Favorite Classical Trainer Nick Peronace VS USDF Judging Standards

He has said he doesn’t neeed to take lessons, he gives them. His words.

You said above regarding the COTH threads “nobody deserves this stupid bunch of people who love to jump on him…” Your words.


I doubt it was meant literally. Saying NP is mentally ill is just as out of bounds. Or, is it ok to say whatever we want about people not here?

FWIW Manni, I agree with you on this.

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Thank you ToN Farm!!

He attacks respected dressage people. He rants about conspiracy theories because he doesn’t think his dressage tests are being marked fairly. He threatens people. He won’t get help to improve because he thinks he doesn’t need it. Then he has the nerve to call himself a professional and charge people. People have the right to know about the people they are giving their money to.

If he stopped attacking people, stopped threatening people, stopped having conspiracy theories, knuckled down and really worked on his dressage with a trainer, was realistic about his skills when dealing with his clients, then I would be happy to support him. I seriously wish that he would do all that but I am not going to hold my breath waiting.



Silly me indeed, I didn’t know you were supposed to start with the hard crap first. See that’s why I’m not a GP jumper rider, I should have known to just kick my way down to a 1.60m oxer and (if I live) call myself a GP jumper rider. I’m so STOOOPID!


Now that I think about it, my Highland Pony has indulged in airs above the ground. Quite a nice courbette. I actually managed to stay on with the help of a large handful of mane. So therefore I am a classical dressage master and I didn’t know it.


Nick wrote: “The judge doesnt judge what they see at all, they are judging you based off whos there and what they’ve seen. They are also judging off an idea. Notice how close together all the scores are. Now, when I judge, I am 100% judging what I see. First place might be a 70%, 2nd place a 50%. I also judge based on the horse. What I’ve found is my fairness has pissed people off lol.”

Question that bears repeating in every one of these so-called “train wreck” threads no matter who or what they are about…

If some of you think these threads are stupid or stalking [edit] why do you continue to bump the thread up with your own posts??? How does that make any sense? I don’t comment in threads I do not care for and I sure as heck do not storm into them to sneer, condemn, call people stupid and basically tell everyone else to stop posting as if I was the ethics/morals police. Or even a moderator.

As for those accusing COTH of being the only place to ever comment on Nick… kindly do some googling. The now defunct FSH forum had a long thread about him - where there was no modding and Nick himself posted under a few alters. As with most heated threads it eventually turned into being about food and what not…

Other forums also talked about him - as well as many Facebook groups. Sadly - and contrary to what Nick thinks with his singular focus with blinders on - COTH was far from the only place where his antics were being discussed and came to people’s attention. And yet right here in this thread we are basically being told that COTH alone is responsible/reprehensible/whatever… that is not even close to realty…

And now that Nick has demonstrated that he is completely and totally clueless about how dressage is actually judged… when he is supposedly such an avid student of everything to do with dressage… his comments about his “judging” are sad or hilarious - I not sure which.

My first time showing at Medium (in Canada), I got through the test with a couple of blow ups by my energetic QH - but unlike Nick, I did not imagine myself to have a lofty 60 - 70 despite a couple of decent movements… I figured I would be lucky to get 45%. I earned that 49% every bit as much as Nick likely earned his scores… difference is, I was thrilled with it.


He misses that it’s the picky, small, lower level work that is truly necessary to build the dressage horse an d human athletes. Boring to him, but so essential to the sport and art.


Touché ^ ^ ^


The above was for smoofox’s post, but I completely agree with Angela too! :slight_smile:


Based on his track record ON AND OFF forums, in real life, I still consider him possibly mentally ill. Even more so lately after he attacks Ulf Wadeborn, not cool, not cool. He just needs to go away.

These threads serve no purpose if his name isn’t in the title they can’t be tracked in google searches, it’s not going to inform people who are looking for information. I always wondered why people were so secretive about it, that is really too bad.


Actually if you google just “Nick Peronace”, you get plenty of COTH threads that don’t include his name in the title. The problem is there are so many, this one doesn’t pop up immediately. You also get lots of links to other sites that have discussed him.

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I think some people secretly relish an opportunity to assume the role of Thread Gestapo.

As soon as I saw the title, I KNEW before I even opened the thread that there would be admonitions from the usual handful of people.

And Manni, you did call those of us who share information on/opinions of NP “a stupid bunch of people”. I’ve got pretty thick skin, but you posted those exact words.


This is not correct.

If your computer successfully blocks the tracking & cookies etc. that lead google to COTH when doing a search. none of these threads appear in a search of NP’s name.

The folks that find these threads are those already familiar with them.

I for one post on these noxious threads to let the lurkers, and other readers in the future, know that not all COTHers are obsessed bullies.

And to let those who fling personal attacks like ‘he’s mentally ill’ from the safety of their own anonymity know that I think they are disgracefully misusing this previously classy forum.

In fact, I believe many of the most vociferous NP haters show a remarkable similarity to him.

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You are a frequent COTH poster.

Try using a computer that is has not been used to post on COTH and doing that search.


Remember that I interacted with him and had an actual conversation with him…

Unlike some of you, I decided to learn about it for myself…

yes I think he’s mentally ill. I didn’t get that from here, it was my own assesment after watching all this unfold. He’s creepy, but there is no point in continuing these threads for the 50th time. Yawn,


Nick wrote: "Keeping my head up, I courageously went back out into the show ring the very next month. We competed at 3rd Level (a level Carpathia can do blindfolded) and had a nice calm test. She was on point and I was extremely proud. Somewhere between 60-70% I was assuming the score would be. My jaw was on the floor for quite some time when I surprisingly received my score of a 46%. Get %#!* real! How could this be? Again I looked at the score sheet and again I saw unfair low marks, only this time the judge not only marked us down, but made up things that never happened! She wrote that I received a 2 in my Shoulder-In because my horse was throwing her head around. This is a complete lie and I have the video to prove it! She did not in anyway throw her head around. She was round and light the entire test.

Furiously I posted my test ride on Facebook and openly asked my friends what they thought of it. I got nothing but kind remarks and people assumed I received a high score. They were shocked to hear about the unfair treatment I had received. Then later the next morning I received a text message from a friend. She informed me that the judge had been corrupted beforehand."

The judge at this show was Heidi Berry (second well-respected judge).


What did he think of you? Where has he posted his assessment of your mental stability?

It seems to me NP has taken a higher road than many here. That makes those harassing him from this forum look pretty bad, and it makes this forum look very bad.

By posting your opinions here you are only showing yourselves to be name-calling, back-stabbing, cowards.

Only a fool would believe an anonymous internet post dissecting a third party’s character. Why do y’all care so much about continuing to educating the fools who already agree with you?

Why don’t y’all go say these things to NP’s face, instead of posting them here?

You agreed to abide by the forum rules and posting a character assassination is a violation of those rules.

You devalue yourself with your ill-conceived attempts to discredit NP.

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