Favorite Classical Trainer Nick Peronace VS USDF Judging Standards

Funny story:

Decades ago I lived on a strange and small island where equestrian sport was not exactly…well developed. We loved our horses and did our best with very limited coaching and knowledge. There was literally not a warmblood on the island at the time. We mostly rode a mix of draft crosses, TBs, QHs and crosses, with a healthy dose of off the track Standardbreds thrown in for good measure.

One year the national powers that be sent a Big City clinician down to our little backwoods place to host a “talent identification” clinic, to see if any of us might show enough potential to be selected to move to the mainland and receive professional coaching.

Day 1 of the clinic I rode my own horse, a very pretty QH / TB cross who at the time was 4 years old and almost as clueless as I was. This terrifying tiny woman ridiculed all our horses in her strong German accent and said we all had no hope of ever “doing dressage” unless we rode warmbloods, and there was little point in trying with our ragtag group of mounts. (And silly me, I had read lots of books and believed that the point of dressage was to teach ANY horse and rider to go in harmony together).

Her words truly demoralizing for all of us as we loved our horses and they were the best we access to at the time, given location and budgets. None of us had any aspirations of riding them to FEI levels or on national teams - we just wanted to learn the basics and improve year after year. Ignorance was bliss I guess because until she told us, we didn’t think there was anything wrong with our horses.

Not surprisingly, my young, inverted, confused horse gave me a very tough ride that day but she must have seen something she liked, because she asked me to ride again the second day, but on a horse with more training. I borrowed a friend’s handsome black jumper gelding (who I had never ridden before), threw my dressage tack on him and away we went. This sweetheart gave me the ride of my life, saying yes to everything asked of him. At the end of the session the clinician gathered everyone around and said:

“See this? This is the kind of horse you need to do dressage. None of you can hope to improve if you keep riding these horses not designed for dressage. You must have a warmblood, as you can see from how well this horse and rider did today.” She turned to me and said “Tell us about this horse’s bloodlines dear.”

Seeing the look on her face when I told her he was a Registered Quarter Horse was the best part of that whole clinic :lol:


Maybe that will teach you a lesson (although I don’t think so). Stalking somebody in the internet does you not always give you accurate Information :slight_smile: :). Didn’t you mention you used to be a scientist??? Then you should really try to base your phantasies on more reliable facts :slight_smile:

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is you name Nick? No? Oh, so this isn’t about you, and Nick would be horrified you keep stealing his spotlight, so…

Ok, back to the topic.

what does everyone want to do about this letter? any ideas?

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Funny to me that you find this objectionable, considering the posts you’ve made about another poster yourself, right in this very same thread. Are those stalking too, or am I confused? If I didn’t know better I would think this was a case of “can dish it out, but can’t take it”. :wink:


You’re delusional.


Do I have a stalker? how fun! I have to give back my PROUD STALKER button (sad)

I really just want her to shut up, this is a serious topic to me, and I really do want to help the judges.


I think it’s sad that threads like this can continue :(…

I know it’s fun to trash people especially if you are a group and the trashed person is alone… (and I am talking about NP). But to turn these thread into personal attacks against other posters with a different opionion is even lower :(. It’s amazing that my already low expectations about some posters can always be topped :(.

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Someone with a horse who showed who questioned scores and horses soundness… I forget. I REALLY try to ignore certain, shall remain nameless posters but there comes a point where their childish “I know your are, but what am I” needs to be called out.

eta see post above as a fine example of that which I describe.


What letter? Sorry, I missed that. If it’s about getting NP banned from shows thats not something I support, even if there were grounds to do so (which I doubt). The more he shows and gets feedback from qualified judges, the better IMO. If it’s about his accusations of corruption against judges, that’s up to the judges if they want to ignore or take action.


Trolling posters who are TRYING to discuss the topic is against the rules of this board. Hopefully your sole intent to harrass the other posters on this topic will stop. Please.


Agreed. The more he is out there the more people will see his lack of skills. And as tempting as getting him banned might be it would only further his persecution complex.

I do however think there would be grounds for sanctioning him in his assertions that the judges have been corrupted. See the rules I posted earlier.


The blog post which started this thread.

I never said anything about him being banned, others did. I don’t know the best course of action, which is why I have been asking for feedback.

We need to encourage and support the good judges, it will help everyone and the sport as a whole.


Manni, hopefully you can meet Ulf yourself, and see why some of us are heartbroken at these (false) accusations and why I am very hopeful there is no fallout from this.

SHAME ON YOU for being selfish and taking this over as your own. This is a serious issue, not your plaything.

Well if the sole purpose of a thread is to trash a person or now even the horse I cannot imagine that everybody is forced to close their eyes and let it happen…

OMG what happened?? It sounds serious…


I don’t think he should be banned either. Let him keep failing publicly. He’ll either get a clue (not likely), or it’s more public evidence to his incompetency which might help warn off potential “clients.”

I don’t know what kind of letter or petition you wish to start, SendenHorse. He never named any of the judges by name, and I’m not sure what could be done apart from banning him, which many here don’t think is a positive move. And although I completely respect Ulf, his Facebook post about NP’s ride was tasteless and unprofessional.


Apache as in the KWPN Apache?

Yes, that one. Whenever I think of “a famous stallion with a notoriously terrible temperament” he’s the one that comes to mind.

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While I find NP to be delusional, [edit] lacking understanding of the sport, lacking the ability to correctly develop a horse, and did I say delusional, I think the idea of trying to do a “letter” goes too far.

What kind of letter do you want to write, and to whom? What does that say about you and how would that make you look? Do you have any actual first-hand experience with him (not online, but in person/face-to-face) where you witnessed specific bad behavior that is of note? Again, not some ranting on his already “this makes me look like a poor sport” blog, but an actual incident at a show grounds that would be grounds for banning?

Surely his reputation precedes him at this point. I would think TPTB in his local association are well aware of who he is, what he spouts off, and how they’d like to handle him. Plenty of people name plenty of judges or trainers whom they don’t like or feel wronged by or consider abusive. He does have the freedom of speech. His ranting only makes him look stupid.

I have read every single thread about him that has appeared on here, and followed links to other things he’s written. I have sat back and watched and been entertained by the trainwrecks. I know who he is, what he has done, what kind of person he is, lest anyone jump on me to say I’m defending him. I’m not.

I’m just saying that coming together to write a letter is a step further than having multiple 20+ page discussions about him. I think having these conversations is enough. Google his name and you’ll get any one of the plethora of threads or discussions about him. Certainly judges, organizers, secretaries whoever wants to know about him will find what they need to by a simple Google search.

NP is not the only person in the horse industry, owner or trainer, who is [edit]. I’ve witnessed trainers who abusively yell at their clients all the time, trainers who have scammed so many people that they end up skipping town to go to the next place (sigh, before the days of Google), trainers who will pick up a needle that’s laying on the side of the arena and stick a horse right before my very eyes (as a visitor, even!), owners who do or don’t do all sorts of things that are not in the best interests of their horse. Then of course there’s all the second-hand information that I learned over the years as well. I would have loved to tattle on those people, but to whom and to what end?

I understand wanting to warn people away from him. The more you know, the better decisions you can make. I’m sure each of us can speak to an experience where we were involved with the wrong horse professional at one point in our lives. Unfortunately it is part of the industry and teaches one an important lesson. If someone Googles his name to find out about him, they’ll have plenty of material for hours of reading.

Yes, he’s insulted RD, Ulf, CdJ, the other judges he didn’t name, other training techniques, other people, etc. But these people have spoken out about him on their own (well, I don’t know about CdJ, she’s probably not aware of how much he hates her, nor do I imagine her caring). LL spoke out about him, didn’t she? DaD made a statement, did they not? Ulf commented on the test, it sounds like (I’m not on FB so I didn’t see it). It is not up to us to be the Team COTH, Dressage Police to set everything straight.

Writing a letter takes it too far, IMHO, and puts the anti-NP crusade in a different category. It is up to the show managers, related associations, and members of the local community to decide what they will and will not put up with. A random person from Colorado or random group of people from all over the country writing to say that he should be banned based upon his rantings on the Interwebz or on information that they’ve heard second-hand but did not witness themselves, is not useful or relevant, and only makes the group look a little strange themselves, IMHO.

I feel for his horse. She is a lovely mare and clearly has an exceptional temperament to put up with how he’s riding her and training her. Notice how in all the pictures he posts of her she’s looking away from him, as if she’d rather be anywhere else? I hope she finds a nice home with someone who doesn’t put her in the position of trying to train her for something she’s not prepared for. [edit]