Favorite Classical Trainer Nick Peronace VS USDF Judging Standards

You are correct. It was Manni that called fellow posters stupid.


You are not making any senseā€¦

Do you have anything pertinent to this discussion on this thread to offer?

@csaper58 How is discussing actual things NP has publicly said and done ā€œabuse?ā€ Thatā€™s where you lost me. Do you feel the same about the EDH thread in eventing?


OKā€¦ Prove he has as mental illness diagnosed by a doctor who is not affiliated with this BB.


Agree, frauds need to be called out! there is nothing to be gained by being quiet. If he wants a different response, he can choose a different way of being.


Crockpot and csaper,

but we will be attacked again for saYI ing so

Disagreeing is not the same as attacking. I disagree with you and csaper, and have stated why in an earlier post. I donā€™t dislike either of you, I havenā€™t called you names, I donā€™t think youā€™re terrible people; I just have a different opinion because I have had different life experiences. I accept that your life experiences have led you to a different opinion. I donā€™t want this thread shut down because I think it serves a purpose, you donā€™t and you think it is inappropriate. Okay.

I will defend your right to post your opinions on this thread. But I still get post mine, as long as Iā€™m civil.

So, the real bone of contention is that you want the thread shut down or people to stop posting, and thatā€™s clearly not going to happen until it spills over into gossip or libel. If you want to lodge your objection to the thread, I think youā€™ve achieved that goal. Objection noted.

The very best thing you could do to raise the tone of this thread is to lead by example. Be civil. Donā€™t call other posters names, donā€™t attack, donā€™t accuse, donā€™t fingerpoint.

Accept that others have a different viewpoint. Accepting doesnā€™t mean agreeing, it just means acknowledging that other legitimate opinions exist.


Manni has called us stupid on several threads.


No, that is not relevant here to this at all.

I talked to him, heā€™s not normal. Heā€™s a creep and a jerk.

He wants gay people killed, and he has guns, and all kinds of wack job stuff. That isnā€™t ok with me.


Why are these types of people drawn to dressage? I swear there is one in every USDF Region.

Itā€™s definitely not just dressage. We had a local pedophile who really liked his teenage studentsā€¦ he was in the QH world. There are also some locally known totally crazy H/J trainers.

They all vary in their reach, depending on how vocal they choose to be about their brand of crazy. But theyā€™re everywhere, not just dressage.

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Because most time no proof that he actually said [or did] these things is offered

All the charges leveled at him stem from what people think they might have heardā€¦ think they readā€¦ seem to remember etc

If people wish to capture screen shots of actual quotes and discuss them that would be fair.

But just gossiping and judging and presenting that as fact is unfair.

NP canā€™t be held accountable for otherā€™s interpretations of, or 2nd hand reports ofā€¦ his words or deeds.

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Why would I? I havenā€™t called him mentally ill and I havenā€™t had personal run ins with him. Those who have report their experiences make them think heā€™s mentally ill. They are entitled to share those opinions too.


Prove you talked to him.

There are things you can say around the kitchen table and things you can put in writing on a public forum.

You need to be more aware of the difference.

Now Iā€™m even more confused because what we are discussing in this thread and he previous ones are his own words from his own blog posts, his own videos he shared and the publicly available scores and photos from the shows he competed in this summer. None of that is second or third hand.

I think the advice above was sound. You are of course welcome to continue posting your opinions here but perhaps accepting that many of us will continue to disagree with you and continue the discussions about NP whenever he makes relevant new information available may make you less frustrated.


Very true, why is this one person singled out?

Wait what? :lol: This thread starts with a link to HIS BLOG.

Every thread discussing his antics has included video, photos, and screenshots. Including video of him talking to the camera about COTH directly. Go back through the history. There are screenshots of his abusive comments on FB, his posts degrading riders, his attacks on Robert Dover and Charlotte Dujardin, and more.

There is no rumor here. He is VERY open about this.



Now youā€™re really stretching.

The entire first post of this thread is a direct quote from his blog, with a link.

Iā€™m not going to pick through all the NP threads on this forum to find the direct quotes, but off the top of my head, most of it s based on things he has posted on FB or published online.

Thatā€™s why the mods have allowed it stay, thatā€™s part of the reason why the courts threw out his suit (the other being that the Chronicle can not be held responsible for what people say on this board.)

The fat shaming amateurs in retaliation for critical posts, that was documented.

His critique of Charlotte Dujardin was lifted directly from his blog.

The horrible thing with Robert Dover, that was documented.

The posts with him in para-military garb, claiming to be a bounty hunter - he posted that.

Same thing with the trophy at DAD - DAD confirmed it!

The first time I Googled him I found a conviction for writing bad checks, along with all this stuff.


ETA: Nestor, BigMama and I crossposted again. More great minds think alike.


Nope. You seem to be discussing what he is reported to have said/done by posters who are not impartial.

That question has been answered a dozen times at least.


Repeating for the benefit of csaper.