She’s being advertised as ready for FEI so she has less than zero chance of being sold.
Thats one of your more impressive posts… interesting how you can turn around things in order to justify wrong actions…
Well in the videos which I saw, I saw a horse well worth 15000…Somebody who can evaluate a horse is not interested in the description of the seller (who is exaggerating most of the time anyhow) but in the horse… And if the horse is sound , I think you can do a lot worse for 15000
The fact that she’s only $15k is enough to let any serious buyer know she is clearly not ready for FEI levels
I was shopping for younger, sound, sane with a change and that price is reasonable for that horse assuming she passes a vet. We looked at 10 just like her before settling on the one we bought. FEI level? Then her price would be tripled at a minimum.
The horse used to be an up-downer lesson horse, before Nick bought her. She started becoming dangerous and couldn’t be used for that any more. She was refusing jumps, and its obvious she has an SI problem. She is sensitive yet tolerant, toleterant enough to let Nick trot around cutting corners and giving a half lead change a couple times a week, but she won’t tolerate contact - has gone up with him at least once, and probably several times. The horse’s soundness is very doubtful. She isn’t anywhere NEAR a 15k horse, is NOT sound, and with no basic low level training there is nothing to commend her for 15k. Maybe you should take her and sell her for Nick, Manni, since you don’t seem to see any of those problems, you probably could sell her with ablomb.
And a whole lot better! FIFTEEN THOUSAND for a training level TB. YIKES!
If you read my post, I said " if she is sound" which a PPE will show. I do not have that impressive background information as you do and I would assume those things you are talking about would show up already at a testride. But the videos looked pretty good (especially the last ones) for a horse with all those problems…
I think her price is somewhat irrelevant, given his odd sales strategy to “vet” the buyer. I certainly wouldn’t go look at a horse after the seller demands a video of my riding, and then goes into a bizarre email rant. There are plenty of average all-rounder horses available that don’t involve interacting with such a person.
Yup. Pretty sure that kind of crazy is going to turn off a whole lot more potential buyers than any thread on a bulletin board
But I will add that a quickie search on produced several pages of horses that would give more bang for the buck.
Maybe in FL, but in this area TBs are pretty cheap unless they have a solid show record-- especially for dressage. If she was consistently in the 60s at 3rd, or could pack someone around at 3’ hunters/ Novice eventing it would be different.
TBs like this are 5K IMHO, and not FEI material.
Have you purchased a horse in the US? Even if someone showed up and wasn’t upset to not find a 15K FEI horse she isn’t worth 15,000 for what she is and the lack of record.
I think she looks sound in the videos.
This horse has never ever been seen doing a clean change, either on video or in photos. Unless you count her hunter o/f lead swaps on her sales video from over a year ago, which were maybe 50/50 clean. For over a year, he still cannot tell clean from late from the saddle, video or a photo. This photo from May is the second time he has showcased her late changes, which he has said he works on every day. [ATTACH=JSON]{“alt”:“Click image for larger version Name: Screenshot_20170804-043553.jpg Views: 2 Size: 12.2 KB ID: 9859270”,“data-align”:“none”,“data-attachmentid”:“9859270”,“data-size”:“full”}[/ATTACH]
You are all doing an amazing job to kill any interest in her. Great job and keep on doing it, it proves exactly how nice you all are… I hope she finds a nice new owner. sounds like she had a rough life in the past…
I agree. And her soundness isn’t a limp - its her SI and movment and the way she carries her hip and and a weak stifle. She needs a good vet check, a chiropracter, some feed and care. I am not so sure an assessment of her would encourage anyone to ask her to “sit” and use her hind end. She needs love and care.
Well she can’t win anything or get a good dressage score because she has no dressage training. And as for jumping, she doesn’t jump any more. Not that she would jump if asked, its that she won’t jump if asked. She never was 3 feet, and stopped jumping which is why she was sold off for 4k to Nick. Its pretty clear there is something going on with her SI and a horse which jumps for a long time well then stops is very likely in pain. Her former owner sold her because she could no long er jump.
I know a few people willing to buy her for her original purchase price, myself included. Considering that she’s a year+ older and has been ridden incorrectly that whole time, I think that’s a fair price.
That makes sense.