Really. As someone else pointed out, people including myself first, really ought to completely ignore her and just continue the discussion.
You can not know the history I have experienced that you have not.
You need to chill out, and ease off the caps
No they are not. you go read, most all the links are no longer active accept to other COTH threads, and other BB.
10 poster saying something is true is not clear evidence it is.
Did you make a bet with someone how many words beginning with O you can use in a post? I hope they pay up.
It may surprise you to know that many people reading these posts do not follow links, they merely read what is posted here. So any info not presented here can not be used to substantiate what must then be considered gossip and rumors.
Please share what all these âtrue motivesâ are. I will spare you some of the obvious comments you may make⊠letâs start with the fact that I am not grotesquely fat, sitting in my underwear in my parentâs basement staring at my computer which is my only connection to horsies - as NP would claim.
I am farm manager at a breeding and boarding farm in WA state. I have shown dressage and hunter. I have packed into the mountains. I throw a mean diamond hitch. I have ridden with hunts cross country - drag scent hunts with hounds and no actual foxes. I have extensive breeding experience - both AI and live cover. I am devoted to my broodmares and have foaled out about 150 mares over the years - give or take a few. I have started Standardbreds to cart and jogged them at the track. I have worked on the backstretch with TBs as well. I have been a groom at National shows for a variety of breeds and disciplines. I teach therapeutic riding lessons. There is probably more, but that should suffice to diffuse the usual claims of ignorance and jealousyâŠ
It may surprise you to know that many people reading these posts do follow links and will investigate/google things on their ownâŠ
NPâs own words/posts/comments/rants and the odd video that still exists are simply gossip and rumor? How on earth does that work or even make sense?
Meh⊠never mind.
I am stepping out of this never-ending little crusade of yours⊠carry on with the insults, jeers and sneers⊠too many edits at the end of a long, long dayâŠ
But they were active when they were first posted and we have seen them with our own eyes. That you refuse to believe them is your problem. It does not make the allegations any less substantiated.
Perhaps we should turn this around. What evidence do you have that they are not true? That we are all part of a multi-year conspiracy to fabricate crazy rants, lies and threats on multiple sites and create cringeworthy videos of someone who looks just like NP riding? Who do you believe created the âFat and Ugly Women Who Stalk Nick Peronaceâ Facebook page? Who faked the screenshots from that page in the threads which you apparently refuse to read?
You really need to stop saying the claims havenât been substantiated just because YOU havenât substantiated them. It just weakens your already shaky position that you arenât defending NP.
Why do you care so damn much that we care? So. Damn. Much.
Excellent point. I pledge to not get sidetracked by certain posters anymore, even the ones who call us stupid :lol:
Well, that is quite the resume, hope at least a little of it is true. I canât see you having time or energy to post so frequently here if it all is.
Step where ever your imagination takes you.
Itâs true that none of us are in the position to be able to give a clinical diagnosis. However, having dealt with several mentally ill people including my own father, I think sadly that is highly likely. I say sadly because mental illness is an awful thing to suffer from. His delusions of greatness and belief that the system is working against him are not something that a healthy mind comes up with. While the practical side of me is keen to make sure that people are not victims of his behaviour, I also strongly hope that he does become better. It would be so great if he could have a more balanced view of the world, if he treated people better and if he put in the hard yards to become the dressage person that he so clearly wants to be.
I have never met you nor do I know your true identity or intent, so I will believe what I see not what you tell me used to existâŠThat is not a problem for me.
Again with the Fat Ugly page. I begin to think that is the root of all this madness.
[B]Tell me, how many of the COTHers who continually post about NP have their own photos, or photos of friends, or family, on that page?
Are all these threads just to get back at him, or to try to make him take the page down?
Is this all just spite and vengeance?[/B]
Would your father appreciate having his mental state speculated about on a public forum? Would you?
Nothing justifies that low of an attack.
It is all true. I left out some things. So now you are also calling me a liar? Everything I said is over the course of the last 25 years or so. I was stupid enough to leave this window open on the computer and saw the new posts when I sat down⊠so am stupidly responding to you. Stupid me. Stupid old me with all my years of experience.
Post so frequently? That is amusing⊠look at my frigging post count since 2009. Not much there. You have posted far more than me in less time on COTH. I post in fits and starts here - and may not post at all for weeks - and then many times in a day. How nice of you to care so muchâŠ
As far as your wild theories about the Fat and Ugly page⊠NP was shamed into taking it down very quickly and then (of course) blamed it on a friend that supposedly did it. But then you would know that if you had even bothered to check out any of the evidence you were demanding⊠even I knew that and I have not bothered to follow
every twist and turn of NPâs ever changing tale.
Anyway, please excuse me - I have to go out to my imaginary barn and top up the imaginary water buckets for the imaginary horses and give one imaginary mare her imaginary medicationâŠ
And yet with all those horses you have time to post 8 times today?
Going to toss some hay while you are out there?
You know there is a little button that tells when you are still online or have logged off ?
You know that people leave their computers on and windows open and just walk away (what a concept) - even out to the barn - and can be away for a long time and yet the online button still glows as if one is perched at oneâs keyboard? Because that window is still open? The same thing happens with many websites⊠like Facebook etc.
I am always logged in to COTH. I am not always online, however. Two different things.
Once again I will ask you quietly that if you delight in going after me so much, stretching so very hard to find fault, calling me a liar etc., please take it to PMs.
My father is deceased. If he were alive, he would not have cared.
So your computer is logged in to COTH every minute of every hour of every day, 365 day of the year? My you are dedicated.
I am not âgoing after youâ, what a wild theory. I am only responding to you when you quote me or reference my posts.
I wonder if NP feels like folks here delight in going after him, stretching so very hard to find fault?
Just goes to show how different people are. I have dealt with family and clients who suffer from severe mental illness and one thing they all have in common is the intense dislike of being singled out, especially for public ridicule.
Letâs bring this back on topicâŠ
Someone suggested that the show grounds should ban him from participating in events there. Can they do that? Can the USDF or USEF ban him from showing? Can a private barn hosting a show keep him off the grounds? His crime is posting crap on a blog. I just donât see how that can happen without some kind of police report filed by the party in question.
What are you talking about? The fat / ugly page was taken down years ago, not long after NP started it. Of course you would know that already if you had read the threads and done the research.
When you wonât read the evidence thatâs there and wonât believe others who have, itâs very difficult to take you seriously.
You donât have to believe the claims have been substantiated, thatâs up to you. Your beliefs donât change the facts.