Favorite Classical Trainer Nick Peronace VS USDF Judging Standards


I feel a bit sorry for Nick. He has no wish to improve. No one is above or beyond lessons. Dr. Reiner Klimke regularly took lessons - you can always get knowledge and insight from someone else as long as you are open to it and really want to be the best rider/partner with your horse that is possible… eyes on the ground and the experiences of others can be invaluable - no matter who you are.


You post has way way more emotion that I have ever put in to NP. That is unfortunate.

Manni got the last one shut down, not me. I am happy to change my ways but I don’t seem to be the problem.

This is getting old, I’m done. Mods have warned of personal attacks, so be careful. I work only with facts of what NP has done here and what the facts are of my interactions.


I think if you re-read the rules for posting on the COTH forums you will understand that some of the content in your posts is a violation of the COTH rules.

That is also a violation of your promise to abide by the rules.

Why should anyone believe people without honor casting aspersions on the integrity of others?

My posts have way, way, more facts than you are comfortable with.

Suggesting that Nick has always taken the high road… would be extremely inaccurate and a whole lot of revisionist history. And I can say that without even keeping up with everything that has gone on…

By posting your opinions here you are only showing yourselves to be name-calling, back-stabbing, cowards.

You are the one in this thread choosing to insult and sneer as opposed to discussing concerns in a more rational way. You devalue yourself with these ill-conceived condemnations and tactics.

The worst thing about any of these threads - which only crop up in response to something Nick has actually said or done and would likely die out on their own in a few pages (as they have in other forums) - is the way a select few seem to want to control what is said and try to shut things down. They have no interest in conversation or an exchange of opinion (which is what a FORUM is all about) - they just indulge in the kind of posting behavior they claim to have an issue with. You are not abiding by forum rules with those tactics, either - so maybe a little more introspection is required as opposed to an all out attack in a style that Nick has embraced in the past…

Maybe you should also police any thread about WF or other trainers where everyone is not impressed their tactics and techniques… or any other event/issue in any discipline where people have issues with something…


This guy is a bigot who attacked our beloved Robert Dover on the basis of his sexual orientation. Sorry, I have no interest in this disingenuous pearl-clutching about “internet bullying” or “character assassination.” There is no compelling reason to show mercy to this person, he makes his antics public and therefore is subject to public scrutiny. [edit]




The mods have made it quite clear that posting about a supposed dressage professional in a way to warn others is allowed. What is not allowed is the character assassinations perpetuated by some of the users on the board, that is what has gotten the threads closed in the past. Usually the same folks claiming “we” shouldn’t be sharing this information, and we’re terrible/stupid/cruel/stalkers for doing so. It’s that unfortunate name-calling part that is not allowed on this board.

***Please be kind to each other. There are many, much bigger issues in the world than what someone is talking about on an online forum.

Really, genuinely, if you don’t agree with these threads, just don’t comment. There are plenty of threads I open and have negative opinions about the thread or the topic and choose rather to close the thread and go about my day.

This particular thread is especially pertinent for the dressage world, because anyone claiming that judges are biased and being persuaded to score someone poorly prior to a ride at a show is just absurd. It is bad for our sport to allow these claims to go unchecked, regardless of who is spewing them. If Joe Schmoe posted a blog post somewhere, that a COTH user came across and shared, that said the exact same things, would you be so upset?



I don’t believe I’ve posted much directly in these threads about NP’s abilities or character, but I absolutely support the existence of threads like this.

I just reread the forum rules, and unless you think this rises to the level of character assassination, there’s nothing here that’s against the rules. If there’s a question about that, report the post or thread and the mods will take care of it.

The fact that the mods have left this and several threads about this person stand, only editing personal insults and comments directed at other posters out, tells you exactly what the moderation team thinks about the thread’s content.

It may be useful to remember that NP has already attempted to sue COTH and lost.

So I’m not sure what you’re hoping to accomplish by chiding and berating people for their participation.

Why do I support the existence of threads like this, even as nasty as they become at times?

Because back in the mid-1990s, I was taken advantage of by a charlatan and my business and my reputation suffered. After it was over, multiple people approached me and told me about their similar experiences, BUT NOBODY WARNED ME AT THE BEGINNING. This message board didn’t exist then, or if it did, I wasn’t aware of it. But if it had, and I could have Googled the name, been directed here and found out about the charlatan’s reputation and pattern of behavior, it would have saved me no end of grief and financial hardship.

So while I do think people should rein in their delight at other’s misfortune and their inner 6th grade mean girl; I genuinely think it’s a service to post these things when the behavior is egregious and the pattern is so clear. I feel the same way about the thread about Ellen Doughty-Hume. Keep it factual, keep it truthful, keep it aimed at warning the community, but for goodness sakes, do make it public.

ETA: Cross posted with Nestor with NSC. Clearly great minds think alike.


What an astute post by McGurk. Sir or madame, I tip my helmet to you

  1. I have not ‘summarily decreed’ anyone to be an obsessed bully, but I have private opinions on it.

  2. So you are trashing me for not posting in your approved manner? You should have this comment on a sticky next to your key board.

  3. I have made no attempt to moderate this thread, I have only voiced my views on the content of some of the posts which I believe reflect badly on this board that I am a member of. I have every right to do so, and have done so following the COTH forum rules. If that truly stymies you, that says a lot about your own intolerance.

The worst thing about these threads is that the same bullies keep starting them, and then lose their religion when anyone disagrees with them or points out how immature, and toxic these threads are.


Your beloved Robert Dover?

Robert Dover proved well up to the task of defending himself and has moved on with nary a backward glance at NP. That is what makes RD a true Master.

I am not defending NP

I simply wish to state my view as a member of this board that these ‘persona bashing’ threads are doing this board more ill than good.

Oh, and you have once again linked your beloved Robert Dover’s name with NP’s. They’ll both be so pleased.

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Those that defend him and make us worse then he is clearly do not understand what he did and exactly how nasty he is… I still support a centralization of info on him, so these threads stay on topic and those who have no clue will get up to speed. That is why I kept bringing up either “NP” in title, his name, and one master thread of screen shots.



yeah and then post things that are completely false about those who have different opinions --lies.

For example- No one said Coth waS THE only place posting about NP- FFS

Coth trainwrecks made NP significant- which is what was said- is a different point.

and keep trying haha but those who disagree with the stalkers will not shut up

and I dont even like NP

but will not be told to shut up :wink:

good luck with that

After what he has now said about these respected shows and respected judges, I would think that a venue wouldn’t want him on the feckin property again. I know if I was the show manager, I’d get that kind of feed back about him and he’d get another letter similar to the one Devon sent him. Can you imagine him saying that about your show and judge if you managed one? And then letting him show with you again? If he can’t grasp the simple rudiments of how a judge watches a movement and makes a judgement on how it was exectued, and that this is the entire purpose of showing, what in heavens name does he think dressage is? To accuse them of bias, and saying he has proof of it, should, in my opinion, get him kicked off the local shows.


Csaper58, I don’t quite know what point you’re making. Your comments are deteriorating into ambiguity because you weren’t coming from a place of authenticity to begin with, and you are defending NP by attacking his critics.

A pro-tip from me to you, if you throw a few similar comments into the Will Faerber thread you may throw us off your trail and appear a bit more fair and balanced, because your comments to date read as if you’re using a “hey be nice to everyone on the internet” argument when in fact you are simply trying to defend NP without doing so directly.


I simply wish to state my view as a member of this board that these ‘persona bashing’ threads are doing this board more ill than good.


but we will be attacked again for saYI ing so . GAKK

It’s only a character assassination if it’s untrue. The mods have already weighed in to say discussion of his own publicly posted words, actions, videos etc. that are proven true are ok. His lying about trainers he’s worked with / barns he’s affiliated with, stealing of logos, bigoted homophobic attacks, delusional claims and now accusing respected judges of corruption are all public record, as are the photos and videos of his poor riding. Nobody needs to attempt to discredit him, he does that with every post he makes.



[B]It is sad and sick the way some posters here have made NP their personal chew toy, and it reflects badly on COTH as a whole

Remaining silent in the presence of abuse (even if the abused is one who is distasteful) is an abrogation of a society’s duty to up hold the rights of all. [/B]

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