MB CIVIL SUIT UPDATE #10 K’s Request to Adjourn (delay) DENIED 11/01/22

I don’t think the judge will hold them in contempt. I think the judge will either quash the subpoenas or approve more limited requests and provide a new date for compliance, and that the Kanareks will then comply.

I think the whole situation is far less dramatic than you are trying to make it out to be.


They didn’t shoot anyone. No one knows of anything the parents have done except protect their children and LK’s SM posts fit right in here.

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:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

@CurrentlyHorseless I didn’t mean to tag the reply to you sorry haha


Was that picture ever posted anywhere? Or was it just another imaginary picture?


LOL. So sorry the ignore function is still not working for you.

Re bolded
I think that RG is intelligent enough to know that a criminal conviction does not result in payouts of any kind, including multi million dollar payouts, to the victims/witnesses.


I once worked for a business that among other things offered A trade show with presentations carrying CE credit for both law and accounting. I was taking a registration over the phone and asked the person I was talking with if the attendee required bar accreditation. She said “You mean, to drink?”

I kid you not.



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Ah, the standard here is “didn’t shoot anyone” so it you haven’t shot anyone you’re a golden citizen, right? Seems legit.

Also, protecting one’s children is fine, but the lengths that one may go to may involve questionable morals and/or ethics.

And good God, the people that justify, downplay, or accept LK’s behavior and any evil in general must be cut from the same cloth. I can’t imagine it being any other way. A decent person would never.


While actually accusing LK and RG of a crime, you are disavowing doing so and also not naming them though the discussion is their cell phones. Pretty transparent.


In what sense have I “gotten petty”?

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I do hope there is another filing today. It should be very interesting reading….


What if the phones show that something (a photo for example) was manipulated to appear nefarious, but allowing the court access to the phone would show that manipulation…


Bless you, you’re a real hoot! :joy:


With those two, I wouldn’t be surprised at all….

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RG’s phone in particular would show all the video pings and whether he turned the system off that fateful day.

If everything is so innocent and above board, why not give it up? Again, current events are not lost on this gang.


They can get that without the phone too.

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I am tired of @Sdel throwing out baseless claims that JK somehow has three different judges, the administrators at SKC and the Morris County police force in his pocket. It’s ridiculous on the face of it, but the mob is willing to believe it, or pretend they believe it, to create their fantasy that MB didn’t shoot anyone and should be free.

There was plenty of evidence that MB shot LK, although not enough to prove he shot at RG. Would you like me to explain it again?


They received a guilty of the act that would otherwise be a crime except he was insane at the time. That verdict doesn’t remove his civil liability from shooting her. It strengthens her claim. What’s the mitigation strategy? She made him really mad so she deserved to be shot instead of evicted? I just don’t think that will get the defense where it wants to go, no matter how much it’s played up here.


She is her normal calm self. How are you doing?


Did you read the part of Silver’s reply in which he stated that he already had all the material, having been given it by Barisone, and was asking for it from MCPO just to authenticate it?