MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

This. It was a bald-faced lie and not even a clever one at that. If IM was being honest, all that would have been needed was a re-send. These people seem to lie like they breathe.


It would be extremely hard to pinpoint what meds he was on just by the description of “depression and anxiety” medication. Anxiety can be treated by medications outside of antidepressants.


Yep, that was clear. Deplorable.


Agreed. But look who is actually getting help. The other party thinks she’s the most brilliant, sane woman in earth.


Yes, but I’m also saying that I’m not buying the idea that the Ks and their lawyers are happy with all of this as well. I don’t think anyone involved is happy with this situation, as evident by IM’s deleted posts.


Yes. I have no doubt that actual murderers, rapists, gang-bangers, etc., show up all the time in his courtroom, cleaned up and looking like choirboys - when in real life, they look like the worst scum you can imagine.

I wonder how often Taylor comments on THEIR courtroom appearance?


IM’s outburst yesterday spoke volumes to many. These folks just don’t learn to stay off social media! :unamused:


But certain parties commenting here find that poster most honest or earnest. :roll_eyes:


Well, that help was court ordered. I’m not saying MB wouldn’t have chosen psychiatric help regardless.

But isn’t the core of egomania a defective ego? Wouldn’t someone who had a healthy ego and confidence behave in a much different way? I call the bluff on her supposed self confidence. In my eyes it’s all a facade.


Perhaps Lauren can spend the next six months getting her life together, reflecting on her deeds, choosing different paths, and perhaps work on becoming a better person rather than the bitter obsessed woman she is. I sort of doubt it. She enjoys wallowing in her self-imposed victim-hood.


Odds are good six months from now she’s still going to be posting on what then will be year-old youtube videos of the trial, taunting people with the recordings and patience and all that.

But, maybe she will turn it around and do something else with all that.


Sure. But the point is: when you are treating a brain chemistry issue/deficiency with chemicals, and then you stop taking those chemicals (which is totally within a patient’s rights), it can create issues as the brain adjusts to a suddenly very different chemical makeup. That is what doctors worry about. And that could be contributing to their decision.


From all witnesses at his trial, including those for the prosecution, his life was together, until these people decided to ruin him.
He’s not the one with records wrt interactions (plural) with LE, going back years.

The reason he has to get it together now, is thanks to the intersection of his life with these people.

I hope the LK supporters are aware that this fact is clear to those of us paying attention.


I think we are speculating hard on MB’s meds. I have no idea if he weaned. No idea if he stopped cold turkey. Some anxiety meds, such as non-narcotic anxiety meds that would be more likely prescribed than a controlled substance in this case, can be stopped cold turkey. No idea if his meds needed weaning. No idea why he stopped them. No idea if he should have continued them. We just do not have enough information.

But I can say that typically, depression and delusional disorders are not treated with an absence of meds but every patient is different. And I can say that in settings like this, some patients decide to stop taking their meds and that can be negatively viewed by treating staff. Are either of these the case in this scenario? I have no idea.


Yes. I can not imagine how much all this is costing. Donations to his attorney fund is a great reminder.
It is a good way to stand-up against a bully by helping with the lawyer fund.


Disagree. If he says responses were sent and got lost but they weren’t (and I think we all agree it is HIGHLY unlikely they were both sent and both lost), then he’s straight up lying.

Colour me absolutely not surprised.


An American Tragedy.

It is so very, very sad that people like LK are allowed to roam free in society, destroying lives, and propped up and supported by a family that thinks that kind of behavior is A-OK.

Some brilliant poster earlier referred to LK’s behavior as “using the world as her litterbox” - and that apt description can apparently be applied to her entire family.


I have a nonprofit and I often think what charities could have been benefitted with all the money spent on this case. It could change lives. Ugh.

I really, truly hope that this entire situation was a wake up call for LK. I think for anyone not suffering from profound mental illness, it would be. So maybe there is hope for some involved to change. Maybe they all will change. I don’t know. One can hope, I guess.

In retrospect, I’m very happy with my own life. My own relationships. My own struggles. I am grateful.


I’m in the attic.


Wait, IM deleted things?

I have not scrolled back.