Equine ATTORNEYS! Seller refusing to release horse to shipper! UPDATE: Ransom refused

I think I would be wary of this purchase, I think it is the horse that gets a lot of post time here with multiple ailments.



That’s not the horse for sale, that’s the buyer.

[QUOTE=Anne FS;8553054]
That’s not the horse for sale, that’s the buyer.[/QUOTE]

She knows that. She’s saying “buyer beware” to anyone who is looking at that black horse because the ad doesn’t disclose any health issues and if it’s the horse discussed here in those threads, it’s actually had many.

Ahh, gotcha. Be wary of purchasing this horse in the pictures below.

I thought it was be wary of purchasing the horse this thread is about.

[just how many drinks did I have at the Blue Saddle Inn today?]

is it “legal” to out the buyer by posting links to the business?

Perhaps the buyer has already given out her identity, but I think it’s in very poor taste to post links vs PM-ing.

[QUOTE=Anne FS;8552338]
I have no idea who the parties involved are, and I’m sure many do not. Are photos of the pony still around?[/QUOTE]

I wanted to go back, but did not find it again. Cute Gray

I think the pony was pictured on the gofundme page, which is probably gone by now.

wasn’t going to post to this thread - but this post deserves recognition

Chateau de Trainwreck Tasting notes
Top notes of sanctimony, wrongfully accused and daughter’s tears (well aged)
Secondary bouquet of “If you can’t sway them with facts, baffle them with
Tertiary bouquet of ‘Old fashioned sour grapes’

Classic Chateau de Trainwreck, more complex than apparent at the beginning, flavors develop over time requiring repeated sampling to get to the bottom of the barrel. Suitable for anytime of day or night. Best paired with cheese, popcorn and painkillers for the inevitable headache

Score: 85[/QUOTE]

Review Score: 99.

is it “legal” to out the buyer by posting links to the business?

Perhaps the buyer has already given out her identity, but I think it’s in very poor taste to post links vs PM-ing.[/QUOTE]

The buyer outed herself when she posted the GFM page with her real name.

Chateau de Trainwreck Tasting notes
Top notes of sanctimony, wrongfully accused and daughter’s tears (well aged)
Secondary bouquet of “If you can’t sway them with facts, baffle them with
Tertiary bouquet of ‘Old fashioned sour grapes’

Classic Chateau de Trainwreck, more complex than apparent at the beginning, flavors develop over time requiring repeated sampling to get to the bottom of the barrel. Suitable for anytime of day or night. Best paired with cheese, popcorn and painkillers for the inevitable headache

Score: 85[/QUOTE]

Ok so will this go better with a sweeter red, or maybe a drier white wine?

I want to settle in to read this nuclear disaster, but don’t want to get off the couch part way through because wrong choice of Box 'O Wine. :winkgrin:

It was a cute grey pony that was posted on the gofundme page but also if you go to the fb page of the seller who gave her name in one post the pony is in a number of pictures. It looks like a much loved pony as well.

How were you able to figure out that all of these post are from the same person? I noticed the same user name in a couple of post but the others are different. I’m no computer genius that’s for sure!


Because people on here said that OP’s other name on COH is “Losgelassenheit,” so I just did a search for threads started by Losgelassenheit and saw that most of them were about sick horses, “mysterious ailments,” lamenesses, etc.

I think you just blew the cover on your alter


I think you just blew the cover on your alter

Who, me? I don’t have any alters.

I posted several pages back (post # 496) that a lot of the threads started by Losgelassenheit were about multiple health problems/lamenesses affecting horses in her barn.

I think the pony was pictured on the gofundme page, which is probably gone by now.[/QUOTE]

Ok, makes sense.

Does that mean its ok to directly link to her horse and business website in other posts? I’m not so sure it is a green light

Doesn’t matter, she’s gone now it seems. I’m not following the debate closely, some would say she started this thread so she deserves whatever she gets with the rest of it.

I know that I’ve decided not to do business with people base on their unprofessionalism online, so I’m amazed people would risk their reputation on these forums.

“Don’t buy OP’s horse” is a pretty strong statement
 I hope the facts back up that and it’s all true. Otherwise it’s pretty harsh and could really impact the business.

pepper asked chili a question. Anne responded in the first person. That seemed odd?!

pepper asked chili a question. Anne responded in the first person. That seemed odd?![/QUOTE]

It is but most of Annes posts are odd. She is not me. Promise.

I am spending the day at WEF, just went by Buyer at the office on my way to the rings. waves

pepper asked chili a question. Anne responded in the first person. That seemed odd?![/QUOTE]

Since you did not quote anybody and the post appeared directly under hers, the question is valid.

Since you did not quote anybody and the post appeared directly under hers, the question is valid.[/QUOTE]

there are rules to follow when posting on a trainwreck thread.