Equine ATTORNEYS! Seller refusing to release horse to shipper! UPDATE: Ransom refused

Sale was a done deal. I agree, seller has to buy pony back now. No backing out legally, anyway … the misrepresentation of buyers motives seems tenuous at best. I would suggest they could start with an arbitrator versus actually going to court. I think it’s much less expensive.

I tend to believe the OP wanted the pony for the niece or whoever it is, she’ll finish it, compete it, trainer and “client” make a nice profit on the flip. I don’t really see the issue here, either, happens every day in the horse business, and the seller seemed pretty motivated to sell since the pony was sold far away without anyone meeting personally, and for a discounted price.

Why even bother going to law school when so many lay people "know " the law with such conviction?! :wink:

It sounds like the buyer and the seller deserve each other.

I haven’t seen anything in these posts that suggests the Buyer is known to abuse/neglect her horses, so ultimately this is just about the seller feeling cheated, that she made a price concession based on false information (but it’s yet to be shown exactly what was false-- all the seller knows is that the buyer has been alleged to lie to other people).
I take back my initial impression that the seller is sleazy. After reading through all this, I don’t think that’s the case (even though I don’t think they’re right to withhold the pony). Buyer sure seems iffy from an ethics standpoint, but they’re probably the rightful owner. At this point each side wants to find the most emotional hook that will sway the case, so they keep adding irrelevant layers to the story (whether factual or not, doesn’t really matter) designed to win sympathy. End result I’m not really sympathetic to either side.

But in a bit of ghoulish curiosity while on an endless conference call today, I looked at the FB page for Kris Jenings. Over a 2-year period, she posted a steady stream of pious, self-congratulatory memes about standing tall against liars, cheats, gossips, etc. I just don’t get how people choose to live like that, to relish conflict, and anger, and victimhood. Regardless whether the battles are caused by her own ethical boundaries, or from inability to cull dishonest and shady people from her life, it’s no way to live. Whole thing is a little sad.

Here’s hoping the pony ends up with a kind rider with soft hands and a big heart, and a big bag of carrots every time they see her.

2013 Scam Report: http://www.whoscammedme.com/current-scams/15320/attempted-horse-theft-and-severe-neglect/

Comments from the original report - OP is TK1 :

Submitted: 04/26/2013
My business partner was the manager who left just before you arrived. She is a well known professional in the jumping world who was asked by this woman and her husband to sell some of their horses in order to fund improvements and upgrades to their farm as well as lighten the feed load. Imagine the surprise when the real owners of these horses began coming forward, arriving with proof of ownership and police assistance to reclaim their animals. None of these horses were stolen as this Lisa woman likes to tell to anyone who will listen. There is a bill of sale for each and every one signed by Lisa herself. Their owners took and in most cases bought their horses back after information from certain investigators made it clear that their safety was at immediate risk. We also made the final decision to move our own horses when we learned that a previous manager also discredited and accused of theft watched this woman kill a horse after the owner took police and legal action to have it returned. She is a hoarder disguised as a rescue and has many cases open against her with the police and several animal groups.

Please do feel free to contact me for further information or if we can be of any assistance to you.

and the rebuttal

Submitted: 07/06/2015
TK you have no business partner, just a kooky Mom who did a poor job of raising you. You helped steal and sell my horse while blaming Lisa, you both knew he was not for sale. You stole tack, you cheated people and your alias is now public record. everyone should know you go by Kris Jenings or Kristen Gulino and defiantly Google court records for all of your scams. I want my horse back or at least the money you collected for him. I hope everyone sueing you wins and you get exposed for the lying fraud you are.

Why even bother going to law school when so many lay people "know " the law with such conviction?! ;)[/QUOTE]

I know, right? So many nonlawyers on here insisting this sale is a done deal. While the lawyers keep insisting it isn’t, it’s unclear. We shall see.

Enjoying the thread. Just stepping in to say I wouldn’t put much stock in that Scam site. Looks like just another place to air your dirty laundry.

From the site, bold is mine…
“Everyone you know has been Scammed! POST a Scam to Warn the Next Guy!! With the ability to remain Completely Anonymous, write freely how that Contractor, Restaurant, Ex Boss, Ex Boyfriend, Realtor, Mortgage Broker, etc., SCAMMED YOU. Remember this site is 100% FREE and Simply to Use!”

Thank goodness it’s simply to use.

I know, right? So many nonlawyers on here insisting this sale is a done deal. While the lawyers keep insisting it isn’t, it’s unclear. We shall see.[/QUOTE]

Nothing against attorneys, really, but at the normal bill rate around here, you won’t even get anywhere close to making anything “clear” for the $2200 in question. I personally think the seller has seller’s remorse, and the buyer should just deal with it for that amount of money. But if someone wants to make case law with it and spend 10x the cost of the pony doing so (and get off cheap, if that’s all it costs), well, that’s up to them.

Enjoying the thread. Just stepping in to say I wouldn’t put much stock in that Scam site. Looks like just another place to air your dirty laundry.

From the site, bold is mine…
“Everyone you know has been Scammed! POST a Scam to Warn the Next Guy!! With the ability to remain Completely Anonymous, write freely how that Contractor, Restaurant, Ex Boss, Ex Boyfriend, Realtor, Mortgage Broker, etc., SCAMMED YOU. Remember this site is 100% FREE and Simply to Use!”

Thank goodness it’s simply to use.[/QUOTE]

Ask Chad Keenum. I suspect the Go Fund Me page is a result of the lack of funds and subsequent withdrawal of Kris Gulino/Jenings atty in the suit Chad has filed against her for fraud.
Or the lack of funds to pay her vet, which resulted in a suit also.
Or the multiple evictions…


Sadly, her and her Mothers postions running golf carts at WEF make me think Mark Bellissmo should provide better background checks on his employees.

And her other screen name here is [edit] with a long history of bogus, theatrical posts.

Nothing against attorneys, really, but at the normal bill rate around here, you won’t even get anywhere close to making anything “clear” for the $2200 in question. I personally think the seller has seller’s remorse, and the buyer should just deal with it for that amount of money. But if someone wants to make case law with it and spend 10x the cost of the pony doing so (and get off cheap, if that’s all it costs), well, that’s up to them.[/QUOTE]

Well no one is paying anyone here for anything. I’m not for hire, I work for a private company and have no interest in working for OP. Or the seller. Nor am I licensed in SC.

The facts are that a lot of bad legal advice is getting handed out here by people that know nothing about contract law. Telling OP her client is for sure going to win if she sues is doing her a serious disfavor.

I’ve been telling OP she is doing her client a disservice to pursue this in court since the start. Not all attorneys LOVE to throw other people’s money away suing people. If this kid is that poor her pony budget is going to some lawyer now. And she may or may not get the pony. That lawyer will still get paid though.

Nothing against attorneys, really, but at the normal bill rate around here, you won’t even get anywhere close to making anything “clear” for the $2200 in question. I personally think the seller has seller’s remorse, and the buyer should just deal with it for that amount of money. But if someone wants to make case law with it and spend 10x the cost of the pony doing so (and get off cheap, if that’s all it costs), well, that’s up to them.[/QUOTE]
I think you missed the point. All the lawyers are saying is that the case is not black and white

I think soloudinhere’s point is that some attorneys make a very good living by making sure no case is ever black and white. :wink:

Ask Chad Keenum. I suspect the Go Fund Me page is a result of the lack of funds and subsequent withdrawal of Kris Gulino/Jenings atty in the suit Chad has filed against her for fraud.
Or the lack of funds to pay her vet, which resulted in a suit also.
Or the multiple evictions…


Sadly, her and her Mothers postions running golf carts at WEF make me think Mark Bellissmo should provide better background checks on his employees.

And her other screen name here is Losgelassenheit with a long history of bogus, theatrical posts.[/QUOTE]

Interesting… quote for posterity.

Ask Chad Keenum. I suspect the Go Fund Me page is a result of the lack of funds and subsequent withdrawal of Kris Gulino/Jenings atty in the suit Chad has filed against her for fraud.
Or the lack of funds to pay her vet, which resulted in a suit also.
Or the multiple evictions…


Sadly, her and her Mothers postions running golf carts at WEF make me think Mark Bellissmo should provide better background checks on his employees.

And her other screen name here is Losgelassenheit with a long history of bogus, theatrical posts.[/QUOTE]

Quote for posterity…

[QUOTE=Anne FS;8542979]
I think soloudinhere’s point is that some attorneys make a very good living by making sure no case is ever black and white. ;)[/QUOTE]

what lay people don’t understand is that a lot of cases aren’t black and white, even when they think they ought to be. see this one, for example.

Look, we have absolutely no dog in this fight, just telling you that under the law this case is NOT black and white even though it appears like it is to many of you. That is not because we want to make money of it, litigation is written out of my contract! I spend my time helping people avoid litigation. it’s just the law. Law is very often messy because life is messy.

I think you missed the point. All the lawyers are saying is that the case is not black and white[/QUOTE]

Right. So the OP started this by saying that she wanted to file suit, and armchair laywers agreed with her - no surprise there. Then the other side of the story emerges (maybe) and maybe the seller has a counterclaim. That sounds like a pretty typical contract dispute, and the only way to find the answer on any given day is to ask a judge, which is what the OP wanted to do in the first place.

I guess I don’t really consider someone random on the internet telling you that they agree with your position to be “bad legal advice.”

My point wasn’t really about what lawyers charge or whether they’re worth it, just that it’s probably not worth making any of this clear, so saying “it’s unclear who is right!” doesn’t really add much. The OP is also long gone at this point, unsurprisingly, since this has turned from aiding her vitriol to maybe not being quite what it seemed.


Obviously the same could be said about CoTH. OP has been disingenuous at best.

Someone asked how the OP was involved in the stolen / starved horses case. The link provides the answer. OP posted there herself. Years ago. And got called on it last year, well before she started this thread.

The actual buyer is the OP’s mother - OP and her mom do business together.

There is no record of OP having a sister at all. Meaning the only heartbroken daughter of the buyer is the OP herself.

OP and her mom were looking to flip the pony and had the utter audacity to come here and try to solicit donations for a “lawsuit”.

[QUOTE=chilirider;8542938]Ask Chad Keenum. I suspect the Go Fund Me page is a result of the lack of funds and subsequent withdrawal of Kris Gulino/Jenings atty in the suit Chad has filed against her for fraud.
Or the lack of funds to pay her vet, which resulted in a suit also.
Or the multiple evictions…


Sadly, her and her Mothers postions running golf carts at WEF make me think Mark Bellissmo should provide better background checks on his employees.

And her other screen name here is Losgelassenheit with a long history of bogus, theatrical posts.[/QUOTE]

Cliffs on the Keenum lawsuit please? Silverlight is crashing on me.

The plot thickens…

what lay people don’t understand is that a lot of cases aren’t black and white, even when they think they ought to be. see this one, for example.[/QUOTE]

Yes, I do understand. I was afraid my post would come off as lawyer bashing; I really should have emphasized the SOME part of it.