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Help me color coordinate for showing

OK, let me ask this. I’ve been toying with the idea of cutting my hair short again. It’s pretty long now. So if you have short hair, and nothing is showing under your helmet, are you still wanting to add a “fake” bun?

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Thanks for this! I’ll have to pick one of this up. Until I can get my hands on one, this weekend at least I’m planning to do a long braid, bun the braid then do a regular hair net on that. I ride with a helmet liner to protect my hair and that keeps everyone directly under the helmet contained. I don’t miss this hair part of horse showing :joy:

For short hair, no need to add a bun! Many with short hair do not bother with a hair net. With today’s helmets your hair is often effectively contained. An inch or so reaching below the harness in back should not look messy. Virtually no hairnets at casual schooling shows around here. Those with longer hair do create some kind of bun, even if is just folding under a low ponytail.


Welcome to the world of bedazzling show clothes! Must warn you: Once you start, you’ll never stop. Ever. :laughing:

The coat with the crystals, that you’re using for inspiration, looks a lot like the black hunt coat I retrofitted and then bedazzled for my showmanship jacket. It ends up looking very elegant with just a hint of sparkle when the sunlight hits it.

I am bedazzled! This is fun. I’m not a super crafty person, but this was within my reach :joy:

The woman I got my Kingsleys from just changed her profile pic to one with a green coat darn near exactly like I’m looking for as well. It’s made by Samshield. They are of course out of what I would expect my size to be, but I am keeping an eye on them.


So you’re saying you’re the Beverly Goldberg of the horse world. :laughing:


Ha! Yeah, I knew I’d gone over the edge when I started finding loose Swarovski rhinestones in the oddest places. And I’d so wear that unicorn sweater.


That is too funny!!

Showing hunters and equitation stifled my sparkly dreams. It was decades of navy, khaki and white. Now that I primarily show western, I have become fast friends with a hot fix gun. In my next life, however, I am determined to return as a dressage rider so I can wear a lavender or turquoise jacket. And some really fancy custom boots. So many creative opportunities now!

@FjordBCRF that green coat would look awesome on your horse. Maybe you could you get on a waiting list for that color.


I LOVE that agave green Samshield! Curses that it’s so expensive. Here’s a more military shade of green on sale for “only” $511: https://www.farmhousetack.com/products/samshield-victorine-embroidery-show-jacket?variant=39913158279353&currency=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsrWZBhC4ARIsAGGUJurvAGjwkvby6KscCJl8CxipOEPR2wf2jNs5ddL9IGimdvoB-iXhSuMaAnB3EALw_wcB


Oh lord, why did you have to post that? It is gorgeous and would look amazing on my more liver chestnut. Maybe if we’re ever in the caliber to go to a Big Show. Of course coordinated custom boots would be needed!


Why? Because if other people are going to post pretty things that I want to buy but shouldn’t spend money on, I am going to pay it forward. You’re welcome! :innocent:


That military green coat is stunning! Love the subtle detailing around the cuffs.


That’s great looking but if I wore that shade of green I’d look like I was in the final stage of some gruesome terminal disease. :rofl:

I think you’d need olive-toned skin to pull it off.

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Looking at your horse and the green grass and then the blue sky…i like the blue much better.

I agree. Olive green would be lovely if the horse was shown on sand, and they were somewhere in Arizona with no green background.

Personally I think the lighter of the two blues works the best here.


a red …one without a yellowish tint might be nice too.

I was thinking that a wine color would look nice.


Hmm, I like the blue on the upper left with his coloring.

Opinions on the Samshield with my mare, and where I can find a matching saddle pad? Maybe if I get off my hands and sell some unneeded tack…

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