenge people here to argue a theory about real people and a current real situation. If you actually knew these people, you’d probably keep your mouth shut, because you wouldn’t want to spew about this on the internet. It’s not a nice thing to do to folks that you know who are going through challenging circumstances.


Life is boring and other people’s drama is entertaining. Same reason we all slow down and rubberneck at accidents that happen on the other side of the highway, or watch a fight in the cafeteria at school.


You said it was less shocking because LK was a client with a lot of horses, money, and a “big personality.” I think I would find that more shocking considering he stood to gain more from having more horses and more money in his barn than he would the person with 1 horse and little money. Your logic doesn’t work there.

I don’t think it matters legally if he asked her to leave, but it does show an ongoing dispute. People with prior disputes are more likely to shoot each other than people who are getting along. That may contribute to “less shocking” more than how many horses or how much money she had.

Plea deals aren’t usually about the number of attempted murders, they’re about the prison terms. Attempted murder in the first can carry a life sentence, so whether he has 1 or 2 life sentences would not be a good plea deal.


So are you an attorney, @ASB_Stars?

I have access to the facts that most posters have access to, with the exception of insiders like Lauren, @eggbutt and @tryintogethere. Personally, I think that it is more important for the insiders who know stuff not in the public record to watch what they say than us outsiders, who can’t slip up and reveal something confidential because we don’t know anything confidential.

Do you disagree? Do you think people with inside information should disclose it?

You’re right that if I actually knew any of these people, I would be a lot more circumspect for fear of letting something slip. But I don’t know any of them.

When you talk about “folks who are going through challenging circumstances” who are you referring to? Barisone and girlfriend? Lauren?

And yes, Captain Obvious, of course I think I have a right to “challenge people here to argue a theory about real people and a current real situation.”

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I have no idea how you got any of that from what I stated. Probably the difference between reading for comprehension, and just spewing I suppose.

You admit you don’t actually know anything, and yet you go on. You are very special.


@ASB_Stars taunted me with a silly question (“Would it have been less shocking if she had only one horse?”) and I gave her a semi silly/semi serious answer. It was semi serious in that the relationship with a really really rich, multiple, good quality horses client is going to be a more complicated love/hate deal, while an obnoxious one horse client would simply be asked to leave or ignored. I think there was something about her, most likely her money, that he did not want to be rid of and that that is why he did not ask her to leave or evict her or ignore her until she left in a huff.

Obviously there was in ongoing dispute, quite outside of the issue of whether he did or did not ask her to leave.


I said I had no “insider” information not publicly available to other posters. I did NOT say that I “don’t actually know anything”.

So are you an attorney, @ASB_Stars?

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Have I stated anything representing myself as such or given a legal opinion?

Read for comprehension.

And taunted? Really? Very, very special.


Seems like yesterday this exact same endless discussion was ongoing.

If I or @tryintogethere or any other poster had anything they wanted to post, nothing is preventing us. I just don’t care to feed the trolls.

Walk on by.


Yet, you post as though you are posting fact rather than your speculation and imagination. Talk about being fascinated! You seem to be the one always lurking.

BTW, I had no intention of posting until you brought me into the discussion.


You suggested that I should not post since I was not an attorney, but you yourself were posting. How was I illogical in inferring that you permitted yourself to post because, unlike me, you were an attorney?

PS. Of course I know you are not an attorney.

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Actually, @eggbutt, I applaud you, @tryintogethere, and Lauren for refraining from posting any insider information. Doing so could have consequences for the ongoing cases, and I respect the decision to refrain from disclosing insider information.

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