Favorite Classical Trainer Nick Peronace VS USDF Judging Standards

If you could share a few here that you think are good and explain to us what is good about them, that would be very helpful indeed. Consider it a virtual mini lesson :slight_smile:


When you consider the 1000s upon 1000s of clicks a hate page like this gets, and COTH failing to interview me so I can tell my side seen by those same 1000s, its really not hard to believe. If youd like to talk more about it please email me at contactnickperonace@gmail.com

Break out the popcorn and the cardbordeaux - I have a feeling this is about to turn into a legendary thread of Open Trailer proportions :lol:


Iā€™d be happy to work with you one on one so you can determine for yourself how ā€œdelusionalā€ I am. I welcome you bringing your friends also. Unfortunately you sound grossly misinformed about me. Please contact me so we can set something up. Contactnickperonace@gmail.com

Nick: It is spelled Prix St. George, not Pre-St. George.


This is NOT a hate page, this is a message board, free to anyone who wants to post.

Do you not see the irony in complaining that COTH wouldnā€™t interview you, so those 1000ā€™s could see your side, but you have the floor here and you want to message people one by one, when one explanation would reach the 1000ā€™s you crave?


If Nick does prefer to answer every single question individually, he is welcome to do so by PMing each poster - that way nobody would have to give their personal email address out and it would save him the trouble of posting the exact same response over and over again


Its attention I never asked for and have tried to get COTH to remove. COTH is a hate page and you can read more about it here

Please contact me if you have questions contactnickperonace@gmail.com

The only thing ā€œpreventedā€ was the truth

If you still have questions please contact me contactnickperonace@gmail.com

You are sadly mistaken in the events that occurred. Please read this then if you have questions contact me

My email is contactnickperonace@gmail.com

What? Coth interview you? Are you out of yourā€¦If you want to talk to the thousands of people you seem to want to address, do it. Coth isnā€™t going to INTERVIEW you. Youā€™re just afraid to answer the concerns in a forum where people will respond to your answers. If you want to be interviewed, interview yourself again on your blog. Nobody can respond to you there, and anything you care to say will be online for everyone to read and discuss elsewhere. Why should COTH, who you sued and lost to, have any interest in you? If you want to address what is said about you, do it where people are having the discussions. Its not up to us to question you. Youā€™ve answered all our ā€œquestionsā€. We have no questions. We can see for our selves that you donā€™t have the basic skills to ride above a training level class. Thatā€™s fine. Many people are only trianing level. Donā€™t pretend to be anything you arenā€™t. Thereā€™s no question about it.


Some newspapers used to give persons who are subjects of an article the chance to clarify the situation in a personal statement.

Is not every post we make here a 'personal statement" Nick is a free as any of to state his opinions in a rational manner, he does not have to be interviewed, the stage is his here, but he does not want to use it.


I think he has already made plenty of personal statements.


How many personal statements is this guy supposed to need? Heā€™s made personal statements all over this board, and took COTH to court and sued them. He does nothing but make personal statements on Coth and off. Donā€™t be naiive.

Manni, once again, if you researched even a little bit, you would already know all about the personal statements this guy has made. As pointed out, every one of us makes a personal statement here. If he want to make a personal statement he can do so right here. Heā€™s the one who chooses not to.


For some reason every time I that post I think it is Nick posting talking about himself in the 3rd personā€¦It is definitely wine time.


Nick - thanks to your own antics and claims on the interwebz, you were being discussed on other forums and blogs and Facebook pages before anyone at COTH gave you so much as a nod. You seeped over into COTH by osmosis - a bemused ripple effect - not design. You practically howled for people to pay attention to you. You have been the one responsible for all your ā€œbad pressā€. You have been your own worst advertising. You have only yourself to blame for that - not COTH - no matter how many pouty blogs you write and fingers you point.

Stop blaming ā€œhackersā€ and everyone else under the sun for your own antics.

Accept responsibility for your own actions.

And no, I am not a loser sitting here in my bathrobe as you would claim. As Redmond Dressage said, it is bloody smokey outside and I am indoors with the fans on for a while. The horses are out snoozing under the cedar trees - maybe using them as a type of filter.

You could just ride and enjoy your horseā€¦ and show a bit and seek to improve your skillsā€¦ there is nothing wrong with that! As opposed to claiming to be an upper Grand Prix trainer/rider with Airs Above the Ground expertise and the guy to send all your chronic bolters/buckers/bad actors toā€¦ and possibly getting hurt.

COTH did not write an article about you - thus they do not need to interview you. You can address a couple of hundred people right here in this threadā€¦ and yet you want to hide behind your email addressā€¦ and only ā€œchatā€ one on one. How does that help? Or are you just fishing for email addressesā€¦


Alright, well, since Nick wonā€™t play in the COTH sandbox, Iā€™ll offer my own overview of why Carpathia is not demonstrating a readiness for 3rd level. Obviously there is a lot more I could get into, but just going for the broad strokes here.

This is what I would consider a good moment from the show (since Nick feels that there are good pictures):
This shows a horse who is lifting her back and stepping under herself nicely. I see a horse who is still lacking topline and needs to strengthen her trapezius muscle so that she can lift and support herself more. The next pictures in the sequence better illustrate how she is not in self-carriage and lifting here - you can see a dip in the muscle in front of the withers.

Compare to this horse, which came up when I searched on Google for 3rd level horses (donā€™t know the horse at all - just looked for one at a similar point in the stride): http://imgur.com/a/ua3NB

You can see a horse who is lifting his shoulders and showing uphill balance, as well as a correctly muscled neck. He appears to be reaching to the contact, and is forward-thinking, in comparison to Carpathia, who does not demonstrate the same forward energy.

Granted, this is a horse who oozes talent and has very large, extravagant gaits. But even the best trot photo I could find of Carpathia shows a horse who is not active enough in her hind end, reaching enough under herself, or lifting and demonstrating uphill balance.



And here is the purpose of third level, as taken from USDF 3-1:
To confirm that the horse demonstrates correct basics, and having begun to develop an uphill balance at Second Level, now demonstrates increased engagement, especially in the extended gaits. Transitions between collected, medium, and extended gaits should be well defined and performed with engagement. The horse should be reliably on the bit and show a greater degree of straigtness, bending, suppleness, throughness, balance and self carriage than at Second Level.

One of these horses is demonstrating self carriage, engagement, balance, and throughness. The other is not.


On his blog, from today:


People really need to understand how the hate campaign works. Iā€™ve spoken out against the biased against me, and so the haters heads are exploding. In my post I donā€™t just talk about the bias against me but I talk about show ring politics in general. So interesting that they want to take what they want out of my article isnā€™t it? However for those who are truly interested to know the facts about me and my training abilities, here is an accurate representation. Feel free to contact me. I would love to work with anyone because I can easily back up any claim I make, and debunk any rumor!"

also from today:


I recently posted about the politics that exist in the show ring. Yet again the truth hurts and makes peopleā€™s heads explode, specifically those who stalk and our part of a hate campaign. So if you are part of the bottom dwellers who seek their information based off of The Chronicle of the Horse, you really need to read this and fully understand what you are subscribing to when you log on. "

Nick, can you explain why you recently deleted a discussion on your FB page, in which you first conversed with, then banned out of anger, and then you posted photos from the banned poster and made fun of her riding? I kept the screen shots. Surely you can understand that this is a pattern of behavior for you and that most of us donā€™t consider such behavior from you a way to calmly and courteously discuss things (as you are asking us to do now).


Writing a blog in 3rd person is so bizarreā€¦