Favorite Classical Trainer Nick Peronace VS USDF Judging Standards

THe local GMO has banned a couple of people over the years for being consistently belligerent and rude to our volunteers. Now these are schooling shows, not recognized.

Will everyone who’s has tired of certain posters agree to NOT respond to them? You can elect to decline to wrestle a pig, I mean…it’s an option.


Originally posted by carolprudm View Post

IMHO there is a difference between complaining about the judges and saying the judges were corrupted

There’s this
GR702 Violations 1. A violation is any act prejudicial to the best interests of the Federation, including but not limited to the following: a. Violation of the rules of the Federation. b. Disqualification by a Licensed Competition. c. Penalization by an administrative agency, humane society or court of law for violation of Federation rules. d. Acting or inciting or permitting any other to act in a manner contrary to the rules of the Federation, or in a manner deemed improper, unethical, dishonest, unsportsmanlike or intemperate, or prejudicial to the best interests of the sport and the Federation. e. Any act committed or remark made in connection with the competition considered offensive and/or made with the intent to influence or cast aspersions on the character or integrity of the licensed officials, approaching a judge before or after a decision without first obtaining permission from the show committee or steward/technical delegate, inspecting a judge’s card without the judge’s permission, or public verbal abuse of competition officials.


GR914 Refusal of Entries 1. In addition to entries of persons suspended or expelled from the Federation, a Licensed Competition may refuse any entry of an exhibitor or the participation of any agent, trainer, rider, driver or handler who has shown an objectionable attitude or behavior at a Licensed Competition or towards its management, which management is able to substantiate, or previous unsportsmanlike behavior at a Licensed Competition which management is able to substantiate.

Very helpful. Thanks.

Or the old saw: “never argue with a fool. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

Love ya, smoo! :slight_smile: (and the others who also support you.)


You so owe me a new keyboard for this!
That needs a no food in mouth warning or something.

Hmmm…how to get chewed pretzel bits out of my keyboard…

@McGurk and @AltersAreUs thank you for your well written posts. I am sorry those things happened to you.


So how do you guys want to go about doing this? I can’t get to much before the weekend, but I happy to help.

To those that still don’t see why we care:

Nick has a violent side, he hates gays, (the judge Ulf is gay), he is mentally unstable and threatens vengange. He has access to guns and is proud of it.

Not someone I want around a show. Besides the fact he IMHO abuses his horse by taking an unfit horse through a 4th level test.

Am I making too much of it? I’m not so sure. He has done stuff IRL before.
Get it now?
(I didn’t want to go there, but the refusal to get with it made me connect the dots for Manni).

Actually I posted the comment then went back about a half hour later and added the relevant rules

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So what do you think its the best option here? Is anyone in PVDA? or should this be a central USEF issue?

With out making too much of a leap, we all know Nick thinks gays should be killed, one of the judges is gay, and Nick is very angry.

As I said, i know Ulf, I talked to Nick. My sense is he is BAD NEWS, whatever form it takes.

Yes, I am dead serious. Those who are playing around get off our lawn and let us get back to work!

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I took lessons from a person who did not like to show because she believed (as NP does) that the judges were a bunch of know-nothings. When I chose to show, I got NO support from said instructor. I was inexperienced at that time and used to old military types who could be pretty insulting. Took me a while to realize I had better options…

Too many beginners are dazzled by the smoke and mirrors that some “professionals” present. This is a useful thread – “Caveat Emptor”!


One other thing – if NP is not a member of any organization (PVDA, USDF, USEF) how can he be banned or sanctioned?


He is a member of the USDF.


GR914 Refusal of Entries 1. In addition to entries of persons suspended or expelled from the Federation, a Licensed Competition may refuse any entry of an exhibitor or the participation of any agent, trainer, rider, driver or handler who has shown an objectionable attitude or behavior at a Licensed Competition or towards its management, which management is able to substantiate, or previous unsportsmanlike behavior at a Licensed Competition which management is able to substantiate.


You can “ignore” people by going to your user settings. It’s under the “Account” tab, at the very bottom.

ETA – I’ve added csaper58 and Manni01 to my ignore list, but I can still see their posts. So much for that.


I thought I remembered something like this. Thanks, Carol

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If you go to the help section of the forum there are discussion about it.
The short (and not at all technical) answer is that this new format the ignore function does not work because of something to do with the software.

That explains why I can still see their posts. Grr… And here I’d thought I’d figured out how to block them.


In fact yes I would google him. But if I would find thread like this about him, then I would probably get curious… Remember one of my credos is, never go with a crowd bullying somebody… He is not somebody I would use for lessons because I have very specific ideas what I look for in a trainer, and he doesn’t check one box anyhow, so I don’t think I would be ever tempted. The only reason I would watch a clinic with him would be because of these threads. Because I like to see with my own eyes. I never trust anything written…

When I looked for stud dogs for my litter, I found some amazing dogs in the internet… Beautiful dogs with great performance and so on. When I saw them in person (or in dog) I was totally disappointed… Internet is not very trustable.
We had a Boarding facility close to where I lived in Germany. They had an amazing website… But the facility was really crap. Nobody from the area used them. But people with expensive cars brought their horses there from all over in Germany… I guess they googled the facility…

so the sole reason for this thread is to bash somebody??? Other opinions are not wanted??? Ok…

If you are Bucks County/ the show grounds who hosts the shows he goes to… how do you get judges to come judge if you allow this … person… to malign them and the scores you earned [while demonstrating therein a very clear lack of understanding of how scores are arrived at and how placings happen, all while claiming to be a holier than thou professional, no less]
If I was a show ground he frequents, I would take a hard stance against this kind of libel towards judges who bring their valuable and well earned time and expertise to benefit our venue and members. Lest those judges decide that traveling to judge at my venue is not worth the effort, considering a member is allowed to keep competing there while being a baby about low scores they clearly earned.


There is certainly something to be said for wanting to see it with your own eyes. If he was in the area, I would certainly check it out (assuming it was free to audit). I’ve certainly been let down by what you see online that looks good. It’s rarer, though not impossible, to experience the reverse: that a multitude of people stating similar complaints about a business or person are all wrong, so in those cases I’m more inclined to listen to the crowd.

For anything as serious as who would be training my horse or myself, I would never jump in without researching, as I’m sure most would do. That includes online research, visiting the farms of any contenders, watching them teach, and then trying a lesson.


I will not respond to the ignorant tolls who are promoting a culture of tolerating evil people and hate messages. That is unacceptable to me.