All the time!
Edited to add: some places don’t have reliable internet but do have reliable phone lines. They probably receive more than send.
All the time!
Edited to add: some places don’t have reliable internet but do have reliable phone lines. They probably receive more than send.
I don’t know. I’m just trying to remember the last time I saw fax numbers included in any other context. Lol.
If only that had happened a lot sooner!!
Silver sure can turn a phrase. In a previous filing, he used the term “sophistry” - absolutely brilliant.
He has publicly stated he worked for E.F. Hutton.
As a fellow lover of words, I would have revelled in typing those up.
But working for EF Hutton =/= being a lawyer/Wall St lawyer.
If he was in-house counsel I guess you could stretch that to being a Wall St lawyer (was EF Hutton on Wall St?).
But not just working for the in another capacity after having gone to law school. Plus, he described as IM that JK didn’t work as a practicing lawyer.
Ah - got it.
Fax is still the major method of distributing some types of documents and printed copies of things. Those fax numbers probably still get a LOT of use.
ETA: look, I’m unwilling to indulge any sort of tenuous connections that someone who worked at EF Hutton was personally somehow involved in masterminding any of the chicanery that goes on regularly in investment banking.
It remains that if you made it through even one year of law school, you know what ex parte communication is and you know that you can’t act in capacity as an attorney without an active law license and thus there is no concept of privilege for any of your communications. This isn’t advanced law here.
And even that’s assuming that the statement was truthful in the first place.
I am thinking it is a delaying tactic, pure and simple. They are so afraid they will lose if LK’s suit ever goes to trial, they just keep on being obstructionist to drag things out - in hopes the other side will offer a settlement just to be done with it. They know everyone on the other side just want to get on with their lives, but to the K-Klan this IS their life. “Finish the Bastard” seems to have become the family motto - that’s “Bastardis Consummare” in Latin (according to Google translate).
And of course they are trying to divert the discussion away from recent developments and onto that old tired issue of what the verdict meant. Not falling for it…
My guess is he will hang in there for a while since LK is still his meal ticket. Although I suspect the day will come when one or the other of them wake up and take a look at the other one and realize the thrill is gone and the grass is greener elsewhere.
When that day comes, how hard will it be to walk away with the inside knowledge involved?
I think JK will end up paying two delinquents to keep them under his eye, if he isn’t already.
“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” And yes, the Kanareks (plural!) are evil, and Eggbut and others will not sit aside and do nothing.
The downside is that if the allegations prove false, it will result in some very, very hard feelings on Taylor’s part toward Bilinkas (even worse bias than what we saw during the criminal trial). I would think Mr. B would therefore want to try to make sure he has his ducks all in a row before doing anything. But if he gets any kind of real evidence, I hope he goes for the nuclear option.
I will admit, I thought it was weird thing to complain about, and as I’ve learned, things rarely get mentioned in such ways without a good reason. It’s almost a subconscious reflex. It makes me wonder what exactly was on their shopping list considering the search for exploding bullets that was mentioned before. It also makes me wonder if there is some reason to be embarrassed or concerned by legality of something in the financial information.
Which should never be. If that’s likely, that’s a terrible statement about Taylor’s demeanor.
someone posts that almost daily, bound to be right eventually lol
Does the latest filling say (in other words) they accept/believe both parties are at least 50/51% liable in this case? So the lawyer feels the civil case would be a wash?
Also, our office faxes things too…not that we want to lol some places require it.