Favorite Classical Trainer Nick Peronace VS USDF Judging Standards

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NP even makes it into non-horse forums. http://www.goodasyou.org/good_as_youā€¦g_head_of.html

A horse one now. [URL=ā€œhttp://www.snarkyrider.com/2014/02/19/fat-and-ugly/ā€]http://www.snarkyrider.com/2014/02/19/fat-and-ugly/


Just changed my mind about a polite private chat. Think that heā€™s beyond redemption.


Casper- here it is again


He had a ā€œfat pageā€ā€¦ughā€¦ how disgusting. He stole peopleā€™s photos and humiliated themā€¦no words!

ā€œFat or Ugly Women that Stalk Nick Pā€


There should be screenshots of his recent tyrate on FB, OTTB Connect, check the last thread for details.


Like many on the web I am careful what links I follow.

Can you post the screen shots you have here? That is the kind of evidence that should be included in these threads.

Keep in mind not all who read these threads have access to Facebook.

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Bingo, full stop. Itā€™s not the first time this poster has done so - Casper seems to be fond of arguing for the sake of it.

I do wonder why NP in particular has become his/her pet project. Not Ellen Doughty-Hume, or the Faerber guy.


Oh please, I can personally assure you these links are clean, Iā€™ve clicked through all. Unless of course Iā€™m part of some vast COTH conspiracy to get you to click a corrupt link.


Why are you insisting I must weigh in on some other person on another forum?

I am not defending NP.

I very consistently and transparently post my views about these personal attack threads in the dressage forum when ever one appears.

I will leave the other thread you are trying to pivot the discussion to for those posting in that forum.

Would you even know NP exists if not for this forum? Is he famous in Australia?

ETA I see the links in the post above.

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I am not defending NP.

Why are you continually attempting to pivot this discussion on to a much more volatile topic?

Here is a link to the COTH thread detailing the time when the subject tried to sue COTH. The only reason I am posting the link is because more than several posters were alarmed enough about the public postings of the subject that they mentioned notifying the authorities. Itā€™s an interesting, and alarming, read.



csaper - I have asked you politely to take your personal comments about me to PM. That s not an ā€œorderā€ - just a request. Mods would likely suggest the same thing.

Actual proof is out there all over the place - NPā€™s own words and actions - and yet you refuse to see that or acknowledge it. Again, as you would suggest - that says more about you than those who have shared first hand information, concerns and experiences - using their real names and farm names.

If your filter is adjusted to tantrum phase that is all you will see - and apparently all you want to see. As you wish.
Someone quietly disagreeing with you is most assuredly not a tantrum - no matter how vehemently you insist otherwise and try to stir the pot.

No one was trying to pivot anything anywhere - just pointing out your hypocrisy as you are only defending NP (yes you are - you are saying there is no evidence when there is, it is all lies etc. ) and apparently could care less about any other suspect trainers and concerns people may express about them. This is the Dressage forum, after all - and many of the same reprehensible posters that you find fault with are are probably commenting there.

I should know better than to check back in here on a drive byā€¦ moving alongā€¦


Heā€™s not famous in Australia. I have known about him for many years because of reading blogs. Used to regularity read a bunch of horse related blogs. His anti LGBT views is something that I have only just learned about but a quick Google search fixed that. Was able to find a lot of damning information about him despite having SafeSearch on.

All my links are clean. So here are some more.



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Try using a word other than ā€œpivotā€ to attempt to deflect my assertions, that is starting to sound a little reminiscent of NP and his limited vocabulary. Again, you are attempting to use a general principle (be nice online) to defend only one individual (Nick Peronce). Therefore, you are disingenuous in your belief in the principle, suggesting a pro-NP stance, poorly disguised as at attempt to adhere to a principle. Itā€™s not that hard to follow along, but it is hard to deny the self-evident nature of my claim.

In the event that I am wrong, please post some links to your historical application of the general principle in other threads, and I will gladly concede. In that case we are only left with the fact that you are defending a man who threatened violence against others on the basis of their personal identity.


I donā€™t know how I missed that one!! :eek::eek: Thanks for the link.


same here, along with the Fat and Ugly wallā€¦ geez, I like him a lot less than I did an hour ago, and that is saying something. [edit]


Heā€™s not famous in Australia. I have known about him for many years because I used to read a lot of horse blogs. I knew about Nick before I knew about this forum. The information that he is anti LGBT is new to me but a quick Google search fixed that. Was able to find a vast amount of information despite having SafeSearch on.

All my links are clean and so here are some more.




The school where he said he did his Bounty Hunter training doesnā€™t even exsist!


I think it does somewhere. Found a Craigslist ad in Philadelphia for it once. He doesnā€™t talk about bounty hunting any more, though he does throw out that he is in ā€œlaw enforcementā€ occasionally when he wants to intimidate.


ok, that is interesting! thanks for the update!