No where have I sneered or been contemptuous. That must paint me with that brush says a lot about you and your inability to form a more appropriate comment.
Well, what you just said there was a sneer. Or contempt. Or at least that is the tone you are projecting - my “inability to form a more inappropriate comment”?!
[B]No NP antics have not been saved. They have not been documented in any meaningful way. They have been ‘told’ to and fro by posters who may or may not have altered the facts.
I do not need to do research. Posters who wish to discuss something NP did or said should first prove he did/said it.[/B]
Yes, they have. There has always been proof. Nick’s own words and actions. No one made this stuff up. Just because NP deletes some things as fast as he posts them, does not mean they never happened. There have been many screen shots - what - you think people made them up? Now you are sounding like NP. How do you dismiss first hand accounts of him going off on tirades at farm owners who dared not hire him and see him as the gifted trainer he assured them he was? There is no need to alter any facts - NP has done that all on his own for years - and his best defense has always been that he was hacked. Many times.
You really do need to do research. The proof - and facts - are out there. You are just refusing to admit that or acknowledge it - I am not sure why.
OK, go for it. Post something I will freak out about
I think you missed the point. If I had been posting as you have been doing on this thread using the same words, you would be reporting me, calling me a bully etc.
But I would not post that way. Never have, never will - no matter how heated a thread becomes.
I have not claimed anyone was telling me to shut up.
No I have never told anyone to shut up. I have voiced my opinion as a member of this community that I find certain posting habits detrimental to the quality and the helpful and informational nature of this BB.
Maybe not those exact words but that was your intent. Your last sentence could also apply to the way you have been posting in this thread.
It is odd that you must resort to spitting orders in a tantrum-like fashion in response.
Orders? Tantrum? Nope, sorry. I could not work myself up into any kind of a tantrum about any of this stuff - but I can fake it if you like. Maybe tonight after a long day of barn cleaning and teaching lessons. I just shared my concerns and made some suggestions based on your posts and demands… if you saw that as a tantrum of some kind, then, as you would say, that is on you and not me.
If you wish to continue to find fault with anything I say - kindly take it to PMs. I have wasted far too much time today on NP’s latest antics/claims and need to get back to the barn…