I'm going to do it!!!! A COTH BB Movie!!!!!!!!!!

OK, Warning fellow innocent BB’ers - epic, diva-sized temper tantrum about to happen…

JAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRRR!!! VT is DESTROYING my creative impulses!!! Your Oscar is GONE!!!

Just wait 'til the National Enquirer gets ahold of this. Heidi & Jair caught in love tryst with DMK. Oooooh. That should be good for at least a quarter mil.

and more

lol, I love it! Exotic dancer, eh… I might be a tad bit underage, but that just makes things more exciting. Imagine the suspense-when will the cops figure it out and throw me into a juvenile detention center??? Just think of the chaos I could cause in one of those places!

(On the phone to the National Enqirer) “You’ll never BELIEVE the goings on behind the scenes of this shoot! Its musical trailors around here, with all sorts of the casting couch scenarios! You’d think the soap operas on screen where just the warm-up … how much will you give me for the whole scoop? That much? Ooo weee - let me start with a little tid-bit about the hairy director who claims I was chased and bitten by bears…that’s what we call him behind his back you know, Jair-BEAR”

Kelsey and i only drink Perrier


Pizzaria time, VTRider? Get Moesha to lend you some of those fake gold chains he’s been hawking in Middleburg!

Jair I just got an idea!!! Actually we may not want Jennifer to sing! but Andrew just phoned and would love to write an opening song/musical introduction? He was thinking Clueless opening/Cabaret/Rocky Horror!

“I’m just a Sweet BB’er from Baltimoexual”

Let me know what you think, I don’t know we want English patient more than Momma’s Family!!!

Cheers & Kisses

p.s. Darlings beuatiful people please just relax we will address all you concerns after our breakfeast after croissants and fresh squeezed juice we will be much better at sorting out details. All of your concerns and questions are so important to us! Please feel free to express your conerns and of course I want to hear your ideas just give us time to answer.
Now don’t forget cool water showers only, lime peels on your foreheads and lemons on you eyelids, ten glasses of water a day, nothing after 9!! and 10 hours of sleep…camera’s can only lie so much my darlings!!! We must show teh world how beautiful you all are and how talented.


Sorry for meaning so harsh the last few hours.

It is not fun driving back and forth on 64 in my '34 Quantum that was Sea Urchin’s first car that is a 3 speed - trying to drive and squish grapes with my left fist while I drive with my knees just so Snowbird can have her $15K wine!!!

Snowy - I hope you appreciate this!

I’m Ainsley I live off Manor road can I have a role too? I ride very well and could even help in the filming or designs.

You Wanna what?

I love it! I love it! Moesha, you are PRICELESS.


Will you be using real chinese kids in my Canton flashback scene ?What will be used “INSTEAD” of real opium???

Snowbird, Snowbird!! You may NOT exploit the youth of this production!! My skin is young and youthful!! Let us not destroy that!! (Come now- have you seen that Diva queen DMK�s skin?? Imagine my youthful looks gone bad? No no…) Maybe I can take my Pelligrino with a twist… But for god’s sake- just please, ensure me that lal these Poland Springs bottles I am seeing are merely booze cover-ups, and not trying to be Evian…(faint…)
Call me- you and I must go Mink Coat shopping together…
BTW- I�m sure the Cajun Lesbian�s would be interested in a Streaker scene�

Moesha, darling, don�t be fooled- I am not always so wonderful. Its inspirational working under such talent! Such beauty! Such sheer indescribeableness! Gag is second nature to me�Jair likes the S&M thing� maybe you should see how Heidi feels about this? She has contacts w/ the Mayor…

CANTER!! Honestly…With a budget exceeding 45 mil., There is room for DMK�s 22 mil, and my 23�really now… read between the lines… You know, you might consider having DMK�s contract be a bit larger� having her connected to my name could allow her to demand a bit more. (Also, from one friend to another, you might want to push her away from that tacky costume jewelry she calls �classy� and push her towards the gold�it just isn�t so mundane-you know how it is…)

Brilyn- believe it pet, its faar too real…(By the way, have Vince and I met�?)

We have to have her in the film she has the most intense role in the film…LATONDA!

After being fired from Latoya’s drag club, LATONDA prowls the alleys and side streets of Baltimore dreaming of her days as a big DQ in Palm Springs, now reduced to a homeless Transexual her mind floats between revenge and sadistic maddness!!

Besides, she is an important backdrop as she rolls out of an Alley off Water Street drunk on Rootbeer schnapps as SIMON has his Unicorn Musical Freestyle dream sequence and MIRANDA flys by on a giant flying Sea Horse!

As ANNA, owner extraordinaire of the Bawlamore roadside bar cum studio canteen, I warn you now that all meat used in my flame grilled burgers is imported from ENGLAND so you will have to take your chances with the foot & mouth. However, rumour has it that the slavering blistering mouths of some of the BB’ers is not herpes as some have suggested but f&m so as it is already making its rounds I shouldn’t worry unduly.

[This message was edited by lil orphan annie on Mar. 21, 2001 at 11:01 AM.]

I bow to your brilliance Moesha

Apologies, VtRider. I was off my meds.

Celebraties taking a break!

Just curious Moesha to WHO you are, and how I got involved in this, I dont post much on these boards, and I am very curious as to why you gave me that “role”

PaigeHortman, plays CASSANDRA a “local circuit” Princess who changes in between classes and is the envy of the County shows

and why do I change between classes in your movie, and why do you call me a local circuit princess have I said anything to make you think that, just curious, not sure if offence should be taken or not, but Richard seems to think its funny! Whatever tho!