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MB CIVIL SUIT UPDATE #10 K’s Request to Adjourn (delay) DENIED 11/01/22

Reading the footnotes on these documents is always entertaining.


The footnotes have been amazing. LOL


I really shouldn’t be laughing at something so serious, but these are solid gold I tell you!


I love lawyer snark. And this is some solid gold snark.


At the very least grounds for action for bad judicial conduct.

Where I work, you can get copies of documents filed in the case as long as the judge does not seal said documents. Any documents, here at least are public record. Also any documents filed are considered part of the Official Record.

If a case is appealed to a higher court, we or the parties submit the Official Record to the appeals court. If it comes from here, that Official Record is Certified as such.

BUT, NEVER have I seen a judge give out their personal notes they took from a hearing. The judges notes are NOT part of the Official Record and normally are destroyed after the judge writes, issues and files his decision.


So, in the bankruptcy court, I know they will take the pro-se letters sent to the court and put them on the docket for people, so everything is nice and legal and everyone is represented. What is the likelihood that will happen here?

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Here’s one of many times she references Judge T’s notes, and the info therein:

At best, LK is running her mouth and fingertips off for whatever reason motivates LK. At worst, that’s a bad look for Judge T. And again, this is just one example. She said it several times. Probably screenshots exist elsewhere.


I am gobsmacked that @Inigo-montoya so blatantly bypassed judicial rules. This man and his corrupt family prove time and again they feel above the law. Now I have no doubt he was communicating with Stephen Taylor before, during and after the criminal trial. Here in NC that would certainly be grounds for investigation of the good judge (Taylor). Perhaps the Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct, Supreme Court of NJ would be interested in his attempts to influence a judge. At least Sceusi had the good conscience to forward JK’s email to all parties.

Who does that? Only people panicked and desperate do such things.


Considering that JK has obviously contacted Sceusi ex-parte in this case, I assume he must have also done so in the police suit and the criminal case. The outcomes from those contacts may be fabricated, but it does seem that JK has indeed contacted these judges. And by extension it would seem he also had probably contacted AK’s board and they are the ones who put in that footnote that Judge Taylor used to justify holding Michael.


The file is the file and is for public consumption. I used to give them out, even copy files ALL THE TIME.

But judges personal notes? Nope. Never privy to that unless it was notes on the file jacket itself. But otherwise, nope. Never.

So either Taylor did a major big no no or LK is lying.


Judges sometimes must get too power hungry. In the court case I am following, the Wagner Murder Trial, the judge tried to tell the news media what could and couldn’t be filmed. The news media sued the judge and they won.


We do that here as well as long as the e-mail is case related. Here we have a lot of pro se petitioner’s who don’t know all the legalese, so there are some oppsie moments. We will then let the petitioner know that they must copy the respondent’s attorney on all communications directed to the court. Also we give them the judges law clerk’s name and email address and let them know they are to go through the law clerk to get to the judge and not to directly email the judge.

But I work in Administrative Law not criminal. But we do follow the laws of Civil Procedure and Judicial conduct.


So, legal peeps….how does this influence the rulings the judge is about to make?


If it were judges I know here in my state/county, it would piss them off that a retired attorney tried to bypass the rules of court by sending such an email, long after the time a response was due. I know a judge that would be annoyed enough that said retired attorney would be paying Silver and Deininger for the work they’ve done since the original subpoenas were ignored. But, alas, I’m not in NJ.


At a minimum the press should know about Kanarek’s attempts to sway judges’ opinions. Would this be grounds for Michael’s suit against the MCPO reopened?

Did someone somewhere say Jonathan Kanarek is a lawyer? Did he seriously graduate law school and pass the bar somewhere? Charlatan.

We should suspect he has made the same inappropriate power plays with USEF/USDF as well.


There was previous discussion about JK influencing the police. Does this kind of behavior indicate that may have been more accurate than not?


And SS. And begs the question on that very long list of arrests…


But no one in NJ will open an investigation in his behavior without pressure from the public. Sounds like an episode from the Supranos.


Didn’t NJ recently make some changes about qualified immunity and the police? I thought it was supposed to be harder now for cops to claim QI since the time that case was dismissed.


Here is an article about it.