MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

A basement was one of the things we specifically looked for when moving South, in lieu of a storm shelter, as we are in what is now being termed “The New Tornado Alley”. And yes, they are hard to come by down here!

Funny story- we have a relationship with the person we purchased our farm from. When it was on the market, it had interest from a person in the community has a reputation that they make their living from a certain illegal activity involving cooking, and we ain’t talking in a restaurant. He knew this person wanted the basement for their “cooking” and there was no way he was selling him the property!

Up North, if you own a house built in either the 1700 or 1800s, it is said the original owners were moneyed if the house had two front doors almost side by side. We had a log farm house that was built in 1863 out of white oak log, with the double front doors. We were told the owners must have been particularly affluent because white oak was a very expensive commodity at the time the house was built.


I don’t think it was either. IM has stated they have seen discovery on both sides. Also, IM knew about the hearing yesterday. That narrows it down for me. They are also emotional. I think it’s someone else we’ve discussed who has proven emotional before but that’s all I’ll say.


It was an incredibly ugly post, but it didn’t have the snide, condescending, verbose style usually employed by LaLa (block paragraphs, use of “mmkay”, ellipses, emojis, rhetorical questions) It was just downright mean and ugly.




Regardless of who the person speaking was, it does appear that some mental health professionals were opposed to outpatient treatment/release…


And filled with blatant lies.


Or in other words, the same gene pool!


Could be! I wish they had left them as is though, so folks continue to see how unhinged the K-Klan is.

And also so MB would perhaps have a chance at filing an action against them for libel. Although that is probably why the Mods jumped on editing that stuff out - they didn’t want COTH to get dragged into the muck any further.


Any ruling the judge makes will have a written order entered into the case reflecting that decision.


@Warmblood1, last night it looked like posts were removed by the person posting. That line about the post being removed and will not show at all in the time span (I think it is 24 hours?) is from the person posting it removing it.

I know my posts with the screen shots were edited by mod 1 to simply remove everything that had been removed from the post by IM made, calling names and slinging insults.

Is there a time frame something has to be visible to the world for it to be considered actionable for libel?


Yea, I saw 2 posts for certain by two others posters other than IM just flat out disappear while I was typing a response. I know mods stepped in and said they removed some posts. I had some of my posts removed and I didn’t see the deleted within 24 hours thing on IM’s posts that were removed, they were just gone. So whatever that all means. I do appreciate the mod’s timely response and am sorry if I posted something I shouldn’t have. I’m glad the outright attacks on MB were removed.


Dang I’m sad I missed the fireworks!


It is easy to imagine if you think about the players.
I mean really, we are talking about the same people who ignore a subpoena and then act like it is all the fault of someone else.

Just think of a list of insulting names and terms that would be about as incorrect as you can muster…


I can only imagine the dialogue inside the K Kamp that precipitated yesterday evening’s posts.

Prinzess Lollypop: “Family & loyal sycophants! Who amongst you will log onto COTH and sneer at KM and EB to let them know MB won’t be home for Christmas?!?! We can’t have the elderly ladies there celebrating that he is being transferred to a less restrictive setting and on a path for eventual release. And we DEFINITELY don’t want anyone asking questions about my victim impact statement.”

Inigo-Montoya: “There there snookums. I will engage in verbal swordplay with the elderly women of COTH, chivalrous and mighty hero that I am! I will make sure to plant a few more poisonous seeds of gossip, to try and drive toxic speculation about MB! That will keep everyone talking, and not asking questions about your victim impact statement.”

Prinzess Lollypop: “Please make sure to insult Deininger and Silver as well. The old women of COTH are LAUGHING at me again, because Bruce comes off like a pathetic low rent ambulance chaser. And I declared for all to see that we had a team of Top 5 attorneys on retainer! I HATE IT when the old ladies of COTH laugh at me!!!”

Inigo-Montoya: “Not to worry snookums. I will smear and snark and explain away the legal situation. Those silly old women are no match for my intellect! I’m the most brilliant lawyer I’ve ever met! I’ve got everything under control. You just rest your little Lollypop head, take your medicine, and allow the [edit] to pick up the house and groom the ponies. [edit]


Oh I can imagine the wailing and hand-wringing and declarations, and imploring insults.

Ah well. My own fault for not being glued to the site!


It has happened to me several times.


I declare this the Interwebz Winner and COTH Post of The Day, hands down!




I agree, 100% with @cutter99.



Do you (general) suppose not answering the subpoena was simply to annoy the other side, knowing that the consequences for doing it would be minimal?


Yes! @Virginia_Horse_Mom, that was brilliant! :100: