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Dressage rider training

Ok finally started. DRT1W1D1 is in the books, so to speak.

In September there is a schooling event on my birthday that I am bound and determined to ride in and be competitive. So today starts the preparation. :relaxed:

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Congrats. I am restarting today, too.

Somehow, today feels like the beginning of the new year, not last week!


Day 1 is now officially checked off. My upper back is very weak. :unamused:

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DRT3 day one was no picnic!

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And hurray for all of us! :smiley:


I ordered the DRT USBs when I signed up for DRT1&2. This is the first time I have used them and they are well-produced. In addition to the weekly exercises, Nicole has added articles and other support material.

I know that you can download the classes for free if you signed up for the program – or you can pay for the USB. The USB seems worth it to me! I recall trying to save all the classes and it just became a hassle.

I just did the Core Strength #1 and lying on my belly and trying to “superman” was the hardest one for me!

I decided to see if I could do this 6 days per week. So each exercise I do 2 days in a row then switch.

DRT1W1D1 part deux finished :slight_smile:


Was up early this morning thanks to one of our dogs so I did 25 min on the spin bike and then started week 3’s core strength. Oooof, she was a doozy! I may actually go back and re-do it before I do the yoga session this week.


Can you link JBWs program?

This is it :slight_smile: I love this program!


Thank you!

I’m rooting everyone on from the sidelines! This wasn’t in the cards financially for me, but looks super cool.

Keep at it!

Most of the core stuff was pretty easy for me, but I suspect that’s because I have been doing exercises for my back for almost 40 years. But that superman exercise just about did me in. I know what I need to work on. sigh

Sigh…missed two days.

Did rider strength DRT1W1 today and seriously did not realize how crap my balance is (doing that warrior pose/lunge combo).

I have a lot to do! But I am here for it.

Finished DRTW3 yoga! I did not get up early enough this morning to do it at home but did set aside some time on my lunch hour. That was a nice change of pace!


You are definitely gold! I am behind (already!), but will catch up this weekend.


DRT3 week one finished + the first five mile run I’ve done in a couple years. Bet I’ll be paying tomorrow!


Aww thanks! I’m aiming for the strength video tomorrow. I did 30 min on the spin bike before I rode today. My guy is pretty easy to put together but he takes a lot of fitness to ride. Doing this all for him!

After 1 week I am more aware of my areas of weakness. I found that the yoga training day made my hips looser, so I’m thinking of doing that again tomorrow. I also find that I need to do my regular stretches for my back and hips before I do any of the DRT videos. I definitely need to work on stretching the ham strings which have always been a problem for me. (You would never know from me that Ehlers Danloss syndrome runs in my family.) I have also found that Nicola tends to do a lot of the moves to fast for me. For instance, when I do bridges, I need to take my time, make sure everything is stable, make sure I tighten my abs and my butt, and that I keep my pelvis level when I bring it off the floor. So I don’t do as many bridges but they are done with intent and by doing them slower, I am strengthening the abs and glutes.

I have a complete fail when it comes to using the foam roller, and I actually like using it but I just don’t seem to fit it into my schedule. Hopefully I can change that this week.

I am proud of all of us for taking on this endeavor and look forward to hearing everyone’s progress and observations next week.


Are you doing it in the moment? I started Jan 1st as a New Years resolution and so far I did one workout every day…. Usually I do immediately after I come home from the barn. Later it gets too hard to actually do it…

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