Favorite Classical Trainer Nick Peronace VS USDF Judging Standards

Please provide links.

Did anyone save the material on the blog to this cloth thread?

Is what is being discussed on the blog saved here?

Where can these videos be viewed on what post here?

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Am I am trial here, Casper?

I got a really really bad feeling from him, like make the hair on the back of your neck stand up creepy.

Iā€™m not engaging is this sort of talk, itā€™s a waste of time that is not the goal of this thread. There are plenty of screen shots on COTH about him and info on other threads for you to see.


Not finding any of the above. What year did the above transgressions take place?

Start here: https://www.chronofhorse.com/forum/forum/discussion-forums/dressage/258262-nick-peronace-dressage


Csaper58 - since you are feigning a lack of comprehension, Iā€™ll try to state my point more plainly: Your behavior indicates that you have an agenda to defend NP, under the guise of ā€œdonā€™t be mean on the internet you guys.ā€ Therefore, your writing on the subject is disingenuous.


Judge not lest ye be judgedā€¦ you are making personal accusations about him.

ā€˜Consider the sourceā€™ is always good policy.

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Tried a few of the links on that thread they donā€™t go anywhere.

Of course I am judging him, and I donā€™t feel bad about it.

Itā€™s pretty clear you have no idea of what is going on with Nick.


I am not defending NP, or being anything other than transparent, and consistent.

Be however you want to be on the internet.

Here at COTH there are rules everyone who joins agrees to abide by. Honor the agreement you made.

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It is pretty clear you want everyone to believe you do.

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No one has been hiding anything from you, I told you everything I know.

Now you need to do your homework and inform yourself- its all here in this forum.



This isnā€™t about me- itā€™s about how he is now attacking Ulf.

It makes me a bit angry he is attacking a good trainer and judge. Someone who has taught me a lot, and who I respect.


What are you rambling on about? This makes no sense.

I was answering you question


Wait. What? Are you saying that it is wrong to remain silent in the presence of this trainerā€™s abuse of the dressage test judges? Isnā€™t that what this whole thread is about? (I donā€™t think those judges are distasteful at all; Iā€™ve heard nice things about them.)


csaper - many of your accusations in this thread are so Out Thereā€¦ you really need to go back and start from the beginning before you continue to sneer with contempt and hold yourself up as some kind of hero for doing so. NPā€™s antics and comments have been documented, screen-saved etc. Not third hand stuff - his own words and videos that he often quickly deletes. You could find all this out with some simple research, but apparently would rather avoid the facts and condemn those who have commented on them and have concerns.

This has been done multiple times - all over Facebook and other forums as well. Google. Threads here at COTH (and elsewhere) have started as a result. This particular thread started based on NPā€™s own words from his public blog - nothing second or third hand about that.

You not being aware of things does not mean they are lies (as NP would claim) or made up (as NP would claim)ā€¦ you are so busy pointing fingers at others that you can excuse your insults and behavior that - if say, I had posted your exact words, you would be freaking out about and no doubt reporting me.

No one is telling you or Crockpot or anyone else to shut up - but you are most certainly telling others to do exactly that. State your concerns and opinions without insults. Share your concerns without pretentious jeering, sneering and waving around forum rules as some kind of a banner even as you ignore themā€¦

Donā€™t be ridiculous, PeteyPieā€¦ anything NP does is fine and we must not ever disagree with himā€¦ or discuss any wacky accusations he has madeā€¦


Did you read the OP, really read and digest it? Do you know who Ulf Wadeborn is?

I have met and worked with Ulf in person so it disgusts me that Nick is going after Ulf and USDF.

have you ever met Ulf ,Casper? have you been to any of his shows and clinics? Do you know him?

Well, I do.

It disgusts me what Nick is doing. Unacceptable.

Sorry Csaper, youā€™ll have to do your own research as I have already actually read all the posts and followed the links mentioned in them. Nick may have removed some of them but that doesnā€™t make them any less real. None of us have any reason to ā€œproveā€ anything to you. Begin with his blog post linked in the very first post on this thread and carry on from there. Or donā€™t. But donā€™t make up nonsense about all the comments here being speculation and third-hand, when that is patently untrue.