Favorite Classical Trainer Nick Peronace VS USDF Judging Standards



What am I mistaken about? Correct me here and make me look bad in front of everyone here. I can take it!

You interviewed yourself as a way of doing some advertising or ā€œsharing the truthā€ in the same way you have previously with other ā€œinterviewsā€ and ā€œtestimonialsā€ - and posted under assorted alters on assorted boardsā€¦ was that it? Not mistaken there.

You being a cyberbully at times? Not mistaken there either - which is why it is ironic that you are so against evil cyberbulliesā€¦

You riding at Grand Prix level? Why not work towards that end? Take lessons. Have fun. RIDE.

Email you? Sorry - in the past, you have been venomous, rude and crude to others who have emailed you or dealt with you in person.


Ive scribed and judged schooling shows in the past. Iā€™d be happy to help you understand how it all works. Feel free to contact me at contactnickperonace@gmail.com

Iā€™d be happy to address your concerns one-on-one, you seem to be alittle misguided. please email me at contactnickperonace@gmail.com

Are you not allowed to question the judge? You sound like your affraid to speak up. Thats pretty sad. Ill be happy to help you gain some confidence in questioning authority. Please contact me at contactnickperonace@gmail.com

No. Iā€™m not going to do that but I do applaud you coming on here, so thanks for that. Many of us have the same questions and have ā€œmisinterpretedā€ your blog in the exact same way, so in the interests of correcting the mis-information you feel is out there, answering once here or on one of your blogs would seem the most expedient way.

There is a lot of knowledge within this group - it includes very skilled and accomplished dressage riders, trainers and judges. Instead of trying to direct the conversations off line I invite you to instead engage in the discussions here, exchange ideas and perhaps benefit from the advice and deep pool of experience the members here can offer you.


I never named this judge, you did. But if what you say is true, is this really a judge to be taken seriously? Isnt it unethical to bash a competitor? I think we should talk about this further. Please email me at contactnickperonace@gmail.com

Nick - the way you talked about dressage judging in your blog shows that you have no real clue how it works. Or perhaps that you are not riding how/what you think you are riding - if that makes sense. That giant chip on your shoulder is weighing you down - you would be better off if you were rid of it.

If only we could all come up with convenient evil people who influenced the dressage judge to give us low scores - yeah, that must have been what has happened to me in the past - I am sure of it!

And my horse was not nervous and keyed up because of me - of course not!!! None of it was my fault - it was all outside influences and the horse!! And when my horse tucked his chin and bolted a bit (okay, a lot) at extended canter through the rails between F and A, I only received an E because he was a Quarter Horse and not a warmblood!!! Of course!

The problem with telling so many tall tales for so many years is that, in time, you start to believe themā€¦ :nonchalance:

Whoa. No one is ā€œafraid to speak upā€, Nick. No one needs your advice on on how to ā€œquestion authorityā€.


If you feel my name should be listed, how about your own? Its easy to hid and cyberbully from a computer screen. Iā€™d like to see your face, pictures of your riding and your real name. Fair is fair right? You can email me this information at contactnickperonace@gmail.com

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You seem to have some good questions. You also seem skeptical. Iā€™d be more then happy to work with you and help you understand why my methods work so well. Lets set up a lesson! You could host a clinic and invite your friends. Seems lots of others feel the same way you do. Contact me at contactnickperonace@gmail.com

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Letā€™s be clear Nick. Questioning results, scores and comments is fairly common practice after a show, especially when the results arenā€™t what we expected. What we think we feel happening with the horse under us is not always what is actually happening in the horseā€™s performance, especially with less experienced riders.

But that is not what you did.

You claimed your low scores were because of ā€œdressage politicsā€ and accused the judges of being influenced by others, coerced into giving you unfairly low scores, and of awarding higher scores to certain riders based on who they are and not their performance.

That is simply not how dressage is judged. I encourage you to keep competing at rated shows and take advantage of the scores and feedback given to you by these highly skilled and knowledgable experts. Take their comments to heart, find a skilled trainer/coach and work with them to improve in the areas the judges suggest.

Further I highly recommend volunteering as a scribe at your local shows. Itā€™s a great way to build a network of people in your area who share a passion for dressage. Scribing helps you learn firsthand how dressage is actually judged and why specific scores and comments are given, as well as the judgeā€™s expectations at each level.


Nick -
Iā€™m just curious as to why you think the only resolution for your critics is to allow you to train or clinic with them? That unless they lesson with you, there is no way they could possibly understand? A trainer or riderā€™s skill/ability can be easily seen in videos or students or horses that have worked under them. But from your argument, this can only be achieved by allowing you to teach us. An odd bit of logic if you ask me.

We can discuss more if you email me at twistedlogic@bookknowledge.com :wink:


Chevy Cup wasnā€™t removed. I ended it. Iā€™ll be happy to talk more about this with you. I talk about it here:http://nickperonacedressage.blogspot.com/2017/07/an-interview-with-nick-peronace.html?m=1

If you still have questions feel free to contact me directly at Contactnickperonace@gmail.com

I guess if Iā€™ve gotta be stuck inside due to the wildfire smoke its a good day for it. This just got much more amusing :lol:


It seems a very convoluted way of discussing this, wanting everyone personally to email you with their questions, it would take a lot less of your valuable time to answer them here and now save you having to keep answering the same things.

As for asking you in other places, me, and every other person who asked a question got removed from your Facebook page, all I asked was to see the score sheet from your freestyle. Fair is fair, I have a pile of tests sheets sitting right next to me, you post yours and Iā€™ll post one of mine.

As to judges and judging, I would LOVE to see the tests that were so poorly marked, so I could make up my own mind if you were the victim of some horrible judging conspiracy, or are just merely riding above you and your mares current ability.


Nick, why is it you do not want to talk in public? It is always, ā€œe-mail me and we will talk.ā€

Except, when people do so, as soon as they question or donā€™t agree with you, you get nasty, accuse them of being a stalker/hater and then block them from any more communication.

As for the blog, my reading comprehension is excellent; I posted exactly what you said, copied and pasted the text and indicated paraphrasing where I condensed the words. What you said is pretty distinct and easy to understand.

As for the 2am, not that I have to explain to you, but heavy thunderstorms were in the area so yes, I was awake. I didnā€™t realize it was a crime to check favorite locations for updates, or add responses, outside of normal business hours. If you want the list, I also check Yahoo, Chronicle, Facebook, AOL, Fox, and two weather sites routinely if I get up at night, especially now with two storms coming in.


Nick, you posted the letter from Devon which clearly stated they were no longer going to present the trophy because you hadnā€™t paid the fee since its inception. OK, I guess that means you actually ended it since you made the decision not to pay for it.


There are lots of very good pictures taken from that show. They can be found on the same page with all the bad ones. If you still need help, contact me. I have the good pictures and would be happy to share.

Cā€™mon Nick. The letter YOU shared from DAD plainly states that you NEVER paid the required fee for he award, not that you stopped paying it. What you said in the blog does not jibe with the letter you posted from them stating the award was terminated because it hadnā€™t been paid for since inception.

This is why nobody here is going to go to your blog for the answers to their questions; the information you write there just isnā€™t credible.


No one is about to do that, Nick. Seriously?

As it is, I use my real name on Facebook - as do many others. You could have seen pics of me riding etc. - but because I expressed a concern that you would get badly hurt if you took on a real problem horse (as you ask for in your ads) , you blocked me. No loss for me - I only noticed when your comments no longer showed up in some discussion or other - I forget now.

You once sent me an extremely nasty message on FB (again, my real name) because I had the gall to ask a question about a leg yield as opposed to a side passā€¦ and you lost it.

Plus, you have posted on forums or blogs under assorted alters to praise yourself. You have pretended to interview yourself a couple of times. You have blamed things you have posted on hackers (over and over again) or friends of yours or a publicist or >>>insert whatever<<< - when the syntax and phrasing and spelling all appear to be 100% you - and then you would delete everything and start all over again. Or at least, that is what was going on in the past. So how is that not hiding and cyberbullying from behind a computer screen? It is all that - as well as a massive dose of hypocrisy.

Plus using DAD for your personal advertising and claim to fame when you never even bothered to pay the sponsorship fee and they finally had enough of that stunt - is just plain tacky and bad formā€¦