MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

do not speak for me EB.

@Virginia_Horse_Mom sorry you are replied to but it was meant for @eggbutt

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Well darn.

I missed all the intrigue again. I guess I need to spend more time here at my keyboard in my non-existent basement in a tattered bathrobe (don’t own one) focussing on COTH… and nothing else.


In the article you praised by Nancy it says

Michael Barisone will spend at least the next six months in treatment at Greystone Park State Psychiatric Hospital, after the judge who presided at his attempted murder trial expressed concern today that the dressage trainer could be a danger to others if he is not held for treatment.

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Then post where you saw that statement.


So where did you see this or who gave you this information?


A number of posters, not just one, was outraged by that discussion. While I found the discussion massively offensive, I was not the poster who was the most outraged.

You have glossed over the element of your little discussion which made it so offensive to me. Let me remind you.

You (or someone) claimed that Jonathan Kanarek maybe worked for EFHutton, as far back, potentially as the 80s. While apparently there were reported to be instances of mob ties within EFHutton at some point, well, that really says nothing about one individual in an organization that employs tens of the thousands of people.

The discussion, whether contributed by you or someone else talked about the well known and vibrant Jewish mafia in New Jersey. Not just “the mafia”.

I have no idea what religion Jonathan Kanarek happens to practice, if any, but Kanarek is a Jewish surname and JK lives in NJ. I thought the discussion of the “Jewish mob in New Jersey” horribly offensive. Indeed, it arose in a discussion of how JK supposedly “forced” MB into taking LK as a client, or letting her live in the farmhouse. I had been asking, OK, exactly how is JK supposedly forcing MB as a businessman to agree to some deal, and the discussion turns to “the Jewish mob in New Jersey”!

And you find it strange that people would find that discussion offensive? It was a rare occasional on which several long time posters said, “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but for once I agree with CH”.

You have no clue who IM is? I don’t know for a fact who IM is, but based on his postings here I have a pretty strong suspicion.

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Could you please direct me towards where this is listed?


I would guess an appeal process would be the primary means to address these issues. But… if it seems like MB still might get released in the next 6 months if he goes through the Greystone process, and psychiatric professional assessments indicate he is a Blow risk to himself or others, and he is a good candidate for outpatient only treatment… then my guess is that there is an incentive to not file any appeal that might anger Judge Taylor just yet.

Maybe 48 hours will make note of the Judge’s conduct and comments, and personal grudge with respect to Bilinkas during their episode. THAT might be an effective way to address issues with the judge’s comments and seeming bias.


Please then tell us where you saw this, because no one else here can seem to find this thing you are saying has been said.


Gosh, I don’t see one word about Barisone not showing remorse. Do you?


Eh, you might actually try reading for comprehension because what you say it is is not what it says!


Yall are such great internet sleuths, I’m sure you could find it if you look :smirk:

how is it not?

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Translation: I’m going to make an assumption, state it as fact and then when someone asks for a source, refuse to give it.



[quote=“Warmblood1, post:3515, topic:775980”]

Hmm, that MO sounds so very familiar. :roll_eyes:


funny someone else posted something above similar but no one is going after them. Someone asked why and I answered. Read the articles :slight_smile: Im not here to spoon feed the needy.

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And classic deflection! Since you can’t produce such statement, you tell us to go search. Words have consequences.

So, the statement does not exist in the public realm. Got it.


I asked nicely, stop pouncing for no reason.

In the line you quoted I do not see what you are saying, I am asking to understand where you see this. Please just explain it.


think whatever you like, but yall asked WHY and I advised the answer.

It’s your choice to listen to believe or not I really am not bothered nor have a dog in this fight. I was merely sharing what I saw.

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