MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

This matches what I was expecting the outcome of the hearing to be. Not sure why IM was so pleased, since this places MB on the path to treatment and release.


I don’t think anyone in Michael’s support group thought he would be released today. Who knows what had IM in such a state? Better yet, who really cares?

Have you noticed the Kanarek group always has an excuse for everything? The responses to the subpoenas were lost. Silver is lazy. I used to think it was only Lauren that was never accountable for anything, apparently she got the trait naturally.


Clearly IM was not himself today.


I didn’t think IM was very pleased. They were ranting, wailing, and gnashing teeth……


My frustration was with the judge’s comments. I was hoping that he would follow the expert’s recommendations and provide a path for MB’s success.

In the court photo you shared, Mr. B and Mr. D looked a bit frustrated as well.


I am stunned at Taylor’s personal comment re: MB’s appearance. Genuinely shocked. 100% inappropriate and unprofessional in the extreme.

I hope now we can all drop any make pretend that Judge Taylor is not, and has not been all along, biased.

Jaysus, just that he thinks he can say that out loud without repercussion tells us everything we need to know.


I thought MB looked similar to how he did in the trial - tired and worried. The haircut didn’t really change much in my opinion. I agree - that was an uncalled-for comment. Personal opinion - if you’re the judge, you should know to respect the decision of the jury and those comments did not come across that way to me.


I hope it rains


He needs to be investigated …. He was and is totally bias on this case


I hope you feel better soon. I’m a grump when I’m sick too.


Thank you, it has been going on forever it feels like.


All of this. He showed disregard for the jury and clear, stated bias against the acquittee. I say as a legal professional, it was gross and embarrassing and it’s stuff like this that erodes the public’s confidence in the justice system. The judge is not the finder of fact. He had no place to make such an observation. There should be sanctioning for this behaviour.

I also thought MB looked drawn and didn’t see a big contrast with his trial demeanor. He did look much calmer now, but still ‘tired and worried’ as you say. I also understood that prison haircuts were cancelled due to covid so that’s why his hair was long.

Honestly, in my opinion, I would have had him more cleaned up for trial. The way he had to present himself, a juror could have just as easily decided that look made him appear more dangerous, out of control, not normal, someone you wouldn’t want to meet on the street, unstable, etc. If Taylor thinks that was a calculated look, he misses that that was a huge gamble b/c it easily could have taken differently. AND, in fact, we don’t know that the jurors didn’t react negatively to it.

The only logical basis for his comment is bias and mean spirit. Really petty and pathetic in someone possessed of that position and power.


Not just bias. I say downright malfeasance.


We went over subpoenas before. Everyone in Florida received the same subpoena to testify in the criminal trial. If If I read the NJ instructions on subpoenas correctly then whoever initiates the subpoena pays expenses.

I’ve been reading about Nagel. I found the disciplinary action. It seems he took objection to how the judge was ruling, the judge didn’t like his argument, and it turned into a big fight. If I understood it correctly he won the case. The judge then held him in contempt and wouldn’t approve his payment from the award. The contempt charge was dropped on appeal and the payment was remanded to another court for review. I couldn’t find how that ended up. Then the judge turned him in for an ethics charge and he was reprimanded, one of the milder ones. Look at who represented him on the ethics charge. Here is the link:

I still hope they settle. This isn’t like the criminal trial where once MB shot her, his best bet was NGRI in order to have a chance to avoid any criminal record or SS personal action. If not, it looks like all parties are well represented.

It looks like MB will be in a more pleasant place and will continue with treatment and nothing has been found to preclude a future release of some kind. I hope he continues to heal.

I hope LK and family can relax some knowing everyone is safe.

Y’all have a good night.

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These subpoenas are for the civil trial. Those are the ones contempt was filed for.


HH Is talking about the subpoenas for the criminal trial. Everyone in FLA received Subpoenas from NJ, its true. MHG got one, RG and LK. I don’t know who else. It seems a little hazy about why NJ sent out the subpoenas, unless its routine, and FLA requires it. Or if it helps to determine where the expenses for travel come from (charged to NJ if it is a subpoena, for example, come at your own expense if no subpoena). I think it ensures witnesses appear and there is a legal channel to follow their notice and appearance. Something like that. I don’t know if they had to extract her for the trial.


I wasnb’t able to glean from that link who represented Nagle on the Ethics charge? Who did?

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Agreed. But those subpoenas are not part of the current conversation regarding contempt. The civil ones are.


The conversations came up because IM said to not believe anything Deininger was filling, implying that Deininger didn’t attend legal ethics classes and that Mark Silver was also wrong because he was lazy.


Those subpoenas came up in the Deininger filing.

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