MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

So, in other words, you are just like the other poster who likes to come here, fart, complain loudly about the stench, then proceed to blame everyone else in the room.

Thank you for showing us who you are. We believed you a long, long time ago.


Oh boy. You’re back.

I was not the poster who went down the wormhole with respect to Jewish community ties to organized crime.

However… it’s historical fact that many different ethnic/immigrant communities have ties to organized crime in different areas of the country. It was discussed at length in that thread. Nothing that was posted about historic ties between various communities and organized crime was flagged by mods.

I find it interesting you are still absolutely outraged by this.

ETA: you are correct, I was being snarky when I said I had no clue who IM is. I have strong suspicions. You do too. But… I don’t know for sure. Do you know for sure who IM is? Seems like it.


My thought is less outraged and more likely seeing an opportunity to take the thread somewhere in hopes of getting it closed.

Please leave the thread open so we can see what the judge decides tomorrow.

And I am waiting for @Jealoushe to post where they saw something about Michael needing to show remorse.


actually you are not worth the effort

Best get comfy because I’m not your secretary

If yall don’t believe me then tell me the answer to the question why the judge was so harsh?




No dog in the fight @Jealoushe??? This screen shot begs to differ! Learn to play with the big dogs or stay on the porch with the puppies!

And I am merely sharing what I saw!


Stellar contributions to the thread. Thanks.

Moving on.


Not lack of remorse, per se.

I think it was that he didn’t clearly understand that he had shot someone.

During the hearing, a therapist said that he stated that he was unclear on whether he had actually shot someone.

I wonder if Bilinkas jumped up and said “But, but, but … There is absolutely no evidence he did shoot anyone! The gun went off of in a “skirmish” started by RG! No, I think RG shot LK to frame MB so that LK could “get the farm”. “

Didn’t someone on these threads opine that for MB to heal and move forward it would be useful for his mental health and peace of mind to acknowledge to himself that be shot her, albeit while delusional? Not necessarily express remorse to LK, but just acknowledge what he did to himself?

In all those letters of support have you ladies been just feeding his delusions, assuring him that the verdict indicates to all but most evil that there is zero evidence that be shot LK?

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Hmmm. Good thought about trying to get this thread closed.


Or perhaps it would be better for LK’s civil suit for MB to claim he shot someone and to have “remorse.”

Seems like he is being honest by saying he does not recall because… he can not recall.

And no, I do not think it is necessary for MB’s “healing” for him to pretend to recall a memory that he can not recall for the comfort of LK and the sake of her civil suit.


Taylor said that he did not have to get court approval in order to process through the four levels during his 6 month stay.

Despite what Ekat said about a review in 90 days, I read that after initial commit all, the next hearing is in 6 months.

Even if he still has amnesia, his friends and lawyers should be informing him as to the outcome of the trial. If they are continuing to feed his delusions (that maybe he never shot anyone), that’s just preventing his coming to terms with his situation and healing.

But you’re right, a lack of remorse was not mentioned.

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I doubt it’s a widely accepted standard of care with psychiatric therapy for people who have amnesia to be required they pretend to remember things they don’t, and then required to express remorse in relation to these false memories, before psychiatric professionals will recommend they are released from a commitment situation.

Seems like that might be unethical. Seems like it might violate the civil rights of people who have been diagnosed with amnesia.


Self defense is a constitutional right.

It’s entirely possible he shot someone within his legal right. You can not prove the possibility of self defense doesn’t exist. Sorry.

So no, I don’t think anyone is feeding his delusions when no one was there IRT his legal team, and therefore, can not distinguish between what was real and what would be considered delusional.

Why would MB claim an act he can not remember? That seems extremely unreasonable.


Just thinking here…suppose over the next few months MB is able, with the help he is receiving, of recovering his memories of what went down that day.

And suppose it happens that MB was on his way to have a peaceful conversation about LK relocating and was carrying the gun because of poor Rosie’s lack of training and control and tendency to bite. Then let’s say the gun was mentioned, the reason for carrying given, and MB was attacked by RG and LK and during the struggle for the gun it went off.

Is there a statute of limitations on bringing charges against MB’s attackers?


Thank you for your explanation - I can understand where you’re coming from. I still want to see Jealoushe’s source, though I have an inkling as to what it is.

I don’t know what any party said at the hearing, except what Nancy Jaffer reported.

If I recall correctly, @hut-ho78 made that mention about acknowledging the shooting. My thought is, if you don’t remember something, how can you acknowledge it.

As for the comment about letters of support to MB, since you addressed this towards me as well - I have never sent anything to MB. I don’t know MB, and outside of basic caring for another human, I’m not particularly invested.

What I do like is the legal discussion because I learn a lot and the snarky filings (because I like snarky filings in general - irrespective of the case involved). I like investigative reports and being, perhaps, nitpicky about details (personal flaw, I admit).

When this whole case started, I didn’t follow the MB threads, so I only saw LK’s posts after the mods had gone through and scrubbed the content. So I gave her the benefit of the doubt, that maybe she simply didn’t communicate well over the internet. And then I saw her real-time posts on the SS thread, and that took away any doubt I had in my mind. I know people personally who communicate in a similar manner and they are very difficult to be around. I have been gaslight personally and spoken to in a similar manner (as LK’s communication style) too many times by these people in my life, and it is hard to be very accommodating when I see someone else exhibiting the same style of communication.


NJ will never bring charges against them. That would involve admitting how badly they handled the whole investigation to begin with.

But… the civil jury may find in MBs favor on his counterclaims, and render a judgement that presents a major challenge for LK.


No. I have no basis for knowing who IM is beyond the basis shared by everyone reading his posts. Since we’re all reading the same posts, I’m 99% sure we all have the same IRL person in mind.

Do you not understand that?

I was offended by the original discussion. Then I noticed that in your supposed little “confession”, you omitted the most offensive part.

I noted the omission with annoyance but declined to respond until you continued with your speculation that I’m IM, or related, or in cahoots. (Do New Jersey mobsters use the word “cahoots”?) I’m not related to the Kanareks or their lawyers in any way. No doubt you will continue with your snarky insinuations.

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I’m going to leave this link here, as a reminder for why no one should be coerced into agreeing or testifying to something they cannot remember.


You still don’t get that feeding his delusions is hurting him and not helping him?

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