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Dressage rider training

I am! I’m doing it with some gals at the barn. I’m not as consistent as I’d like to be during the week, but I keep trying to remember “progress before perfection!” :slight_smile:


Keep it up, everyone!


I’ve been doing DRT since 2019. I’m 3 weeks from finishing DRT4 again and move onto DRT5 (got derailed by a heart attack last April and started back at the very beginning). I also did Thrive and HPF. I joined the online gym because she has a lot of stuff. It’s well worth the $95 yearly membership.

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DRT3 week 2 done!

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I did the core strength of week 4(DRT 1) yesterday and she mentioned if you’re feeling at all like you can’t keep up, it’s totally okay to restart. I am lagging a liiiiiittle bit on the pace so I’m going to restart! My husband plays hockey and there’s so much good hip stuff, he’s going to join in this round.

I also spin & do light weights so I’m hoping I can incorporate that more frequently☺️

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I’ve definitely had to repeat weeks!


OMG I started the second level and unfortunately my new test had about the same result as the 1st one :flushed:. (My personal feeling is that I improved and somebody took a video of me riding today and although my horse was not at her best today I kind of like my riders position…. ) but now they increased the intensity of the excersises … I was really breaking down doing them :pensive:


I am doing better than the first time but still so weak!!! I do feel stronger, and I’m probably better balanced but this time of year is so hard. Going to keep chugging on with it! So glad to have a friend who understands it!

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Aw they aren’t taking any new people on right now. Might save up a bit so I can try it though, I’ve been meaning to do it but keep forgetting to do it. I’m the worst about remembering to work out too. If I start it, I’ll happily join the accountability group!

Last week I got in unanticipated argument with ice covered steps and lost, so I’m taking a short break due to some fairly gnarly bruising…UGH. But I can still spin so that will have to work for this week.


So glad that you are here and doing it too!!! Otherwise it would be lonesome!!! Did you do the live work out for sitting deeper in the saddle??? I just did it and have the feeling I might have problems to sit in the saddle at all tomorrow :blush::blush:… some people obviously were having cramps…. I love the work outs but they are tough….

I just returned from a 2 hour visit with the vet at the barn. Horse has a suspensory injury in his right hock. At least 6 weeks off with shock wave therapy. Then we will see. He was only showing a slight lameness when under saddle, and he just looked uneven. (I could feel that something was nqr but when I would lunge him, it was not apparent.) Vet said this type of injury usually has dramatic lameness.

I am somewhat less than motivated to say the least. On top of this I had already decided to restart the program because I have had a troublesome intestinal bug for 2 weeks. Not really sick, but definitely did not feel like bending, stretching, and reaching for the sky was going to help, so I had fallen behind. Arrrrg.

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I missed it sadly! I sprained my wrist (horse decided to run me over and I couldn’t keep my legs underneath me) so I’ve been out for a bit. Going to pick back up!

Comeon everyone! Anyone who fell behind or aren’t motivated, the hardest part is hitting “play”! Go go go!

Now is better than later, so just jump back on the bandwagon today!

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Yes, Ma’am!

Welp. After almost 3 years of outwitting, outplaying, and outlasting COVID, she finally caught up with me.

I scheduled some training rides for Dobbin this week and when the congestion & cough lessens a bit, I think I’ll restart with the yoga from weeks 1 and 2.


I hope you feel better quicly.

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Oh no :pensive::pensive::pensive:. Hope you all feel better soon :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

So I have restarted the program and find that I am understanding the exercises better. Hopefully, it will translate into my riding once Dune has recovered from his injury.

In other news, I was at my son’s house last weekend. My grandson has a different kind of foam roller that really makes a difference when trying to work out tight muscles. Two days ago this arrived in the mail. I have the best daughter-in-law.



@cheval_convert glad you are back at it. If you need motivation while your horse is down, consider that being more fit will help your horse when he is ready for under saddle rehab:

Those short foam rollers come in handy for some of the later DRT exercises in addition to the rolling.

I’m finishing DRT3 Phase 1 today and feeling pretty good. I’m also running, and trying to add a few other exercises in when I have the time to go to the gym. I love being able to get this done at home in 20 minutes when I need to as well.