Favorite Classical Trainer Nick Peronace VS USDF Judging Standards

My apologies for the delay in weighing in on this thread. We’ve just reviewed the thread from the beginning and removed a large quantity of comments for various reasons: personal commentary re: the subject of the thread or each other; pages of tangential back-and-forth between posters debating whether or not the thread should exist, etc.

To clarify, yes, users can discuss public comments or actions made by those presenting themselves as professionals in the industry, as they can discuss pros/cons or experiences with products or companies in the industry. Yes, individuals can be named, as long as the posts comply with our posting policies.

A reminder of our policies regarding discussions about anyone: please avoid personal commentary (name calling, references to mental health, personal/family issues that don’t relate to their business, etc.) and accusations of criminal activity unless charges have been filed or it has been reported on by a reputable news source. We also don’t allow discussion of/links to sales ads for horses.

We’ll leave the thread open with the above reminders. Let’s all avoid the personal commentary and OT tit-for-tat.

Mod 1


I am very confused, did we lose a lot of content on the thread? I thought this one had reached 20 something pages?

If you want to support good judges, then send a judge’s evaluation to the USEF. We do not need internet wars, retaliation against disgruntled competitors or the like. If a competitor casts aspersions on the judging AT a recognized event in a manner not in keeping with the rules of the USEF, then there are management/official channels to be pursued.
Anything else is just poor sportsmanship and please, don’t stoop to that level.


This is entirely true. There are official channels to adress those things.

Thanks everyone for your ideas, very helpful. No, I don’t intend to do anything with this forum, I want to keep it formal and classy.

Yes, you are right about all of this. And the folks above (other than CdJ who either doesn’t know nor care) have all spoken out about him, including LL. Ulf did not mention him by name, to be clear. Since Nick was the only one he had judged at that show with a score in the 40’s, it was possible for those who knew of that particular show to deduce who he referred to. DaD said in their letter that Chevy Cup would not be presented in 2016 or in any future DaD events. Pretty clear.

Thank you, Mod 1, for streamlining this thread!


Iirc the reason for DaD dropping the Chevys Cup award was, per the letter NP shared, he had failed to pay for it for each year of presentation.


Just for clarification :). In my original post I didn’t call for Peronace to be banned from competition. I speculated that if he continues with his accusation (s) of corruption, without very solid and concrete proof, he could find himself in deeper hot water than just being talked about in these types of threads.

Granted he has not put in a formal complaint; given his level of “see me” attitude I have no doubt he would have made the announcement, as he has to know he has no solid evidence of what he is claiming. Still, if he does compete next Spring at FEI level with Carpathia, short of a training miracle, I have no doubt he won’t be happy with the scores he receives and could use those scores as further material for his accusations; understanding “Nick” proof of collusion (statements only) versus any actual evidence.


This is true. So far, all he is doing is what other malcontents do, bad mouth judges, venues and people who don’t cater to them and award them. If he continues to show, he will likely draw his very own reputation of disdain from anyone who bumps into him locally at these shows, including a reputation for bad mouthing the show management and judges. There are trainers who aren’t welcome back at certain venues, themselves or with their students for this kind of behavior. People at the show he was at last described him strutting around the show grounds like he was a lord of the manor, so I have no doubt his behaviour will continue to speak for its self.

If he ever did make an official complaint, that would be something those along the avenues he pursues would address. That’s all. We’re just the people who disapprove of his kind of poor sportsmanship and self righteous behaviour. That’s all.


Coming to the party waaaaayyyyy late, But did anyone see DreamHorse.com 2077427. The ad had 1,115 views, so I figured some of you had seen it. It may also no longer be current as the contact name has been removed.
An ad for the horse also appeared on one of my FB sale sites. I just can’t remember which site it was. But it was fairly recent…

Yes, that’s the mare. Photos expire mid-Oct, so this is still a “live” ad.

What is concerning is the reason given for selling is:


Says there is a video available. Wonder how the “sponsor” feels about selling the horse? Return on investment?

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Yes, I think we are all aware of the ad you’re talking about but we’re not allowed to discuss horses for sale apparently. There was a lengthy conversation going on about it here but the mods deleted those posts.

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We removed references to a related sales ad to comply with our posting policies.
Mod 1

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Does that mare have a straight shoulder or is it just the angle on the picture? Lots of ottb mares have beautiful conformation but I’m not seeing that on the mare. (Don’t want to upset the mods, but I am in the market for an ottb mare and did go look at the X… Passed on the poor mare due to what appears to be not a good buy.) I thought I’d do 2 things at once, get a nice ottb mare and uh, get this one away from her destiny there. Sorry for the mention of x but I’d like to know if others think the same thing about the mare that I do. She’s not a dressage horse imo. I did not research her pedigree so I guess I need to look just for info.

Let him trash the judges and us, and even Coth. People should know to google anyone they deal with in any business including the horse biz. I worry about the horses like poor old Chevy and Carpathia. How come we don’t see the registration # ?


From watching her video, I don’t see why she can’t do lower level stuff. There is the question of some soreness that others have mentioned. It depends on what you’re looking for. If I were looking for a kind, sane horse to enjoy, and do some lower level stuff on, I wouldn’t pass on her immediately. A prepurchase might tell you some things to make you pass, perhaps.


Thanks for adding the title.

Guys, stop talking about the horse, not allowed.


Wait, can’t we talk conformation? I know what I like, but others’ opinions are good too. But I won’t mention the mare again since she is not what I’m looking for in an ottb mare.

Talking about the horse is allowed. Talking about the sales ad is not allowed. Two very different subjects.


The mod wrote:
We also don’t allow discussion of/links to sales ads for horses.

This read to me discussion of a sale horse, but who knows. I’m not the one who makes the rules.