Favorite Classical Trainer Nick Peronace VS USDF Judging Standards

There comes a point though, that you don’t need to see actual flames to admit that the smoke indicates there is a fire.

I mean, even just smoke will kill you… even if this person ‘just’ has many people riled up with his own words and attacks on professionals [RD, CD, etc], all easily found online if one bothers to look, I would steer clear of a trainer with a reputation like that, personally.



As far as stretching to find fault with what NP has done in the past, there is no stretching needed when he has posted all over forums and FB, cold called barns to offer his amazing services and then gotten abrasive and verbally abusive when his awesome services were rejected… and other antics. He put himself out there as the standard of “lightness” in dressage and a dressage expert and trashed anyone with legit questions and concerns. Hoist by his own petard many times over. His own doing.

A while back, I posted on FB with my real name on a page that was discussing his latest uproar to say that it was obvious that he loved dressage… and that maybe he should just enjoy it. Just ride his horse. Improve his skills. Take lessons - you are never good enough to not take lessons and benefit from an extra pair of eyes and more expertise. I suggested that he not take on everyone and anyone who failed to see him as the great master of Airs Above The Ground or disagreed with his rather accelerated method of getting a horse from nothing to Grand Prix in next to no time. Just enjoy your horse and your own riding. I also suggested that he not keep advertising that he can fix “problem horses”… I said he likely would get badly hurt by a confirmed explosive bucker/bolter/rearer or a troubled, aggressive horse. Someone else chimed in and said he would deserve that. I said no, no one deserves that and I would not wish that on anyone…

And that concern got me blocked on FB by NP… which I found out by accident when all his posts had disappeared from another discussion. They were still there (for a while, anyway) - I just could not see them due to being blocked. Concern and quiet suggestions - not allowed. And I was using my real name - not “hiding”.


Oh I agree for sure! I did state that when a group of people all have similar complaints, I’m going to listen. I assume there’s fire.

In this case, I’ve watched these threads unfold, seen the posts and videos in real time, and know there’s fire. Yes much has been taken down by NP. But the many many people on all of these threads (not just this one) who repeat the same general impression of NP should be enough smoke to convince others there’s fire. Anyone who wants to see the fire for themselves certainly can peruse prior threads - many users have stated that they have downloaded copies of the videos posted (because NP has since removed his rants or examples of his riding), or screenshots of his posts on his blog or Facebook, and are willing to share if someone wants to PM them for the proof in question. (Admittedly, in the earliest of posts on NP, links were shared rather than screenshots because posters were unaware of his tendency to quickly delete his rants, and those no longer work.)

Now, back to your regularly-scheduled discussion of the possible ways that farms or USDF/USEF can have an impact on how NP has been treating our judges…


Its not just a little smoke, it’s Hell.


No one is promoting a culture of tolerating evil and hate.

I am promoting not making a ‘cause celebre’ out of a man who will quickly go the way of the Dodo Bird if ignored.

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yes, agree.

A letter to USEF? A petition? what is a good solution? I’m happy to help, but where to start?


you aren’t keeping up, are you?

You posted her more than probably most of us, adding oh 4-5 NEW PAGES since yesterday. Nice job to keep him off the front page :slight_smile:

you are defending a hate filled tyrant.

No, he keeps coming back, for at least 5 years that I have been following him.

He is the one writing this letter, he is the one making Fat and Ugly pages. He is the one posting on FB and getting nasty. He brags about his guns.

I just don’t think people deserve to be put up online and mocked for being fat/ugly, or got being gay.

I would not put it past him to threaten harm in real life. He’s that kind of deranged guy.


I think you’re giving judges too little credit. One guy with a lousy reputation talking sh*t on the internet, claiming judges are dirty is unlikely to make judges avoid a show area.


Ulf is a national judge, meaning is covers way more than PA. I think he will stay plenty busy :slight_smile:

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Meh, when there are lots of other clubs and show venues to choose from, even in that same state, as he’s a national judge?
I would choose the venue where some baby is not suggesting collusion of a judge with internet trolls… or crying about his well earned super low scores.

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I find it odd that someone who posts so seldom, (unless there is a NP thread) would be connected to this site…always.

Okay, you beg me to stop responding to you… and yet you continue to quote and bait me to respond… and then try to play the victim of my responses… this is Total Troll Behavior.

I will not respond to you if you do not quote or reference me.

Being logged on 24/7/365 may not safe for your computer, but that’s your choice to make.

SendenHorse is doing such a fine job putting this troll in its place that I feel like I can kick my feet up a little :slight_smile:

I echo Senden’s assertion that Csaper58 is promoting hate - again, by defending this disgusting little man you are normalizing his homophobia, threats and appearance-based bullying of riders. You can keep stroking yourself over what a fair and balanced little devil’s advocate you’ve been here, but the reality is you are providing aid and support to the above behaviors.


He doesn’t keep coming up, poster keep bringing him up by starting threads like this to whine about what a pestilence he is and why can’t he just go away.

Again with the Fat Ugly Page? You really can’t let go of that,

The more you try to revile him the worse it reflects on you.

We all agree he is a first class p*tz but the way you go overboard about it is just as creepy as you say his behavior is.

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…and preventing us from finding solutions.

Shame on you, really

So what are we all going to do? does anyone have any comments? I asked three times, can we get in gear here? :slight_smile:


Now you are just being willfully ignorant.

And you keep posting, just go away. You seem to be both wanting him to go away just post every other post. It helps us keep it fresh, so THANKS! :slight_smile:


I did not beg you for anything - that is… a rather odd comment. I suggested and asked that we have a private conversation on PMs so as not to clog the thread. That is not playing the “victim”. It is actually proper forum protocol.

I am not “baiting” - nor am I a troll.

I have posted many times in many other threads in the past - this one is just going strong at the moment - I am not sure why you care where and how I post.

As I already explained, always being logged on to a site like COTH or Facebook does not mean you are always online. It just means you do not have to enter passwords again when you come back online. You can be logged into COTH and yet be offline and your computer can be turned off.


We do have to be careful providing screen shots versus links - there may be copyright infringement issues. The question raised by the rules is: what is considered “able to be substantiated”? If he yells at the show secretary and there are no witnesses, is that proof?

I totally agree,

And I don’t think the judges, or the other trainers he has maligned appreciate a posse, or internet ‘beehive’ turning a non-issue into a BB slam fest.

I don’t think any of the professionals involved want that,

I think they and the governing body would prefer to deal with NP quickly and quietly.

“The more you try to revile him the worse it reflects on you.”

^Well that’s a rich thing to say. The more you try to support him the worse it reflects on you.


If there are lovely horses and good riders showing, most judges can over look a bothersome fly.