Equine ATTORNEYS! Seller refusing to release horse to shipper! UPDATE: Ransom refused

I thought it was when they drove people around in golf carts, or perhaps rented/distributed them on the show grounds?

Iā€™m waiting for a pocket sized copy of the Constitution from Hillsdale College to make an appearance on this thread. :D[/QUOTE]


I wonder if the Lazy Eye pony is the head tilted pony that got shipped to NY. :lol:


I was thinking it was the pony that had flipped over in the cross ties:


If OP comes back maybe she can tell usā€¦

Posting for posterity, from the OP:

While I do agree with the analysis that many outside the horse world may come to, I also feel that this is not a situation where money is being asked to BUY some kid a horse as a luxury. This is a less fortunate child who wants a career, and a client who has put forth every effort and hard earned money to buy something. They have been wronged, stolen from, and it is going to pose a financial challenge to right it. We fully expected to go it alone, but I do think it would be an amazing thing for people to unite, whether merely in thoughts and jingles, or with any assistance one may wish to offer. We are grateful for either, but are not asking for anything.

I however have been the kid who has been wronged in the past time and time again, and not had anyone step in to help, even when they could. I lost a lot of faith in the world and people from those who would just stand by watching.

In fact, the OP is correct they were wronged and the pony belongs to them, but given that most of the story was twisted around to garner sympathy (and possibly raise money, unclear), I am feeling a little duped. I think the words above are probably her true feelings, however. I think she was heartbroken the deal of the century fell through when the seller backed out.

Iā€™m just happy the OP has decided not to buy anything else in SC.:lol: Donā€™t know if she went back and edited that out, but I remember reading it yesterday.

Doesnā€™t paint misbehaving live and work near Monckā€™s corner? Road trip, please to interview the seller and get the ponyā€™s side of the story as well.

We could all start a gofundme to raise the money to pay for gas and expenses for you.

My warmbloods have actually drunk mulled wine in the past. Not today though. A drunk warmblood is a surly warmblood.

Doesnā€™t paint misbehaving live and work near Monckā€™s corner? Road trip, please to interview the seller and get the ponyā€™s side of the story as well.

We could all start a gofundme to raise the money to pay for gas and expenses for you.

Oh, no, you donā€™t! :lol: Youā€™re not getting me involved in this! Moncks Corner is a hundred miles away from me, anyway. :smiley: That is one cute pony, though.

Please donā€™t make me go to Florida! I hear the bugs there are the size of pterodactyls!

Pass the popcorn and get your heels down for this ride.[/QUOTE]

this made me laugh right out loud. Funny stuff

[QUOTE=The Pony;8543397]
Please donā€™t make me go to Florida! I hear the bugs there are the size of pterodactyls![/QUOTE]

Warning: This must be The Pony from the other old thread. Because all the horses who live in the low country of SC know that the skeeters and biting sand gnats are around most of the year now. The pony involved in this transaction would probably love to flee the low country, but not to someone who wants to just flip her to make some money.

We all want to hear from the new pony. Was the Florida pony who was the subject of the other thread grey also? And a mare? Maybe this pony in SC is a sister or cousin of the Florida pony?

Nice to know though that the Pony from the old thread is still alive and well. And worrying about his or her relative in SC.

I was thinking it was the pony that had flipped over in the cross ties:


I knew it. You can always tell someoneā€™s sketchy if they use ā€œlungeā€ instead of ā€œlonge.ā€ [ducking]

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the woman who sold me the last horse I purchased. I did not go try her, the seller did not ask me to. I saw photos, talked to the owner, talked to the trainer, we agreed on a price, sent the money, arranged for a shipper. Done deal. I was happy (the mare was as stated), the seller has never contacted me to say she was unhappy.

I believe lots of people buy/sell/trade horses from different areas of this VERY large country w/o trying them. Especially when the price is ā€¦(cough) reasonable (cough).

[QUOTE=Anne FS;8543426]
I knew it. You can always tell someoneā€™s sketchy if they use ā€œlungeā€ instead of ā€œlonge.ā€ [ducking][/QUOTE]


this made me laugh right out loud. Funny stuff[/QUOTE]

Thanks! :smiley:

Chillrider is one of the few houseguests Iā€™ve ever liked. Because she or he has added important information to the thread instead of just defending one person or ripping another. Odyssey farm became an LLC in late 2014 with one Kristen Gulino as agent and manager.

That Chad Keenum has some great looking horses on his FB page!

OK so if I download the Palm Beach court website, and type in Kristen Gulino and Chad Keenum, will I find a lawsuit?

Too early for wine.[/QUOTE]

^ there is no such thing! :lol:

I did such a good job staying away from this thread for so long! My fellow lawyers, Iā€™m sad to see you chimed in with predictable results. As a lawyer, you canā€™t win on this kind of thread. Unless you just say, ā€œOMGGGG! Sue them real good because they are 100 percent wrong!ā€ or ā€œOMGGGG! YOU are so wrong!ā€ no one believes you. Itā€™s quite tough for people to grasp that most legal issues are not straightforward.

And if you admit that you are a lawyer but refuse to give advice on COTH, then you will be scolded for being a big meany who wonā€™t help out. Like me, for instance. Just a big meany.

Iā€™m every pony.

Whatever you want, whatever you need
Anything you want done, baby
Iā€™ll do it naturally
'Cause Iā€™m every pony (every pony)
Itā€™s all in me, itā€™s all in me, yeah!

Iā€™m every pony, itā€™s all in me
Anything you want done, baby, Iā€™ll do it naturally

Iā€™m every pony, itā€™s all in me
I can read your thoughts right now
Every one from A to Z, whoa whoa whoa, whoa whoa whoa

I can cast a spell, of secrets you can tell
Mix a special brew, put fire inside of you
Anytime you feel danger or fear
Then instantly I will appear 'cause

Iā€™m every pony, itā€™s all in me
Anything you want done, baby, Iā€™ll do it naturally
Whoa whoa whoa, whoa whoa whoa

I can sense your needs
Like rain unto the seeds
I can make a rhyme of confusion in your mind
And when it comes back to some good old-fashioned A circuit hunter jumper magic
Iā€™ve got it, Iā€™ve got it, Iā€™ve got it, got it, baby, 'cause

Iā€™m every pony, itā€™s all in me
Anything you want done, baby, Iā€™ll do it naturally

Iā€™m every pony, itā€™s all in me
I can read your thoughts right now
Every one from A to Z, whoa whoa whoa, whoa whoa whoa

I ainā€™t bragginā€™ 'cause I am the one
You just ask me, ooh, it shall be done
And donā€™t bother to compare, Iā€™ve got it
Whoa whoa whoa, whoa whoa whoa
Whoa whoa whoa [thatā€™s actually the rider there]

And all for a measley $2200! (lawyers fees may apply)

Right. So the OP started this by saying that she wanted to file suit, and armchair laywers agreed with her - no surprise there. Then the other side of the story emerges (maybe) and maybe the seller has a counterclaim. That sounds like a pretty typical contract dispute, and the only way to find the answer on any given day is to ask a judge, which is what the OP wanted to do in the first place.

I guess I donā€™t really consider someone random on the internet telling you that they agree with your position to be ā€œbad legal advice.ā€

My point wasnā€™t really about what lawyers charge or whether theyā€™re worth it, just that itā€™s probably not worth making any of this clear, so saying ā€œitā€™s unclear who is right!ā€ doesnā€™t really add much. The OP is also long gone at this point, unsurprisingly, since this has turned from aiding her vitriol to maybe not being quite what it seemed.[/QUOTE]

It is far more common for disputes to settle before a judge weighs in. And that is one way we attorneys can help our clients save some money, by negotiating settlement. In fact, most clients donā€™t want to pursue litigation all the way to judgment because that is expensive. So, in the end, it may not even matter who is ā€œrightā€ here but whether or not a resolution can be reached that both sides can live with. Which brings us back to the early pages of this thread where some people suggested maybe buyer should just take their money back and let it go.

How much fun would it have been if the OP had not ever posted, and just said ā€œoh darn that sale fell through, back to hunting the internet.ā€ None at all!