MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Absolutely this.


There are so many reasons he might be presently off meds.
It doesn’t mean he doesn’t wish to use medication.

And I wonder if part of his motivation might be to remember what happened. I have no idea what he was on, or to treat what condition, but many of these can seriously muddle your mind and memory.


And hopefully he will be allowed to have access to real drawing materials - colored pencils, etc. I wonder if he paints. I bet he could turn out some lovely watercolors.


This is the thing I do not understand either.
IM is saying here that they did respond and the paperwork must have gotten lost by the lawyers. That answer loses it credibility when the extension was asked for instead of Jonathan and Kirby Kanarek simply handing over what was asked for again (or their response), because heck, it is all readily available because they just responded to it, right?


To be clear, “takes time” can mean years.


I suspect he was made to take meds while in the jail, not medications his own doctors had prescribed. Jails are in the business of control. Of course the made a snap decision to keep him drugged. Remember, it was stated by someone he was suicidal. I can certainly understanding wanting to get off unwanted medications to allow my head to clear and function. Of course it is apparent everything and anything Michael does is nefarious and dangerous.

Here’s a new one, Finish the Kanareks. Stings doesn’t it? But she was just kidding, right?


. Both Silver and Denninger filing contempt motions, AND Nagel responds without mentioning the Ks had submitted responses and the attorneys are working it out?

I call horsesh#t. I’m guessing the reality is once they got those contempt motions, they got Nagel to respond and they are NOW in negotiations with Silver and Denninger to get 'er done. So IM isn’t lying but isn’t really an accurate historian either.

And implying that Silver and Denninger are not up to par, when Nagel sunk his client’s position with that deposition motion? Project much?


A lifetime, even.


Consider the talk recently about the mental state of kids, generally much more mentally resilient than fifty year old people, through this pandemic.

Kids are depressed, at risk, the “isolation” - in their own homes lets be clear- supposedly has had alarming, negative effects.

But we’re supposed to be shocked MB, jailed for two years plus, looked less than well groomed?

I’m sorry, I’m beating this point but its edit, Taylor’s comment egregiously ignorant and verging on cruel.


Regarding taking yourself off of anti-depressants: if you do it right, it is a manageable process. That means titrating your dose down over a course of months, so you don’t shock your system. If you just stop cold turkey, your brain can’t cope and the effects can be dramatic. The doctors may be worried about that.

I tried to take myself off my medication during a rebellious phase in my 20s. I just stopped taking them. I ended up triggering anxiety attacks that nearly sent me into psychosis. Fun times.


I, too, am hoping for this. Even if we never get to see any of it, it seems that would be very helpful for him.


We don’t know what meds he was on, when, or for how long edit or to treat what conditions.


Jaffer’s article states that he will spend “at least the next six months” in treatment, in-hospital.

But she may be basing that on the March hearing date.

Hopefully that was a misunderstanding on her part and MB will be allowed to progress quickly through the program at Greystone and be deemed stable enough for discharge in short order.


“Under questioning by Barisone’s attorney, Ed Bilinkas, Bajgier said she did not see the trainer as a danger to himself or others. She noted that within days of arriving at Ann Klein, Barisone took himself off medication for anxiety and depression, among other things, and is not on any medication now.”

From the Nancy Jaffer article. They could be MAOIs, or SSRIs, but he was being medically treated for anxiety and depression.


Full disclosure here, many of us were aware the hearing was scheduled for yesterday and chose to remain completely silent about it. It was no surprise and was so extremely telling when IM went on his giddy, lying, disgusting rant so soon after Taylor’s decision. It only shows what these people are made of. Uncouth, despicable and selfish. I hope he enjoys his golf round today, because why not?!


I don’t think any party related to this situation is happy. I happened to open COTH just as IM first posted and they entered the conversation borderline hysterical and seemingly very angry. Most of those post have been deleted, but I find it hard to believe someone goes from that state to carefree peacefulness at a golf course the next day.

I think the Ks are likely very disappointed that MB will now be entering a step down program that will be initiating a discharge. This is no longer a “maximum security psych ward,” as LK fondly likes to say.

I also think it’s very possible that MB and loved ones are unhappy he isn’t home.

It’s just sad. This situation has impacted so many people, all seemingly in a negative way. I do not think
mental illness is limited to MB in this case. I think there is profound mental illness on both sides. It’s hard to believe a situation like this could happen. I find myself coming back to how unfortunate this entire situation really is time and time again.


Harder than the stuff he has been pulling all along? I mean, Taylor seems to not want to follow any of the laws so what makes you think he will turn around and follow what the doctors suggest next time?

So now Schellhorn is a doctor as well as a less than affective lawyer?
Maybe he will do a better job of being a doctor, but it is not sounding like it.


Schellhorn also said MB needs to focus on “getting his life together.”

How does he start getting his life together when he is still locked up? :thinking:


Yes, but which ones? edit, they aren’t all created equally
As noted, the taxpayers don’t pay for the incarcerated to get any and all meds.

Am I confusing MBs incarceration with a book… didn’t he need dental care, and rather then repair the tooth, they pulled it?
My point being, care while in jail isn’t the level of care we would want for anyone, or even our pets or horses.


Of course, but they are all intelligent and caring enough to want him home under the right circumstances for him. After 3+ years the end truly is in sight for Michael and his loved ones.