Turning pro
Jun. 18, 2017, 07:28 AM
it is probably a stupid thought but I have too many horses and I don’t want to sell them and they are all extremly well trained and so I thought about leasing them out. (On property) now I run into the problem that people want to lease them and take lessons from me. Now my question is it worth turning pro?? I have no problem riding in the open class but I don’t want to switch and find out afterwards it’s not worth it… I think it’s ridiculous for an elderly woman who has riding as her hobby to turn pro :(. So your thoughts are there any financial advantages to turn pro?? For me it would be the advantage to know that my horses are ridden well. But I am scared about the pro rules in the US and I dont see any reasons to give my knowledge which I worked hard for away for free Thank you!
I am very confused why you have said you would rather euthanize one of your beloved, healthy and happy horses then re-home it.
How is this even an option??
-Dressage Stryder
I tried to free lease the pony into a program. Unfortunately she is not a hunter at all. she is a hot little jumper and no program wants a hot little jumper… So not an option… And no I am not willing to free lease a 3rd or 4th level Dressagehorse into a program… Why should I do that??? I prefer to get ribbons myself…
Did you want truthful answers or just ego stroking? Because if you just want ego stroking… say so in the beginning.
You say you don’t have enough time as it is. Giving lessons is ADDING ANOTHER JOB. If this is your solution, it would be the first time that someone who was short on time solved the problem by taking on additional time commitments. Be realistic!!!
The solution to more horses than time is to cut down on horses. You don’t want to do that. You have a million excuses. Fine. But you’re the one who says you don’t have the energy to eat at the end of the day. Do you want us to tell you “ooh you’ll be a great teacher?” or tell you the truth-- taking on lesson students won’t solve the problem you articulated.
I do feel bad for you because you seem overwhelmed, but it also appears that these are problems of your own making and that if you were able to let go of your rigidity/stubbornness-- you might be able to improve things. But I can’t convince you of that when you’re bound and determined to be right at all costs and to have it your way or the highway. Something has to give at some point. Wouldn’t it be better to be your ego than your back? Only you can decide…
There are many many good horsewomen on COTH who would take just as good care of your horses as you think you do. I could name at least 10 off the top of my head. While you may not consider someone who is considerate of her horse as being a good home, to say you are THE ONLY ONE who can do it is both arrogant and ridiculous.
Pocket Pony
Manni, if you don’t want to teach lessons than you don’t have to worry about turning pro!
Lady J