Favorite Classical Trainer Nick Peronace VS USDF Judging Standards

Thank you, Windermere. Your post was thoughtful, polite and explained very clearly what you were looking for. Sadly, your head was not even close to exploding. Did you not get that memo?

The only head that is exploding… is apparently Nick’s. Nick - can you not see that your little tirades are not helping you? “The truth hurts”? “Bottom dwellers”? Really? Discuss Windermere’s post and observations here calmly - like the dressage student and trainer you tell us you are… here is your chance to share and discuss instead of rant and rage…


Freaking brilliant! :applause:




Just remember folks, this is the man who allegedly took people’s phone numbers and wrote highly sexual personal ads on Craigslist, with their phone numbers.
Pretty sure that the victim had the IP address tracked back to Nick…
So no, Nick, you aren’t getting my email.


Another reason why no one wants to engage Nick Peronace in real life, he quite loudly attacked someone who did participate in his one and only clinic on his now scrubbed Facebook. After she posted the negatives from the clinic (the one where everyone ended up wanting a refund), he called her “a lying POS” and said that she changed her mind about the clinic “for reasons known only to her and her psychologist”.

Again, I’ve got the screenshots.

I would not call that professional behavior nor would I ever want to engage such a person in any manner.


Hi Nick, you probably don’t remember me, I was commenting on a page on “Blue Tongue Alumni” about two years ago and you were getting attacked from all sides. The offer I made then still stands today - if you want to clear your name you’re welcome to clinic at my boarding facility, assuming you are bonded and can provide that info to the owners. We have a wide selection of nice horses and riders from intro to GP. We’re a fun bunch, located in southern California. We can show an unedited, full length video of the day. I’m not sure if anyone would let you demo on any of their horses, I’d offer you mine but he’s a sensitive chap, might not be a good match. Shoot me some dates and we’ll try to put it together.


Also, just to clarify, I’m not offering you a paid opportunity, you’re the beneficiary here mate, not us.


And he wonders why no one wants to have anything to do with him, much less why no one will give him their email address. Nobody’s head is exploding over a man who can’t accept his scores for what they are and humbly compete in the same arena as everyone else without blowing up about people undermining him with the judges and judges who are corrupt. It isn’t riingside politics you are discussing, its bad sportsmanlike accusations that its everyone else’s fault but your own. You need to take responsibility for your performance in the ring, and not blame it on the judges not liking you or your horse.


Great offer, NSC Los Angeles. I know I said the same thing on BTA. There ya go, Nick - your chance to shine. Unedited video. Your words. Your riding. You want a chance to “debunk” and prove yourself - here it is. Put your money where your mouth is, so to speak! I may come down and audit!

Ambitious Kate – to be fair, the judge may actually have had a personal grudge against me and my Quarter Horse on that day so long ago. When he bolted through the rails past F, he kicked out at a very lovely pot of red geraniums that became a guided missile and shattered against the front corner of the judge’s booth at C. The judge and scribe had to duck as dirt clumps and shards of clay pot went everywhere… and by the time I got my hyper-pony under control and trotted out of there the little bell was ringing madly from behind the counter.

I am fairly sure that when we came back for the next test (Medium), he mumbled… “aaah yes… big red horse, paddles on RF, wide crooked blaze, short rider who looks worried… DUCK!”


The price will be too high for him to go to California. You have to pay for all his expenses and a “bit of padding” on top.


When has COTH ever written an article about him? All COTH does is host this forum - they don’t create threads or suggest topics for discussion. The people discussing Nick are all right here, inviting him to join in the discussion and answer the questions that we have based on the “personal statements” he makes on his blog.


There are really good pictures taken that day. I’ll be happy to share. Please email me at Contactnickperonace@gmail.com

You seem to have some good questions. I’d be happy to discuss things and answer yoyr questions. Please email me at contactnickperonace@gmail.com

I’d be happy to address your concerns. Please email me at contactnickperonace@gmail.com

Are you being purposefully obtuse? She doesn’t have any questions. She’s educating you on how judging works in the dressage world, since you seem not to understand. There isn’t any opportunity for a judge to score you based on her personal feelings about you. Which a judge doesn’t have. They don’t know who you are when you ride. You know this, though. And no one is going to contact you by email. You must be fishing for people’s email addresses. You aren’t even making conversational sense.


Instead of slandering me(a trainer youve never worked with) seeing how you are so close, why not take me up on the offer to give you a lesson? You can be part of the problem or part of the solution. Wouldn’t it be better to actually work with me instead of bealiving lies said on COTH? Wouldnt you like to know the truth and judge for yourself? Please contact me. Lets set something up. Invite your friends! Contactnickperonace@gmail.com

Exactly! How many other horses did he see that day, yet my ride he picked to talk about? He shouldn’t have said anything at all, and I think it further proves he had it in for me. There’s other reasons and I’d be happy to discuss. Please email me at contactnickperonace@gmail.com

Oy. Nick you are really shooting yourself in the foot with these blog posts and with your behaviour on Facebook. If you really do have answers to all the questions, and can back up all your claims then do so. We are pleading with you to do so!

Make your Facebook page open to the public and address all your critics open and honestly, not by deleting their posts, attacking them and banning them. Share your videos and photos with the knowledgable people here and listen to what they are telling you about areas in which you and your horse need to improve if you want to move up from Training Level. Explain why you think she’s almost ready for FEI levels when the available photos and videos demonstrate they opposite.

Nobody is going to book a lesson or clinic with you without some hard evidence that you have more knowledge or skills than they have themselves. So far the blogs and photos you have posted do not provide any such proof.

So please, take advantage of this forum to address your critics, and back up your claims.


None of that is true! These are blatant lies! I’d be happy to clarify for as to exactly what happened to you, or anyone else. I never attacked either of those riders. Please contact me at contactnickperonace@gmail.com

Wow, just came back to this to find out I need POPCORN!!!

Too bad I don’t drink anymore, a margarita and some guac sounds pretty good right about now!

Gotta run and take a break to clean paddocks and bring the horses in and feed dinner, then back to the drama-board. :eek:

(And no, I don’t have anything better to do tonight after a busy weekend!)