Equine ATTORNEYS! Seller refusing to release horse to shipper! UPDATE: Ransom refused

There is no record of OP having a sister at all. Meaning the only heartbroken daughter of the buyer is the OP herself.[/QUOTE]

:lol: Too funny. Well, that’s truthful, then. There will be a heartbroken daughter, she’ll just be a little older…

That link didn’t work for me, either.

btw, was going to post “Get your screen shots now because OP’s posts will be deleted/altered in 3…2…1…” but I see Post #1 as well as others have already been edited.

I wonder if the Lazy Eye pony is the head tilted pony that got shipped to NY. :lol:


[QUOTE=Anne FS;8542979]
I think soloudinhere’s point is that some attorneys make a very good living by making sure no case is ever black and white. ;)[/QUOTE]

None of the ones on this thread are making a dime from saying that here. So it seems like a bit of an irrelevant point.

The lawyers chiming in here are simply trying to correct numerous singificant misstatements of law made on this thread. Gratis.

Right. So the OP started this by saying that she wanted to file suit, and armchair laywers agreed with her - no surprise there. Then the other side of the story emerges (maybe) and maybe the seller has a counterclaim.[/QUOTE]

Fraud in the inducement is not a “counterclaim.” It is a potential reason a contract is voidable. HUGE difference.

And misstatements like this… are why some of us keep chiming in. Because a lot of legally incorrect statements are being made as though they’re fact.


Chillrider is one of the few houseguests I’ve ever liked. Because she or he has added important information to the thread instead of just defending one person or ripping another. Odyssey farm became an LLC in late 2014 with one Kristen Gulino as agent and manager.

That Chad Keenum has some great looking horses on his FB page!

OK so if I download the Palm Beach court website, and type in Kristen Gulino and Chad Keenum, will I find a lawsuit?

Too early for wine.

Yes you will. If you just enter Kristen Gulino you will find several pending and resolved lawsuits.

Thanks chill rider. Now what is her handle on Coth besides the OP one?


Danke schön

Yes you will. If you just enter Kristen Gulino you will find several pending and resolved lawsuits.[/QUOTE]

I tried the search and received a note stating “Sorry no results found…”

Sorry, try Kristin. Silverlight can be touchy.

Actually, it can be found with both. You need to change the search settings to “starts with” and enter K

You can find all the cases but not what they are actually for except for the driving w/o a legitimate license.


Too early for wine.[/QUOTE]

That is definitely not the COTH spirit we try to foster around here! But if you insist, there is popcorn being handed around.


Too early for wine.[/QUOTE]

Blasphemy. Field hunters would definitely disagree :wink:

[QUOTE=Anne FS;8543018]
:lol: Too funny. Well, that’s truthful, then. There will be a heartbroken daughter, she’ll just be a little older…

That link didn’t work for me, either.

btw, was going to post “Get your screen shots now because OP’s posts will be deleted/altered in 3…2…1…” but I see Post #1 as well as others have already been edited.[/QUOTE]

I’m waiting for a pocket sized copy of the Constitution from Hillsdale College to make an appearance on this thread. :smiley:

[QUOTE=Anne FS;8543172]
You can find all the cases but not what they are actually for except for the driving w/o a legitimate license.[/QUOTE]

You can read all resolved cases. The Keenum case is still pending. Between withdrawal of Atty for non-payment and avoiding process server, it is dragging along.

I come back today to check in, turns out there is no child (or it’s the OP).

And all the lawsuits…

Goodness! /munches popcorn

Too bad the pony does seem to exist, that would be a nice twist too.

What does “running golf carts” mean ?