Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

I hope their pipes don’t freeze while they are away.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Maybe Lauren Kanarek should go check and make sure all is OK.


I’m wondering if he had the sutures removed then. Or perhaps the (slide bite?) wound wasn’t healing properly and he had to have it debrided and re-sutured.

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Dubai is actually a Jewish-friendly place and has an ever-growing Middle-Eastern Jewish enclave, especially as Israel has made friendly relations with Dubai in the past few years, for “economic purposes”. That’s likely why he’s visiting there, for “business opportunities” with those International Jewish Interest financing groups that he and his wife are tied to. Papa Kanarek is of European Jewish stock from Poland/Germany, so he’s far removed from the dark-haired folk that many people associate with the classic Israeli-linked Jewish individuals shown in media and what you’d find in Dubai, and would simply come across as a generic Caucasian tourist, unless he was making it clear to everyone who saw him that he was Jewish, by wearing a Yarmulke or outwardly presenting some other indication of being Jewish.


I’m still amazed that he was interviewed by 48 Hours on the same day he was acquitted. Talk about a jam packed day.


There really is something weird going on with the posts. About 20 minutes ago I was reading the pasted posts that LK made to 48 hrs, but now they are gone.

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Maybe he was putting the clean laundry away upstairs in the apartment. Or in the helicopter.


I can still see them. (I went and looked to see if maybe they had been removed by moderation.)

Does this link work for you to take you to them?

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I wonder if the wonky posts are wonky in different ways for different people, depending on factors that are beyond my Luddite imagination.


Thank you! Good stuff to know.

You can’t blame it on the thread being too long.



Not yet, anyway.

[quote=“Aurora58, post:1567, topic:778966, full:true”]

LOL @ the 48 Hours tweet.

Where is it we have heard the term “active shooter” erroneously stated, over and over? Here on this very forum? Couldn’t be.

For those still struggling with its definition:

“According to the F.B.I., “an active shooter is an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a populated area.”

IE. Not one person getting shot on private property. It sounds super dramatic though, I’ll give you that.


I was just going to comment on the active shooter phrase. Hmmm, where have we heard that before?


[quote=“Warmblood1, post:1631, topic:778966, full:true”]

OK. I’ll bite.

How was MB opening fire at the farmhouse not an active shooter situation?

Wow. Keeping things Klassy as always!


I personally find it funny that they say she took to social media out of frustration.

Keeping her OFF social media is probably pretty frustrating…but she didn’t need any incentive to blab on it constantly.


Well, even though it’s been explained before, maybe you’ll believe the FBI?


Who is “we”? Is this the royal “we”? The kind that legends in their own minds rmploy?