MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

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Unless I’m reading it incorrectly, this part to me seemed to implicate AK had some issues with release:

“ Simring said neither Anne Klein nor Greystone, in Morris Plains, New Jersey, have the type of treatment that Barisone needs, but the judge disagreed and believes Greystone is a good option. He noted a committee of psychologists, social workers and other professionals at Ann Klein were against a finding by psychiatrist Dr. Joanna Bajgier that Barisone could be discharged and “managed in the community” with outpatient treatment.”

Worth noting that this article is an interpretation of the event by another party and that everything may not be a concrete fact.


It sounds like there were some opposed to release, though it’s unclear what impact the decision to go off meds had on anyone’s thinking:


I’m curious, as this was set as a closed hearing, how was Nancy Jaffer in attendance? Would the Barisone team have had to invite her as part of his ‘support’ group?

If this is the case, and only MB and his team of lawyers and support people were in attendance - were others (ie - IM) having to wait for others to personally relay the information and the Jaffer article to come out like we all did?


Very good questions @EADoug. Who knows what Judge Taylor allowed. So weird.

@erinmeri, the top thing you highlighted is Taylor talking, not the professionals that were there talking. Taylor, the same person who is ignoring the law and making snarky comments about the appearance of the person he is making a decision about.


I wondered the same, especially since Horse Sport, who provided the report, is a Canadian publication.


This all reminds me of a running joke on another internet group about basements being a signifier of wealth, because the South doesn’t have basements. Now I need to go find the original post that was the source of that joke, but the phrase “do you have a basement?” or “but I have a basement!” is a common one that gives the longtimers there a good chuckle.


Well… if he has been off all meds since early summer of 2022, and remained emotionally stable, and continues to remain emotionally stable during the next few months at Greystone… that will be a datapoint for psychiatric professionals overseeing him right now, and perhaps it will weigh in favor of recommendation for eventual release to full outpatient treatment.


Strangely there is no mention of Lauren’s much touted Victim’s Impact Statement (that was to include yet more bombshells). I wonder if she sent it to buddy Taylor and it influenced his nastiness?

Speaking of buddies, I wonder when some posters here will launch into lovey-dovey, kiss-kiss posts over their love of IM, similar to what LK and her BFF are known for?


Dear Fellow COTHers,

Y’all realize that IM posted over here yesterday for two reasons, and two reasons only- to gloat about another supposed “win” by LK in the war on Michael Barisone, and to attempt to control the narrative, as it did not go the way IM wanted it to go.

IM gloated here in a similar fashion immediately after the criminal trial, and we all know how that turned out.

LK did not come out of the criminal trial looking like anything other than the admitted lying grifter she is.

I see absolutely no mention of a “victim impact statement”, given by LK during yesterday’s proceeding, but LK stated emphatically here that it was her right to give that statement. Again, one more LK lie.

Let’s face it- LK and her ilk think they can control the masses through lies and bullying. They think we are gullible when it comes to discerning truths, and are weak to resist the threats and intimidation of a bully.

Now, we have a couple options.

We can be like mushrooms, and be fed bulls**t and kept in the dark.

Or we can rally, call out the lies and bullying for what they are and insist on the truth.



cutter99, an actual horse person and not a slasher


You nailed it.


No way. How can that be with your screen name what it is. /sarcasm.


I agree with you but occasionally the cyber bullying in the form of taunting/provocation causes one to respond. I’m learning to report, flag, ignore better because these people are nobodies in the whole of my life and their opinions count for nothing.

Let me say @hut-ho78 posted what I would call a very respectful and thoughtful post last night that I “liked”, sincerely. I appreciated them recognizing the moment and being a kind person. Thank you again @hut-ho78.


Regarding IM’s sudden reappearance on this forum yesterday (after an absence of four months).

It looks as though her rant was edited by the mods within 1.5 hours of it being posted. So can I assume some of the good folks here flagged that post, as well as several subsequent ones that also contained vile comments about MB?

Or were the mods perhaps asked to take down those posts by someone on the KTeam - you know, damage control and all that.

And for those of us that saw the initial posts before they were edited - there is no way in h*** anyone will ever convince me the author of those posts wasn’t Ms. Lollypop herself. The style, the viciousness, the inflammatory and downright libelous nature of the posts is pure Lollypop.


For what it’s worth, I don’t believe it was Lauren but someone very close to her disappointed in how their plan is floundering.


And the willingness to tell blatant lies, don’t forget that part. (Though I guess you hit it with the word libelous, hu?)


So everyone in that camp is all in favor of not being honest to be overly dramatic?


At one point I saw some posts by other posters disappear literally within a minute or two of posting so I think the mods were also actively on the thread while a lot of it was happening. It didn’t seem like anyone had time to flag those posts. I can’t say for certain about IM’s initial posts but they were so hysterical and inflammatory that I don’t think anyone would have had to flag them for them to be removed.


Think apples and trees. They seem to all be cut from the same cloth.


So dictated by Lollypop. The same way she dictated the letter to the building inspector/fire inspector.