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Foal Watch 2024

I’m very glad to see your update!

Given the days that had passed with no word, I was very afraid that he hadn’t survived. So happy to be wrong! :heart:

He is continuing to improve! Because of how small and fragile he is, nursing from his 16.3hh mom has not been an option and he’s learning to drink from a bucket. Overall he is doing very well, now we are just dealing with some tendon laxity and the balance of some exercise to strengthen him, but not too much since the bones in his knees and hocks are not fully ossified.


Good job, @Fuego1! He’s coming along well. Thank you for keeping us updated.

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Way to go, little buddy! He’s smart, too. I just want to hug him :heart: :heart: :heart:


Best wishes for little Fuego! What a cutie.

My old faithful broodmare Shezagreatgal is due any day now. Currently at 342 days; her past foals were born at 337, 335, and 330, so she’s baking this one a little longer. Topline is gone, belly continues to get bigger (!), udder is developing. Milk was testing steady at 5 on the brix scale, but has jumped up to 10 today. I am delaying bringing her in at night, as she’ll be the only one in the barn, but once her milk hits 15 she will be in under cameras.

Foal is by Saketini and is sold in utero. Fingers crossed for an uneventful birth!


Best wishes, @EventerAJ! I just love that mare and hope everything goes according to the textbook. Can’t wait to see her 2024 baby.


Hoping for smooth sailing!

@Fuego1, any chance we can get Monday updates on the little guy like we did of @Heinz_57’s Bo? Still rooting for the little guy!

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Thank you! He is getting stronger every day. He gets to go out on little walks now and the challenge is keeping him just walking and not leaping around! We have a great team being creative on his legs. We ordered some glue on cuffs that should arrive today but he is looking good in what they’ve been crafting out of tongue depressors and elasticon :wink:


What a stylin’ little dude! So glad he keeps fighting back. Once he gets strong, nothing’s gonna hold him back! Thanks for keeping his “aunties” up to date. Boop for that nose!


It’s a pretty cute nose!


Best wishes @EventerAJ for a smooth start to the foaling season! You’re sure due one.

And thanks for keeping us updated on the little guy @Fuego1!


And now I’m laugh crying at work! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: That’s a lot of ADORBS!


Best of luck with her @EventerAJ! I hope everything goes perfectly for you.

@Fuego1, he’s adorable. I’m so glad he’s continuing to come along well.

Our first mare is at day 349, and shows no sign of being in a hurry. She’d rather just sleep in the sun (and snow.)



Who is she in foal to?

Happy Saver

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I just looked at my chart when EventerAJ posted and was going to message you as yours was the only other one down for January. Yeah, she looks pretty complacent and long suffering. LOL

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Your mare is in beautiful condition! :heart_eyes:


@JBCool, I wish she and I could oblige you. A January foal is looking ike a pipedream now.

Thank you @2bayboys. She’s a sweet mare who makes everything (except foaling on time) easy.

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He looks like a lively little guy! So glad to hear he’s doing well.