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Me too. I’m more than a little annoyed. They couldn’t at least show the finals? Really?

Supposedly FEI TV has a WEG live stream today – anyone trying to watch, anyone having trouble? I’ve tried two browsers and no luck so far. I hope it ends up working out: problems watching on FEI TV is why I cancelled my monthly subscription with them years ago. I had hoped things had changed. I don’t usually have a problem live streaming on my equipment.

Having problems here w FEI TV. Was getting some video w crappy audio that would fade in and out. Now nothing at all :frowning:

I keep getting “will start soon.” but on their front page it says it’s live now. pissing me off big time.

I’m trying on both my smart tv and phone with no luck. I remember the technical difficulties in years past and was debating hard if i wanted to pay. I’m a bit irritated!!

it’s telling me it can’t be played on my device, to use google chrome. I go to google chrome and it can’t find the address.

Keep trying! It told me the same (cant play on my device) but the endurance feed is rolling again but so far I cant get the dressage.

Endurance is going. Reining says “Technical Difficulties”. No kidding :confused:

They actually briefly had the dressage feed going on the Endurance feed, but now, nothing from anyone!

Same here. And if you click the Help link, the troubleshooting page doesn’t even list Chrome. Guess I will try IE and see if that works.

worst $27 I ever spent.

Not working for me either. Bummer.

Update: Dressage is on the Endurance feed right now

Everything is working fine for me. I just tried. I’m on my phone using the FEI TV app - reining, endurance, dressage all working perfectly. Hopefully whatever issues everyone was having earlier are fixed.

ETA: Dressage was not loading on my computer. Reining did. Dressage works great via the phone app.

ETA 2: Endurance just went to “technical difficulties” message :confused:

Finally. It’s 9:30 a.m. (EST) and I have the dressage feed (on the FEI TV dressage page).

Was having trouble with FEI-TV for dressage …now it’s on ! Yay !

Update: now it’s not. Reining is on, but that’s indoors.

Is the commentary on dressage down? I backed out to reload since I had no sound and now I can’t even get the dressage to load… but at least Endurance is back. I have 2 computer windows open and my phone watching FEI TV - server overloading!

Endurance - technical difficulties
Dressage - “video is not currently available”

Ugh. Great, so I get to watch reining drag the arena which is the only video that hasn’t crapped out yet.

Kept refreshing dressage and it came back with commentary. This is not going to be a fun time if I have to constantly refresh videos :frowning:

endurance says unbelievably that they started out on the wrong course, and will restart after the last horse gets back! Dressage is still spinning…

I’m able to watch reining, get glimpses of endurance between technical difficulties, nothing for dressage. About the start I expected.

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does anyone know where the list of riders in dressage is? I can’t find it.

anyone getting the dressage? i just have a spinning red circle