Favorite Classical Trainer Nick Peronace VS USDF Judging Standards

Ah, so you have a personal grudge against him and you have decided to work it out in this manner.

I am not defending NP.

And I am not the least bothered by your little darts.

They really are just more evidence proving how acrimonious so many of the posters on these threads are.


I havenā€™t seen any of that and have been able to verify everything that I have read. Because I did research all the accusations that I read. If I had come across anything that I thought was a fiction dreamed up to damage him, I would have been the first person to say so. I believe in questioning everything and looking for proof. Itā€™s time to visit my horse.


For starters there are the posts that state he is mentally ill, made for purely venomous reasons, on this thread.

But those who will not seeā€¦wonā€™t.

For me it really is just that this vendetta some hold against NP is poisoning a forum that use to be a well of good will and fellowship.


@csaper58, here ya go for good will and fellowship:


(especially the Cajun Navy and the mattress guy)



Use the other hand


Cajun Navy rocks the rivers lakes bayous and flooded streets !!!

Mattress Mack is a saint!!!


How charming. A post you can look back on and be proud of


LOL Ah, the history of the COTH board from its inception. Clearly here is yet another subject you are creatively expounding on with fervor, yet have entirely failed to research.


Did you not see the text she bolded?!


Yes I did.

When you keep claiming that everything said about NP is false, unproven, speculation, second- or third-hand rumour or just gossip - despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary - it really does seem like an attempt to defend NP. Surely you can understand how people get that impression?


Exactly. You donā€™t look at what he does or says for yourself, Csapar, and instead claim thereā€™s nothing to look at or research for yourself, so you can throw out accusations out to the four corners that what is being said about him is gossip and bullying. This makes you appear bitter and desperate to discredit everything people have had to experience at his hand. Marginalizing how his abuse has affected his victims, marginalizing the concerns and expose they attempt, and maraginalizing how his accusations affect well respected judges and how his lies affect well established trainers and riders makes it look like you are uncomfortable when predators are publically exposed. It makes what you say look like its all about you, because its clearly not about his victims or his abuses, to you. You arenā€™t even acknowleging them. You by your own admission wonā€™t research them or find out for yourself. Be honest with yourself about what you are doing, Csapar


I have experienced COTH as I described, without fervor, just fact. It is completely possible your experience with COTH has been different.

No where did I say anything about the history of COTH from itā€™s inception. Why do you feel the need to completely falsify a quote and attribute it to me? Why is it not possible for you to respond to what I have stated as written?

Pointing out that many [but not all] of the accusations against him are unsubstantiated, and many are simply rumor and gossip spread for their entertainment value is not the same as defending the subject of the gossip and rumor.

I trust intelligent thoughtful people will know the difference.


New posts appear about NP not because anyone is obsessed with him but because he keeps doing new and increasingly bizarre things, such as attacking respected judges and the entire sport to justify his poor performances at a couple of shows, or ramping up his advertising as a clinician, trainer and judge.

They do serve a valid purpose, showing that his delusional / fraudulent ways are far from a thing of the past, that he still refuses to learn from those more knowledgable than him (like judges), that he has still not acquired any knowledge, skill or understanding of dressage that would make him competetent as a clinician or trainer, and that he continues to misrepresent his qualifications to potential clients.


No, I said the history of COTH is something YOU have no concept of, when you talked about it like that. And Fervor is MY description of your obsession and accusations. You donā€™t know what COTH is, you have no clue how COTH was formed and its history, which has NOT been a la la supportive and happy place. It is KNOWN for criticism, challenging false assumptions and precious little tolerance for bull crap. COTH has always been a place to go to expose charlatans, to make changes in how disciplines are practiced and developed with horses, and its not an easy place to come to, and isnā€™t going to allow its self to be conformed to one personā€™s idea of what should or shouldnā€™t be said. If you donā€™t like the topic, why are you here? Clearely it isnā€™t because you care about Nickā€™s victims or abuses. When your FERVOR for discrediting well researched facts about Nick Peronace, it looks like you are afraid when people out abusers. COTH has never been a place for people to be nice about abusive practices and people.


Except the accusations ARE substantiated. They are NOT gossip and rumour. Read. The. Threads.


When those accusations ARE substantiated, and are NOT rumor, and NOT gossip, your obfuscating and refusal to read the substantiations make your obfuscation entirely the same thing as defending him. I know you get that. If you continue to stumble about the distinction, I can only conclude that you are being purposefully obtuse.


csaper - you have been defending NP all along here - only you seem to prefer to call it something else. All the actual evidence you have ordered and demanded is out there - but you refuse to acknowledge it. You are deliberating ignoring facts in favor of your own fiction.

You are the one in this thread seeking to keep the fire lit, insulting, provoking and taunting. I am not sure why you are on this fervent crusade - as none of the reasons you have cited seem to make sense when you have been posting in a way that does not contribute to that ā€œwell of good will and fellowshipā€ that you claim COTH should beā€¦

As far as blaming COTH for anything starting with NP, there were numerous mentions of him elsewhere long before he was even mentioned in passing on COTH. When I saw the first thread here on COTH about him, I had already heard about the Airs Above The Ground Master on another forum. News flash: COTH has never been all sunshine and rainbows and puppy dogs and sprinkles and sparkles. There are ups and downs, volatile threads, threads that address abuse, threads that expose dubious practices and threads where people unite to help someone outā€¦ there is good will and support and animosity and vehemence and dedication all at once. That is how forums workā€¦

I checked my inbox - nothing there from you. You apparently have no real wish to discuss anything. Why do you feel the need to completely twist peopleā€™s words and assign them motives that they do not have? Why is it okay for you to make demands and insult people - but if anyone disagrees they must be having a tantrum? Why are you suddenly the self-appointed posting police and newest moderator at COTH?


People in my zone post the same sort of drivel when they get bad scores they say the classes are rigged the judges are bought. I donā€™t see any of them being crucified on this forum.

Who cares if this one sad little man is deluded about his ability?

Who cares if he believes he is all that and a bag of chips, but he isnā€™t?

There is ample info on the web about this guyā€¦ if people want to be mislead by him that is their choice. Why do you feel the need to save them from their choice?

Why do you careā€¦soā€¦damnā€¦muchā€¦ about this dude?

Why make a man you consider a good for nothing nobody such a ā€˜cause celebreā€™ on this, a formerly well respected BB?

I think you are not really in touch with, or arenā€™t willing to share, your true motives when it comes to this person.