I don’t believe I’ve posted much directly in these threads about NP’s abilities or character, but I absolutely support the existence of threads like this.
I just reread the forum rules, and unless you think this rises to the level of character assassination, there’s nothing here that’s against the rules. If there’s a question about that, report the post or thread and the mods will take care of it.
The fact that the mods have left this and several threads about this person stand, only editing personal insults and comments directed at other posters out, tells you exactly what the moderation team thinks about the thread’s content.
It may be useful to remember that NP has already attempted to sue COTH and lost.
So I’m not sure what you’re hoping to accomplish by chiding and berating people for their participation.
Why do I support the existence of threads like this, even as nasty as they become at times?
Because back in the mid-1990s, I was taken advantage of by a charlatan and my business and my reputation suffered. After it was over, multiple people approached me and told me about their similar experiences, BUT NOBODY WARNED ME AT THE BEGINNING. This message board didn’t exist then, or if it did, I wasn’t aware of it. But if it had, and I could have Googled the name, been directed here and found out about the charlatan’s reputation and pattern of behavior, it would have saved me no end of grief and financial hardship.
So while I do think people should rein in their delight at other’s misfortune and their inner 6th grade mean girl; I genuinely think it’s a service to post these things when the behavior is egregious and the pattern is so clear. I feel the same way about the thread about Ellen Doughty-Hume. Keep it factual, keep it truthful, keep it aimed at warning the community, but for goodness sakes, do make it public.
ETA: Cross posted with Nestor with NSC. Clearly great minds think alike.