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Frustrated at a perfect barn

having a barn closer, with the price of gas these days, is always a big win

Bravo Over and Onward for nailing that friend issue to a tee. Never a fun lesson to learn


That is just nuts!

Onward and uoward for you. That place was not so perfect in hindsight.


I have found over many years of boarding horses, there are those who are definitely in it for reasons that go beyond horses, riding, training, care, or whatever task is at hand with one’s horse(s). I have met many nice people, and developed some great friendships. However, over time, I have realized a very few (thankfully) have turned out to be quite unhinged. Telling sign to me is someone who is constantly socializing. To a certain extent it’s healthy, but to an extreme, I think it shows a lack of focus on the horse. Just my opinion. This scenario over several months on this thread reminded me of a very recent case where I board. Thankfully she has moved on, while posting on SM about all the narcissists in her life. Maybe I’m one, lol, because I’m usually quite busy and occupied at the barn. Oh well
my horses are doing great !


I was still a teenager when I figured out that horses are a magnet for two kinds of people - the best people in the world, and the worst.

The worst, for complex reasons 
 but fortunately in most situations it is overwhelmingly the best. :slight_smile:


Very well put. I think that as we age, encounters with the worst tend to roll off the back more easily.


Thank you everyone for your continuous support.
We are moving tomorrow.


.good job.

Always remember if you don’t know a horse person with dominance/control issues, who has no filter for inappropriate comments or behavior or just is bat sh*t crazy? It’s you.

Your actions here were the appropriate ones.


We have moved successfully! The boys are settling in nicely and I am already thoroughly enjoying the lesser distance and travel costs. On the day of the move, I was given the cold treatment by a couple of people I thought of as friends, but the BO was continuously supportive and even gave me a parting gift, which made me tear up a little. After all of this emotional rollercoaster, I hope to finally be able to enjoy my horses in peace. Might make a separate thread of our progress when the dust settles. :slight_smile:


Good news and glad the last BO was so nice!

It can be surprising the things that show up a supposed friend for what they really are. Oh well. On we go.


Before you complain about me, tell the full story from both sides.
How you lied to your friends.
For example, how being a saddle dealer, used my saddle money for your own purposes. (And I wasn’t the only one having problems with orders.) Keep smiling and having a good time together pretending nothing happened for months, lying that the manufacturers had problems with the shipment.
I even forgave and you continued to lie about everything.

Friendship works if both work for it, but unfortunately you don’t understand that, so I cut off any contact with you.
It’s not about moving, it’s about your lies, alcohol and inability to take responsibility for your words and actions.

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Oh boy.


And you forgot to mention that I have two horses, emotional, impulsive Russian Don mare
And yea my well behaved four-year-old mare

Nu kā tev nav kauna sagrozīt faktus.

And I am very sorry for the “dirty laundry”.:see_no_evil:



“How come you have no shame in distorting the facts.”

Translation of above


I am the owner of the calm 19 yo gelding mentioned in the first post. Actually not calm enough for Sleipnir to ride him. Actually Sleipnir can’t ride her old seasoned horse out of arena because she has extreme anxiety. There were times when she and her youngster that kept running loose endangered lessons of a young beginner child that took place in the arena.
It is extremely disappointing and sad to read all this. Cold treatment??? After all your unkept promises, lies and unanswered whatsapp messages. After we helped you to go to doctor to try to get better with your anxiety, depression and other mental problems (including problems with alcohol). After we cleaned your house, full of cats poop. Actually your house is still full with cats poop and pee and other trash. I know, because my parents are your landlords.
11 years experience of backing horses? What??? I know you since you started riding, haven’t seen any horse you have fully backed and broken in.

Sorry for my English, I feel deeply frustrated after finding this thread and reading all this bullshit and I am finding hard to concentrate on proper grammar.

You don’t know how to be friends with real people in real life because you can’t sustain your lies in real life. So you run away, don’t answer to messages, don’t keep your promises and play victim and find surrogate friends in online forums and all those nice people believe your bullshit and pat you on shoulder and advice to you to end those bad friendships with those bad persons.

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Well then


Man :grimacing: I always write my posts with the thought that someone I know may recognize me and try and keep them as truthfully objective as I can.


The houseguests have apparently showed up