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Help me color coordinate for showing

This jacket would look stunning with that pad. https://www.asmarequestrian.com/products/london-show-jacket?variant=6929718837282

I agree!! I saw that one when I first started searching but it’s sold out.

If you do a web search for “cavalleria toscana sizing chart” you will find one. I followed that and it fits fine (actually slightly looser than I was expecting)

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I think a nice tan or beige coat with the sage/ olive green on the collar would be gorgeous! I would find a nice fitting coat then have a seamstress do her best to match the pad exactly for the collar, shimmery fabric and all. I suppose with white breeches? Maybe black? That’s where I’m not sure.

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have you considered a custom jacket from Southeast Sporthorse? Jo makes wonderful jackets, very popular around here. http://sesporthorse.com/
and speaking of WEC, @2tempe, did you see the light pink coat on the Friesian?

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No I missed the pink coat on the friesian… I did see a big bay pinto, rider had gray coat & earbonnet, with shiny rose gold spurs AND stirrups. That did not float my boat… I will be up there this weekend, my younger horse is doing first CDI. When not watching him, I will be watching wardrobes, lol.

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yeah,those stirrups were distracting… as were the bright shiny gold ones. Have good rides! I might come by to watch a nd learn a bit…

Unfortunately (or maybe not, lol) I am not riding, my trainer is riding. Horse show mom/braider/groom for this boy.

Wow… love this one


Yes, this is really nice. Not too much going on, not distracting,

Exactly… had that bit of rich color, but not too much, goes well with the horse’s coat. Clean, classy, and still stands out against the more traditional looks.

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Schooling show is this Saturday! Im still planning to wear black breeches and a black quarter zip…not sure which pad yet but anything will match.

What is acceptable for my hair? Mine is long; past my shoulders. Can I just wear it in a braid down my back or a low bubble pony tail?

No bubbly pony tail. Either a snug low bun, or braid and tuck down inside your shirt. I suppose a long braid outside of clothing would be okay at a schooling show, but the low bun look best. Most people don’t have enough hair to make one of their own, and use extra!


The point is not to have anything bobbing or swinging on your back. So however you can confine it neatly and have your helmet fit properly.

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Glad I have some time to practice! I figured I could get away with something a little easier at a schooling show, but I will give the bun a try.

There are lots of videos. I used to have really long hair and I found it quite easy to make a bun. It helps if you use a couple hair nets, and curved hair clips where needed, they hold everything in place…You do it early in the morning before you go to the barn, and you forget about it.

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This point is worth repeating. It is distracting when riders have hair bouncing around. The bun doesn’t have to be perfect, but it does look neater if it’s in a hair net.

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Got hair pins and hair nets! I also broke down and ordered a basic black jacket…AND sparkles! plus the applicator! I’m going to sparkle the collar, pockets and maybe some on the cuffs. These should match nearly all the pads I have color wise but shouldn’t pop out too crazy on the black.



I can’t wait to see how it comes out.

I have long hair and am horrible at hair styling so I use one of these: https://www.doversaddlery.com/hair-net-bun-cover/p/X1-36217/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwj7CZBhDHARIsAPPWv3cHe4l29Y4MhCYcb49wT_08uOqxW94n6-sJCXWPk8fXwQmFlaF-SV0aAidAEALw_wcB. First you make the bun underneath, then you just clip the cover on/around it and presto! No bouncing and I’ve never had it escape.

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