Had the internet and this BB existed at the time I had this experience, I would have researched him online and then known to stay far far away. As I stated in an earlier post, a thread like this would have saved me untold personal grief and financial loss.
At the time this happened the person was new to the area and everyone locally was thrilled with him at first.
After his true colors were shown, he moved again, half way across the country.
Before the internet and BBs, moving to a new location effectively gave someone a clean slate. Unless horsepeople in the new area knew someone in the old area to call and ask, there was no transfer of information.
You’re saying that this thread is destroying someone. I say it’s alerting others so they are not harmed.
Another important distinction is that his problem isn’t what people are saying about him, his problem is what he DOES and the clear evidence trail he leaves behind. He is the author of his own troubles. That people are talking about it is beside the point.
If this was just critiquing a struggling amateur, this thread would be hateful and inappropriate, exactly what you, Crockpot and csaper say it is. But that is absolutely not what this thread is about.
If NP or any other rider/trainer with whom you were not familiar showed up in your state and offered to teach a clinic at your barn and spun a very convincing tale, would you agree? Or would you check them out online? Would you invite them to teach the clinic after finding all this information online?