MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Part of what may be missing was briefly touched upon upthread. Jails give out the meds they have, which are often the cheapest most accessible formularies. You can go in with long-standing records of use of say, amlodopine for high blood pressure, but all the jail has is Telmisarten. So you are now taking that and hoping for the best. Then you move to a new facility which may have what the jail gave you, or your previous prescription, or a third option, and there’s adjustment again.

I’m no doctor, nor do I have any knowledge of MIchael’s meds. But I do know that sometimes you’re stuck with what they have, and if you are dealing with adverse reactions, but there aren’t other options, quitting the meds can make a little sense in that regard.


It was covered in the trial, wasn’t it? Michael had a long term therapist. That was not court ordered or anything. He was dealing successfully with his problems.

And posting lies like the one where she says she sat thru the whole trial. Well, I guess it is not a lie, she was probably sitting in that other room while she napped waiting to be on the stand.

It looks like it was not a wake-up call for anyone in the Kanarek family.


That is a good point, yes. I’m guessing IM is trying to do that thing where you talk about everything in the same tense, hoping no one notices timelines.
But in light of your input I’ll change my stance to IM is creating a story that makes them feel like they aren’t lying, rather than IM isn’t lying


The mods removed their disgusting posts


Oh yes. I saw that part. They also removed my screen shot of the disgusting posts.

I thought maybe IM had done what has happened in the past, which is go back and remove things so they can not be brought up later on.


She doesn’t think she is sane. She thinks her insanity contributes to her specialness and intrigue. She has yet to calculate the exhaustion it creates in others.


Do you think she cares that it causes anything in others?


I feel like I am bugging the legal people here but I am still confused about something.

One basic question, two examples of it to follow but the basic question is - will resolution of the outstanding issues (contempt & in person deposition) be posted or will it just happen?

Example one - Will there be a post on the court site that Kirby provided the transcripts?
Example two - Will Lauren’s deposition just happen or will there be something posted where she is told she has to show up? If she just agrees to show up will that be posted?

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The posts might not be brought up in the discussions here on COTH, but perhaps they will be brought up in a deposition.

At this point, given impending litigation, it’s NUTS for anyone in the K circle to continue public trash talking online. Absolutely NUTS.

Again… these people lack any impulse controls.


While there are myriad understandable reasons why he may have wanted off the meds, it sounds inadvisable to take oneself off of them AMA when one is being evaluated for a Kroll hearing. It’s great news, however, that he will be getting focused treatment with a path towards release.


Eventually, when they turn on her or, worse, ignore her.
Of course in her mind they only do that because they are jealous.


I missed IM’s apparently disgusting rant, as it was removed almost immediately by the moderator. Anyone care to PM me the info?

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I have 2 bathrobes and a basement! Now my basement is nothing special, but at least I am not living in my parent’s basement!


I’m answering this one first because chronologically the court will do something about the motions and opposition first. The court is set to rule on all of that tomorrow. Whatever the ruling is will be entered on the docket and we’ll be able to see it once that happens.

Not necessarily specifically that, but if the issues with her and Jonathan are resolved before the 23rd, we may see a Motion to withdraw the contempt filing or something along those lines, or an order by the judge that the issue has been resolved.


Thank you @ekat.


Jails may have limited formularies but it didn’t say he transitioned medications or started new medication, it just said he stopped his meds after arriving at AK. To me, that implies nothing other than MB stopped his meds. Psych meds are notoriously difficult to tolerate. There are ample legitimate reasons as to why he stopped them, however, I do still think that could have made an impact on his release.


It really was not anything noteworthy. They were angry, attacked certain posters and said some pretty harsh things about MB.


I guess I read the article differently than you are. To me it sounded like the only on who did not want him released was Taylor, that the medical professionals were fine with him being released.

So how the medical staff felt about him not taking the meds from jail anymore appears to have not tainted their feelings about how well he is doing.

Edit to add the quoted post so it was more clear what I was responding to


Let me correct that for you. Bold italics are added by me.

It really was not anything noteworthy. They were angry, attacked certain posters and said some pretty harsh and very untrue things about MB


I do agree with this. I guess I just am more struck by the two psychiatrists testifying that he is not a danger to himself or others, even if he did stop taking meds.