Saw a male barn swallow today, about 2pm, here in Michigan, just north of Lansing. I heard him first, then spotted him on the rafter.
@sophie My barn swallows coexist with starlings & sparrows.
Not sure about the sparrows, but I get fledgling starlings yearly.
They are surely the dumbest babies ever!
Every year I redirect a couple who can’t seem to figure out windows are not a way out.
Last year 5 starlings, not yet fledged, I had to remove from stalls & barn aisle.
Wild Bird Rescue told me to put them somewhere off the ground & parents would feed them until they could fly. I made a sheltered place for them on stacked hay bales & one by one they were gone.
My stall doors at back of stalls are open year-round & sliders at the front of the barn & in the indoor are open as long as weather is decent.
Swallow babies never get this lost.
I was confused, thinking I had a couple here in Massachusetts in February, but they are Eastern Bluebirds. That makes much more sense!
Anyone have their swallows show up yet? Still waiting here for our first arrivals (Southern Ontario).
Nothing here yet in Eastern Ontario, but it is still early.
Saw one here in central Vermont yesterday!
First 1 arrived 2 weeks ago, followed by the gang last week. In North Georgia. Lovely LOUD chatty arrival.
Yesterday, two barn swallows showed up in my barn - Nokesville in Northern Virginia.
Isn’t it exciting? I am giddy with anticipation of their arrival. I’ll have to wait another few weeks I suspect but will be doing the dance of joy when the first ones land in the barn!
Ours haven’t arrived here yet in Western WA (north). I expect to see them anytime, cleaning out the old nest. They’ve been coming back to the same nest since I can’t remember how long it’s been. They do repairs and and move back in.
They just arrived today! One day later.
Ours arrived noisily on the 17th!! Welcome back!!
Central Ohio - saw them first time today (April 24th) - they are like the Blue Angels!
St. Paul, Minnesota. The first announced himself loudly this evening. Now I know spring is here.
NW MT has checked in!
I thought they were here but I think they were just passing through. Haven’t seen ours yet.
Ours finally showed up this morning! I was getting a little worried, they’re about week later than normal. Niagara Region, Southern Ontario.
Ours just appeared yesterday in RI!
Question for those with loads of barn swallows:
We normally have 2-3 pairs per season, which is a nice number for our little four-stall barn. Last year we had a record of 8 pairs! Knowing how beneficial they are, I can manage the droppings and mess.
But…last year the barn ended up INFESTED with Northern Fowl Mites. They were crawling up and down the walls, on the pitchforks, buckets, etc. I know they are not harmful to us, the horses, the dogs, but this was too much! I could feel them up and down my arms! You could just barely see them on the bare skin. Keeping the tackroom door closed kept them off the tack, and we changed clothes before coming in the house.
I normally allow the barn swallows to stay through 2 nests of babies, but I had to evict them once the first babies were fledged.
So, any suggestions on prevention before we get to this point??? I do want to promote a few healthy nests, but I can’t relive that again!
Good question! I have never encountered such an infestation like you describe and we at times have 30+ nests in the barn. I was of the belief that if the nests were not used that it was a sign of an abundance of mites and to remove it. But last year we were encouraged to leave the unused nests as the already exhausted swallows need to make over 1000 trips with material to build a new one. In the end all the existing nests were occupied. I do know that mites are beneficial and some studies are indicating that they can boost fledglings immune system. Sorry to not be of much help to you on this. Maybe someone else can chime in with some ideas.
Finally showed up yesterday - 2 pairs. They’re squabbling over their nest selection. Seems both want the same one. Welcome back!
Ours moved in this week. Feels late?! Saw a few probably three weeks ago, scouting.