MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Somehow, I doubt Mr. Silver has failed to speak to the prosecution of the criminal trial.


Well, if we want to talk lazy lawyers, nothing rises to the level of laziness of not even baseline proofing your own work product before submitting it to court. Hell, even ‘because’ was spelled wrong. WTF?


I thought that was a very odd place for a judge to go. The physical appearance of a defendant before and after acquittal? Out of bounds for sure.

Mr. Barisone, to me, looks wan, haggard and stressed, completely understandable under the circumstances.

Different haircut. Really? Judge Stephen Taylor of Morristown N.J. goes there? Sure dude, you didn’t like the verdict but for god’s sake you’re a Superior Court Judge. Deal with it.

I think that many people here don’t realize the extent of the psychological damage that M. Barisone continues to experience.

The talk, by some people here, of “having a party” when he is first released, shows that they don’t understand the magnitude of the damage that has been done and the length of time that may be required for him to heal.

The man needs time, treatment and privacy, to work out what has happened.

Mr. Barisone needs personal help and support from his doctors, Psych and GP, from IRL friends and loved ones.

From acquaintances and strangers, a nice card or book, or donation to his attorney fund is in order. Attempting to delve in to his medical/psych treatment and opine about the subject is crossing the line, a line that is (IMHO) too often crossed in this internet age.

As much as everyone agrees that Mr.Barisone was driven to the brink, they should understand that one does not recover from that horror quickly.
Hopefully MB will get the treatment he needs and will come out from the tunnel into the light.

This is not a contest about how long MB needs treatment, though LK seems to want that to be the case, and to feel that his need for some continued treatment is somehow her “win”.
It’s not.


Well said. I know, its like she thinks the longer he is confined and themore damaged he is, the more happy she is, and the more she has won. What the freak, dude, you don’t “finish the bastard” and celebrate.


Stick art! The thread is now complete.:crazy_face:


Is he retired? I thought when the subject came up on a previous thread, somebody said he was still technically not retired.

I agree with your whole statement, the judge was way off n his comments about MBs appearance. It just went to the judge’s personal belief the jury was wrong. No wonder Nagel made those comments about the jury, did he hear the judge say that first?

I fr ne am not sad that MB is getting more structured therapy in a safe setting. I think if he were out he’d be getting harassed by LK, especially if he were to go to FLA. She’s set herself up down there to continue her actions toward him, and if he’s going back there to live he’ll need all the mental resources he can put by.

But IMs rant was totally based on this hearing result, which I take as LK and possibly all of them, being hugely disappointed in the result.


Except to get exhibits there is little reason for them to discuss this case. The civil trial will have to prove all very again what happened. Also, it seems Mr Silver is aquatinted with the judge, and they have worked together before, so I’d say he’s got a huge advantage over Nagel.

And the rant about Denninger is just plain sour grapes.


Oh but it does relate to his ability as a lawyer if that is what the situation is and now he and his wife are facing contempt charges because they did not bother to respond to a subpoena in a timely manner.
I have never been to law school but I am assuming no matter which branch of law you go into one of the most basic things taught is - do not ignore a subpoena.


Many of us read the narrative about conditions in the county jail.
So it seems believable to me the MBs “look” was due to those conditions.
I think this comment (edit, by Taylor) is unnecessary. The trial is over.

Grooming definitely can be challenging when one is depressed also, which would be a common state for many facing the situation and conditions MB was:
Edit for two years+… cold showers, shitty soap, horrible food, no exercise, no sunshine, no interaction, … for two years+
all physically and emotionally will take a toll.
All after the abuse he endured at the hands of the Kaneraks…
What would Taylor look like under those conditions… for two years + ?

“A clean-shaven and neatly barbered Barisone, dressed in a brown plaid jacket and open-necked shirt appeared before Superior Court Judge Stephen Taylor in Morristown, New Jersey, looking completely different than he did during his trial. At that time, he was unshaven, with long, tangled hair, wearing wrinkled shirts. Commenting on his “markedly different” demeanor, the judge wondered whether the unkempt look had been “for the jury’s benefit” at the trial.”


This totally amazing post needs to be repeated!


I’d want to know what meds he was on and why he wanted off them.
Could it be these are different meds than he’s used in the past?
With a side effect profile that’s not fun?
And requires weaning off of, and time off before starting an alternative?

Lots of questions.


I interpreted this as an admission of how he had been tormented by LK, RG et al


I never said you have to wear a bathrobe. I just said having one is required.

I mean…since we are accused of being bathrobe wearing losers in the basement, you can see why owning a bathrobe is important.


This is an excellent point, often the formularies in institutions are not the same as what is prescribed in private settings.

His wanting to be off meds could be him knowing better, or a personal flaw, it’s impossible to know. While I generally support people being as drug free as possible, it’s all relative to their situation.


I’m such a loser, I don’t even have a basement!


It could also be part of the explanation of how bad he looked
while in jail.1
He was on cheaper meds while in jail… If he was on any?
Finding the right “cocktail” takes time and tweaking.
Its not quick, most patients try several before finding a suitable med … And if his condition is changing due to his circumstances as well, it may be more complicated.

1 jail has got to be depressing, just sayin’ .


I totally agree with you. The Kanareks want to push this a punishment for Michael, which again just shows the kind of people they are.


I’m so far behind again and someone may have already said this. But I am wondering if MB went off the meds in hopes that it would show the folks at JK (and Judge Taylor), that he was capable of coping without having to be medicated. It’s also possible the prescribed medications were causing unpleasant side effects. Obviously, that was a gambit that didn’t work out in his favor.


It is ignoring the fact that during covid there was no way to get a haircut. In jail haircuts are done by other prisoners and they were all kept separated. It is just rude and out of line for a judge to say that to begin with, and even more ridiculous that he ignored the fact that a haircut was not even an option.