He gets boring, when he isn’t stomach turning. Sadly he does get money from people who unfortunately have no idea what dressage truly is
What he also failed to understand on the last thing he argued over was that it wasn’t a show…there were no competitors…Charlotte was the one doing every single ride. She was testing out youngsters, Florentina and the sibling (can’t remember the name) were the last two. When the announcer indicated two more minutes, she said, not two more minutes I am having too much fun." It was her last ride of the lineup and of the day.
In the on-line community COTH
A small fry has raised so much wroth
That he believes he is great
Causes unending debate
And leaves his critics covered in froth
It’s evident…he’s the yeast in their bread
And a source of appreciable dread
They must save the world
From this non-threat yet unfurled
With their anonymous post on this thread
Why so offended by his delusions
Ye harping rapacious Collusians?
Your pathetic obsession
Makes such a distasteful impression
We can all draw the obvious conclusions
Yup, the first video here: http://www.horse2rider.eu/Webnodes/en/Web/Horse2Rider/NYHEDER/Nyd+testridning+af+nr.+1%2C+2+og+3+fra+unghestechampionatet+(video
She’s CLEARLY laughing and joking with the announcer. Having seen her interviews and met her, she is the kindest person with a great sense of humor.
It’s really amazing how he twists things to criticize very well known and well respected people.
I did find this funny. If NP thinks it’s so basic, why can’t he do it? Is it because he’s mystified?
Csaper58 - I love that poem! :lol: Delightful!!!
These Nick P threads are always fun, I had no idea he went after Charlotte D, that was quite rich to read.
I do enjoy these flame threads and will continue to do so until the fateful day we lose Nick to some Darwinian accident involving a grain silo, a toaster oven and a hot tub, some new “Nick Peronce - the GENTLE Rattlesnake Removal Expert” business, skipping a critical step in his sky diving certification or possibly just forgetting to breathe regularly.
The beautiful thing that NP seems to miss is that the most accomplished horseman don’t preach complicated, mystical theories or procedures. All the greats, even across disciplines, always focus on and reinforce the basics. The thing that sets them apart is their timing and their feel. People want to skip the basics. People want to make riding complicated. The great ones don’t. I can’t speak for Charlotte specifically, but the beauty Linda Zang isn’t just what she says, but how she says it and when. Great horseman like that have that timing and that feel to apply those seemingly basic aids and theories to create outstanding results, as well as the knowledge and patience to keep it uncomplicated.
Oh, no. He was threatening people long before COTH called him out. I was one of those people, and the threat was fairly hilarious - he threatened my dressage career. I’m a CRAPPY amateur with no dressage career.
He has threatened others in far more terrifying ways since.
Yes, so what is your point?
We can keep expressing our differing opinions . That is what happens on discussion boards
Heard ya the first few times is all…lol!
ditto! lol
The NP stalkers
( please note not a fan of NP which should be obvious)
can go on and on and on- trainwreck after trainwreck
but anyone who thinks it is stupid should just stfu
Except it’s a different trainwreck every time and with each post / appearance he appears even more unhinged. His new rant against well-respected judges - and in fact the entire sport of dressage - seem to have convinced at least a couple of his former apologists here that the guy really is “that bad.” That’s the point of these threads, to make people aware of this fraudster.
The one you call “stalkers” (what??) are at least sharing new and relevant info. The ones who keep telling them to stfu don’t seem to have anything new to add to the conversation and just keep repeating the same old, same old ad nauseum. Yet they are clearly following the threads closely and keep bumping them up by posting. Weird.
Yet they are clearly following the threads closely and keep bumping them up by posting. Weird.
yes you are- why do you keep bumping up?
and Who are They?
I know it bugs you but I am allowed to express an opinion- even more than once .
as often as I wish- in fact
you too
Guess what- you dont get to chase me off a thread because you dont like my opinion-
I’m so confused…aren’t you doing exactly that, trying to “chase people off the thread” by telling everyone they shouldn’t be posting about NP?
Just to clarify… I did not change my mind about any of these train wreck threads and the people posting there…
[edit] IMO he should rather stay quiet and work on improving his riding (hopefully he is reading this…)
Because in the end thats the only thing which counts and he will get better scores with better riding and I even think he shouldn’t have big problems to improve if he works hard.
But on the other hand nobody deserves this [edit]
I am NOT defending his statements, but… At many of our shows, we have an announcer, so the judge knows rider name, horses age and name, and breed before the ride starts. Having said that, I seriously doubt most judges have ANY idea who NP is, nor do they care. In all my years of scribing, I’ve only had judges ask me about horses and/or riders they were impressed by. Those with problems are allowed to gracefully leave the ring with the hope that tomorrow will be a better day
i do believe Mr Wadeborn made a mistake in commenting on a public forum (Facebook) about the ride. And that just adds fuel to the fire that burns in NPs mind. [edit]
He is inflammatory and delusional, but really. How many threads start right here on COTH regarding the state of judging? You need a thick skin to be a judge!
Silly…NP doesn’t do basics…he does the airs…
He doesn’t think he needs to work on his riding. He has nothing to learn from anyone because he already knows it.
[edit] I would like to know how you know exactly that he doesn’t want to learn anything… The videos with him, posted here in the thread which was shut down, showed somebody trying to ride his horse nice and quiet. The horse did not seem bothered and moved fluent forward. I have seen worse videos lately… Of course they were not the level of his test. But he looked like he was trying to ride nice. And I assume with all this bashing of him there is nobody who would even dare to teach him fearing he would loose his clients… So maybe some of his posts wherever which are cited here all the time are a little desperate… He doesn’t need anybody because he probably won’t find anybody…
I know its much nicer for bashing to interpret things in a way to bash him more, but I never believe anything I haven’t seen. And for sure I do not believe anything the [edit] crowd posts and interprets… So as long as I don’t know this guy I do not know what he thinks…
He has stated that he doesn’t take lessons…he gives them