Favorite Classical Trainer Nick Peronace VS USDF Judging Standards

We can talk about her and how she moves and how she is a saint and how she is not doing a real lead change and …

We can not link to the sales ad (which was in here previously) and then discuss the merits of her value and who should buy her and all that.

If we can not discuss horses then this horse forum would have far fewer posts.

I would guess Wild and Wicked’s posts above are not appropriate because they are discussing buying the horse and if she is worth the price.

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While I don’t compete in his region, I know word about anyone can get around fast. He will dig his own grave with his antics. At this point I think anyone who would take what he has to offer serious is someone who has either been living under a rock or is completely clueless about dressage. Either way it wont take them very much time to figure it out. I can see he is looking for another place to board…AGAIN. I can only assume it has something to do with his attitude. The common denominator in all of the places hes gone through in such a short amount of time is well… him.

I can’t understand for the life of me why he chooses to pursue dressage as much as he complains and constantly talks the sport and community down. Any athlete knows in pursuing any sport you will never make it anywhere on your own, and it seems he does nothing but continuously alienates himself from the sport he claims to love so much… very odd. My only guess is he chooses a sport his only closest family and friends know squat about so he can throw around big words and terms to sound pretentious and important to someone… anyone.

I absolutely love the dressage community. Sure there will be biased, shady, and down right crabby people you may cross paths with. Name one area of life that doesn’t have those, from church to work to hobbies. Despite that, 99% of the people I meet are awesome. Even to me and my older arab ponies who are just learning on a shoe string budget. I witness very very little breed bias even from some of the best I’ve been able to interact with. Every injustice this Nick guy cries he plays it up to be common place in dressage and I just don’t personally believe that. If it were that horrible, what would be driving any of us forward in the sport? He doesn’t sound knowledgeable at all to anyone who’s has real time in the dressage world. He just sounds angry, and to be honest not a very resilient or thick skinned person… More like one of these “snowflakes” his kind is always ranting and raving about.

Seriously man, I know you’re reading this. I don’t comment on these things very often. Do I think you should be banned from shows? Nope. You will eventually figure that one out for yourself, sooner rather than later I suspect based on what you say about us. Do I think you’re mean to your horse? Nope, she doesn’t think so either. In fact, from what Ive seen your mare is in charge, not submissive to you and she happily totes around her ammy rider like a good ol girl just letting her rider pretend they do dressage. That is a diamond in the rough horse my friend, especially for you.

What I do think is that the only people who make dressage this “cut- throat” blood sport you claim it to be is people just like you. The rest of us get along, just fine as we realize this sport is incredibly humbling and can make anyone look like a fool without having to try. We rely on each other for support, and education and passing on of the knowledge and experiences. You will not ever get that from reading a book and claiming to be self taught. Book serve a purpose, but eyes on the ground is the most important piece of equipment a dressage person can have. No eyes on the ground is like a jumper without jumps. If your refuse to seek help with your horse, your refuse to take dressage serious in my opinion. (I am not talking about people who can’t afford regular instruction, I know they do as much as they can with what they can cause I am one of them). We dressage people stick together because without that, what sport would we have?

Really now, I know some comments on here can be brash and mean, but what’s it gonna take to get through to you? I guarantee anyone here would be waiting with open arms for you to throw your hands up and say I need help guys, but instead you claim to be this “professional” with some really off- the- wall credentials that don’t even sound remotely believable. At this point why would the dressage community ever welcome you since the only thing you ever have to say is trash talking it and you don’t take the sport serious? Nick, you’ve got some choices to make, and if you continue to choose the path you’re on, well, you’re a grown man… Rant over…


Excellent post Tanny98.
Now back to lurking. :winkgrin:


Some of his misspellings are classic! …“a few awards waiting in the wings with my name on them, pain tribute to myself”… is one. “Massage” for “message” is another.


I don’t understand why people on this hateful website continue to talk about me instead of coming to me directly with questions. I have repeatedly spoken out about the hate campaign against me and have discredited COTH on numerous occasions. Doesn’t it make more sense to actually WORK WITH a trainer before you criticize? Doesn’t it make more sense to go to the person directly with questions, instead of dreaming up answers amongst yourselves?
The answer to most of your questions can be found here: http://nickperonacedressage.blogspot…onace.html?m=1

Feel free to poke around that same blog for REAL information about me as a trainer. And if you have questions, please send them to my email and I will answer them: Contactnickperonace@gmail.com

What I’m NOT GOING TO DO is continue to post here. Why? Because I don’t care what a group of arm chair dressage masters think about me, who are never going to like anything I ever do. But I posted here to show anyone who is truly interested in working with me the facts.
You have 2 choices.
1-You can continue to type, bash and cyber bully someone you’ve never met or ever worked with. Or
2- You can book me for a clinic or lesson so you can truly and honestly experience my methods.

I will say it yet again that I am willing to work with anyone, anywhere and with any horse. I’m here to help. You can either be a part of this hate campaign against me, or you can see for yourself how I can help you.

Anyone who thinks I’m some type of a fraud or a liar or whatever other ridiculous label you want to put on me, is highly encouraged to contact me for a clinic or lessons. Invite your friends!

I remind everyone that this is my one and only comment. If you have questions feel free to contact me. If you’d like more info please click on these links.


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(Alright, seems like all the lurkers are coming out, I may as well join!)

Nick -

In your post, you encourage people to work with a trainer before criticizing them. Why do you feel that you can criticize Charlotte Dujardin and other judges/trainers without personally working with them?

In addition, why don’t you have trainers/coaches that you work with who can reaffirm your training methods? One of my Grand Prix trainers used to say (and this was told to her another Grand Prix trainer) “Timely release of the reins merits all success”. Timing is so crucial to horses and training, and although there is a lot of theory and knowledge to be gained from books, you cannot learn timing from them.


Same old rhetoric…


Nick - there are no “answers” to be found in an interview where you interviewed yourself - you just repeat the same old schtick over and over again. Talking about yourself in the third person is just… odd… and does absolutely nothing to help your credibility or demonstrate your training expertise.

You do not want to learn… you have said you are above and beyond any and all lessons. That is not the sign of a good horseman - in any discipline. Unfortunately, the videos and photos you have presented as “evidence” rarely show anything close to the level you claim to be at.

You have blasted people who have dealt with you face to face in the past - and they did see you in person and were capable of judging the level of your expertise.

Why not - as I have said previously - just enjoy riding… improve your skills… take lessons from an upper level trainer/rider… and leave it at that? Have fun with it instead of trying to make everything a battle - you and the evil corrupt dressage judges that you and only you can expose, you and all the “cyberbullies” (all while you have been one and sneered at and ridiculed others), you and all the evil boarding stables, you and all the terrible dressage trainers/riders, you and all the “armchair dressage masters” etc.

Just ride.


Good questions and I’m happy to answer. Please email me your questions at contactnickperonace@gmail com

You have some good questions, but you are also mistaken in some of your accusations. Please email me so we can talk more about this.

I’d be happy to work with you one on one. Change the rhetoric and experience my direct training for yourself. You can start changing the rhetoric by emailing me and setting up a lesson or clinic. Be part of the solution and not the problem.

I have met a few people that seemed clueless, but this is on a whole different level. His posts sound like training ads, no? I didn’t think that was allowed.


The burden of proof is on you, not on others who can “change the rhetoric by setting up a lesson or clinic”. Other trainers have proven themselves through extensive show records and success in recognized competition, or having students achieve these things. They have pictures and videos of their horses displaying collections and self-carriage appropriate to their levels.

The pictures of your horses posted thus far do not demonstrate this, so here’s a counter-offer: post some pictures (or even better, video) of Carpathia that you believe show her to be a 3rd/4th level horse, explain what’s good about them, and let the community offer up a critique and compare to pictures/video of other horses competing at that level.

If you want to change the rhetoric around yourself and show that you’re open-minded and interested in learning, that’s the way to start.


Why not post it all publicly for all to see? I, for one, wouldn’t want you to have my personal email given your past. Furthermore, I’m curious as to how you can post on CoTH after suing them. I would think that would be highly frowned upon…but that’s just me.


I think don’t think you read the blog correctly. The answers to your questions are easily found in the blog itself, but I’d be happy to speak with you one on one. You seem to be extremely mistaken in your accusations so feel free to email me at Contactnickpetonace@gmail.com

I see you posted this after 2am. Don’t let me eat at you abd keep you up at night. Instead email me and lets talk one on one.

Nick, this is a public group conversation. Either address your issues here on this board or just stop. Nobody values your attempts at control because you abuse people privately. Nobody values your insinuation that you have any kind of answers because you refuse to learn. If you have something to say, say it, without the secretive private requests. You aren’t saying anything new. You have abused people who talk to you privately, and nobody wants to hear more of the same.


Actually I blame myself quite a lot! Feel free to email me so we can talk more about this.

You have some good questions and suggestions. Please email me so we can talk more about this. Contactnickperonace@gmail.com

Exactly. Its up to you, Nick. Your photos of your horse is proof of your uneducated training. No one is going to give their email address to you. Its not up to us to change your rhetoric. Its up to you to show and get good scores without accusing the judges of illegal behaviour. Suck it up and be a big boy. Get the propert training to show your horse correctly. Ask for the help you clearly need, just like the rest of us. Change your own rhetoric. That’s the way for you to start.