Equine ATTORNEYS! Seller refusing to release horse to shipper! UPDATE: Ransom refused

The second one is worth a read, only to shake your head about who would even leave horses in the circumstances described, for more money than was stated originally. I do feel bad for the victims but sheesh, the entire incident was so full of red flags from the beginning. I assume the second names are another alias?

Interesting plot twist
 I will be curious to see how this all ends. It is an important reminder of due diligence when selling a horse
 Once that agreement is made, it is very difficult to “void” the sale as mentioned in this link:


“Can someone email me, I could use some info on this lady who is trying to pick up my horse after I voided the sale. Which i am not letting happen. Email me at xxx”

My eyes hurt, I feel slightly nauseated, the guac is gone, the wine vat is empty, there are Peep shreds everywhere
now what?

Mini Eggs. The only solution now is Cadbury Mini Eggs.

Update on our OP:

Chad Keenum was awarded in his suit a judgement of $28,766.36 against Kristen Gulino/Kris Jenings.

My sources tell me criminal charges are being explored.

OK, I know this is pathetic, but I started reading this when it first was posted, then I quit. I cannot bear to read all of the other 30 pages. Can some very kind person please give me a synopsis- you know, the Cliff notes?


[QUOTE=ASB Stars;8619184]
OK, I know this is pathetic, but I started reading this when it first was posted, then I quit. I cannot bear to read all of the other 30 pages. Can some very kind person please give me a synopsis- you know, the Cliff notes?


Not on your life. You’re either in all, or all out. You’re either with us or against us. In for a penny, in for a pound

alright. I don’t really want to read it again either, but suffice it to say that

~OP posts that she has purchased a pony sight unseen a few states away, and seller is now refusing to release pony. OP is peesed and wants the pony. People tell her how to get her money back, OP makes it pretty clear she wants the pony.

~OP claims seller was a drunken mess upon shipper’s arrival at farm for pick up, says cops were called, says
a LOT Of things.

~Turns out, OP has lied to the seller, claiming that pony was for a lower income rider, and uses a name which turns out to be her mother’s name (or her MIL, can’t quite recall). Low ball offer on an already very low priced yet high quality pony is accepted on those grounds. Seller feels good about helping out an up and commer with a nice pony she’s started from a babe.

~Seller googles buyer after sale and finds a LOT of yucky stuff about buyer, involving fraud, lawsuits, stolen horses, starved horses etc etc etc. Seller backs out and refuses to send pony to OP.

~Seller posts here with her side of the story

~OP gets outed, it all pours out that she’s the lower income rider she’s talking about, sees giant dollar signs on very nice cheap pony and dreams of adding a few zeros to pony quickly, and then being carried around WEF on the shoulders of pony aficionados.


~Doesn’t quite all work out that way

~Houseguest or alter or just general good samaritan who likes anonymity keeps COTH updated with occasional news.

~Sensing the wreck starting to die down, someone accuses AnnFS of being said alter.

~Confusion ensues, but dies down when alter calls Ann weird, and Ann agrees. Margaritas are offered.

~Throw back joke to VIP shuttles, because that is apparently OP’s job at WEF
running folks around in golf carts.

I’m sure some is muddied in my memory, and I’ve probably left out some choice bits, but there’s the jist.

[QUOTE=Long Spot;8619701]
Not on your life. You’re either in all, or all out. You’re either with us or against us. In for a penny, in for a pound

alright. I don’t really want to read it again either, but suffice it to say that

~OP posts that she has purchased a pony sight unseen a few states away, and seller is now refusing to release pony. OP is peesed and wants the pony. People tell her how to get her money back, OP makes it pretty clear she wants the pony.

~OP claims seller was a drunken mess upon shipper’s arrival at farm for pick up, says cops were called, says
a LOT Of things.

~Turns out, OP has lied to the seller, claiming that pony was for a lower income rider, and uses a name which turns out to be her mother’s name (or her MIL, can’t quite recall). Low ball offer on an already very low priced yet high quality pony is accepted on those grounds. Seller feels good about helping out an up and commer with a nice pony she’s started from a babe.

~Seller googles buyer after sale and finds a LOT of yucky stuff about buyer, involving fraud, lawsuits, stolen horses, starved horses etc etc etc. Seller backs out and refuses to send pony to OP.

~Seller posts here with her side of the story

~OP gets outed, it all pours out that she’s the lower income rider she’s talking about, sees giant dollar signs on very nice cheap pony and dreams of adding a few zeros to pony quickly, and then being carried around WEF on the shoulders of pony aficionados.


~Doesn’t quite all work out that way

~Houseguest or alter or just general good samaritan who likes anonymity keeps COTH updated with occasional news.

~Sensing the wreck starting to die down, someone accuses AnnFS of being said alter.

~Confusion ensues, but dies down when alter calls Ann weird, and Ann agrees. Margaritas are offered.

~Throw back joke to VIP shuttles, because that is apparently OP’s job at WEF
running folks around in golf carts.

I’m sure some is muddied in my memory, and I’ve probably left out some choice bits, but there’s the jist.[/QUOTE]

Bless you. It is good to know that the horse world never changes. :lol:

And, we should all get together for those margaritas!

Is Ann really weird? Margaritas will prove it, one way or the other!! :lol:

Thanks so much!

Nah, lets just meet at Titos for a few margaritas and tacos. We can grab a ride from the VIP shuttle drivers. They will love that!!![/QUOTE]

I’m in!
I will even Tip the Shuttle Driver - horse 5,race 6, Belmont - cause am nice, maybe they can put any winnings toward legal fees. . .

[QUOTE=Long Spot;8619701]
Not on your life. You’re either in all, or all out. You’re either with us or against us. In for a penny, in for a pound

alright. I don’t really want to read it again either, but suffice it to say that

~OP posts that she has purchased a pony sight unseen a few states away, and seller is now refusing to release pony. OP is peesed and wants the pony. People tell her how to get her money back, OP makes it pretty clear she wants the pony.

~OP claims seller was a drunken mess upon shipper’s arrival at farm for pick up, says cops were called, says
a LOT Of things.

~Turns out, OP has lied to the seller, claiming that pony was for a lower income rider, and uses a name which turns out to be her mother’s name (or her MIL, can’t quite recall). Low ball offer on an already very low priced yet high quality pony is accepted on those grounds. Seller feels good about helping out an up and commer with a nice pony she’s started from a babe.

~Seller googles buyer after sale and finds a LOT of yucky stuff about buyer, involving fraud, lawsuits, stolen horses, starved horses etc etc etc. Seller backs out and refuses to send pony to OP.

~Seller posts here with her side of the story

~OP gets outed, it all pours out that she’s the lower income rider she’s talking about, sees giant dollar signs on very nice cheap pony and dreams of adding a few zeros to pony quickly, and then being carried around WEF on the shoulders of pony aficionados.


~Doesn’t quite all work out that way

~Houseguest or alter or just general good samaritan who likes anonymity keeps COTH updated with occasional news.

~Sensing the wreck starting to die down, someone accuses AnnFS of being said alter.

~Confusion ensues, but dies down when alter calls Ann weird, and Ann agrees. Margaritas are offered.

~Throw back joke to VIP shuttles, because that is apparently OP’s job at WEF
running folks around in golf carts.

I’m sure some is muddied in my memory, and I’ve probably left out some choice bits, but there’s the jist.[/QUOTE]

~ out, damn (long) spot ~ for I stopped reading/didn’t see the reference near the end of excellent Cliff notes to Shuttle Drivers before posting ^^^

grumble grumble grumble ~

No longer housebound, I, too, missed the middle of the story.
Thanks for the update, Long Spot
and for asking ASB. :wink:

I’m in!
I will even Tip the Shuttle Driver - horse 5,race 6, Belmont - cause am nice, maybe they can put any winnings toward legal fees. . .[/QUOTE]

I’m not so nice, I won’t tip this particular shuttle driver, but I WILL make sure to get my horse poopy boots all over their cart, complain loudly when they don’t get me where I need to be quickly (after talking on my cell phone for the entirety of the shuttle ride) and I’ll be sure they help me carry my junk too when I disembark, because I think that is exactly the kind of client they deserve after treating someone like they treated the pony seller and then coming here to tell the story.

Update on our OP:

Chad Keenum was awarded in his suit a judgement of $28,766.36 against Kristen Gulino/Kris Jenings.

My sources tell me criminal charges are being explored.[/QUOTE]

OK I DID read the whole entire thing as it was happening, and remember, well, the general flavor of the thing 

I remember who Kristen Gulino/Kris Jenings is, and the links.

But who is Chad Keenum? I thought the pony seller had another name. It’s wine-30 and I can’t remember the name and this haystack isn’t prime for a search. :wink:

 that was a good synopsis, but it left out that the pony seller may or may not be an upstanding citizen of the horse world. As many open questions on the seller side as the buyer side, as far as I am concerned.

I still want to know where the pony is now, and how and when it got there. In fact, everything since it left the seller’s farm - or if it never did. May the good Lord watch over that little pony. :slight_smile:

Someone please update as to who Chad Who Isn’t Left Hanging is!

Chad is a well known trainer/horse seller in VA. Apparently successfully proved in court that he was defrauded/owed money by OP in an unrelated transaction

Our OP could be in a sticky wicket if she has not accepted the return of the money from the sale of the pony. Per court order, she has to release financials for the past three years, including $ owed any why, and all assets.
If the transfer of $ was from her account, she will have to explain where the money came from since Pony seller states mother signed bill of sale. But if there is written proof pony was for buyers daughter, that would be OP.

I would imagine also that if Keenum doesn’t recover his $, he can always have her WEF pay garnished next season by court order.

psst, the expression is:On a sticky wicket :wink:

however, appreciate the updates

I’m confused about this . Regardless of who the true buyer was, the seller got her money and a signed contract , correct ? If that’s the case , then how can she LEGALLY refuse to let the pony go to the new owner ?

Search the thread for the posts about fraud.

I’m confused, I thought the phrase was “Batting with a sticky wicket”? A reference to Cricket, the bat is called a Wicket and trying to hit a ball (or whatever they play with) with a sticky bat is not going to get any desireable result.

I’m confused, I thought the phrase was “Batting with a sticky wicket”? A reference to Cricket, the bat is called a Wicket and trying to hit a ball (or whatever they play with) with a sticky bat is not going to get any desireable result.[/QUOTE]

No the wicket is the section of the field between the stumps which may be referred to as sticky if wet or soggy.