Favorite Classical Trainer Nick Peronace VS USDF Judging Standards

The more he shows and gets poor scores, the more clothes are donned by the Emporer. Let the show go on!

Also, you can’t worry too much about the fact he has ‘followers’. Someone posted a video of a horse rescue this week, and many said “OMG she’s so happy, she’s crying!” When I gently said that ‘yes, horses are complicated and emotional yes, but no, they don’t cry’ you’d have thought I threw a baby into the firepit. I was called every name under the sun, the least of which was ‘heartless hater!!’

Passion is not indicative of knowledge, and you just can’t worry that much about the ignorant. They will or won’t learn when they are curious and ready, and not before.


I have reported unprofessional behaviour in writing, documenting the facts only, and my testimony served as evidence in termination of employment. Nothing would stop a show secretary’s testimony from serving in the same capacity.


Isn’t just not caring what he does an option too??


That is rich, considering the source.

What solution is possible, when the problem, for so many here, is that this person exists.

And that they can’t abide the thought of simply ignoring him and letting him fizzle out like the dud he is.


This is something show secretaries should be trained to do.

Ok, I didn’t want to go there, but since you can not connect the dots and remain ignorant.

The problem is Nick’s hatred, Ulf is gay. Nick says all gays should be killed AND he is a violent person. Nick has a personal vendetta against the judges at that show. Nick brags about his guns…he has done stuff at shows before.

It might be nothing…but…in this climate hatred is getting people killed. I’d like to say I’m over-reacting but who knows.

THAT is why I care, you don’t have to stand up against hate. I will be happy to.

Every sport has rules. Every sport has expectations of its participants. Heck, even MMA has rules and those guys beat the crap out of each other on purpose.

This isn’t just about NP; he just happens to be a very, very good example of how to exhibit poor sportsmanship. He’s also a very good example of breaking the rules without getting caught (entering as an AA, etc).

It kind of cracks me up that in Eventing and H/J it’s common for the masses to get really spun up by people that use medications that won’t test, but break “the spirt of the rule”, and here we have someone ACTIVELY breaking actual rules but the people calling him out are called bullies.

Accusing a judge of corruption and taking side deals prior to a competition is a pretty serious infarction. It wouldn’t matter if it was NP or Joe Nobody, keeping the sport credible is everyone’s job.

There have been several Eventers (and one to their mothers, believe it or not) given yellow cards for being less than courteous to an official. I don’t see how this should be any different.

ETA: The ignore feature on COTH may not work, but I have discovered that my internally installed ignore button works quite well :wink:


You think it is all innocent casper, but it’s a bad mix of guns, hatred, a vendetta, ego, ant-gay rhetoric (the judge Ulf is gay), and violence.

Think it’s all no big deal?

I had to deal with this in my own life, a violent person full of hate who made threats to my family. I suggest you might re-think your position. (nothing to do with horses)

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Casper, you do realize that Ulf the judge is gay, right? And Nick thinks they should be killed and die…

Taking any competitor to task for an infraction of the rules is as you say important to the credibility of the sport.

Dressage seems to want to be a credible sport.

Have you stopped to wonder why the show and the governing body of the sport did not sanction NP for the infractions reported here?

I don’t think they are afraid of him, I don’t think they are turning a blind eye to him, I don’t think they are unaware of what happened.

What else is left?

Did he find a loop hole to exploit, and although completely smarmy, he is not technically guilty of anything?

it’s pretty clear you don’t exactly understand how things unfolded in any of this, let alone the show itself.


I am confident Ulf Wadeborn can handle the likes of NP.

What NP thinks about many things is sick. But this is America and people are free to think their sick thoughts.

Actual hate speech and hate crimes are the jurisdiction of the police and federal authorities not COTH

I think people should put NP on their ‘ignore lists’ and watch [out of the sides of their eyes] as he flames out.

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The rules are very clear and easy to understand.

What is also clear is that some folk can’t believe the authorities tasked with up holding the rules of a sport or the laws of the land can do the job with out them.

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Csapar, will you PLEASE stop spamming this thread?




Seriously, just ignore the noise. He/she will keep going because they’re getting a reaction and they managed to divert, what, 10 pages out of 17 with that “show me the proof, nope, not reading it, show me the proof” approach.

Whether they’re saying some sensible or not, at this point you can’t assume they are trying to have a conversation in good faith. They’ve shown repeatedly that they just want to waste people’s time and divert the subject.

Just scroll on past, do not stop to read, do not hit reply. It’s not like the forum will run out of room even if Csapar posts three things for everyone else’s one.

Once you gain the internal ignore button, you’ll be much happier.


I doubt the shows would thank you for getting a competitor banned. Competitors are what pay the bills.
We judges have pretty tough hides and are perfectly able to call em like we see em.

I also don’t believe any one of us want to give poor scores. We are rooting for the competitor to show us what they have. That being said, it is unfair to the other competitors to give away points to ill-prepared rides and judge on a ‘curve’. It is fun at dinner to say 'what a lovely, well prepared ride I saw at third level today. The horse was happy, engaged, fluid and exactly what I wanted to see. I was able to give a 10 for _____ ’ Nobody wants to give 0,1,2,3… If you get one of those numbers the movement was some variation of BAD.

Also, as an FYI, to be able to show a Freestyle in a recognized competition, the competitor must submit a test ridden at a recognized competition that earned a 60% or better at the highest test of the level of the freestyle or at ANY test above that level with that horse.


Re: bolded, you’re right. Some people literally can’t believe that, and want to work to change that.

“See something, say something.” Or better yet, video it.

Have you read this thread in the Eventing Forum? It is 22 plus pages, but it is right there available live in the link. If it isn’t too much trouble for you to click on it. Or, just look in the Eventing Forum for a 22 page thread with recent posts. Then you don’t have to rely on a <<gasp>> link.



Alters, lol thanks


Why would that thread be of interest to me?

I do think it is great that the eventers keep all the complaints about that trainer consolidated in one easy to find thread with the persons name in the title.

ETA yes I agree, See something, say something.

I just think you should say it to the proper authority, not yammer on about it on an internet BB.