MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

He also made incorrect notes about the timing of medications given and the statements MB made during the Miranda hearings.


I don’t wish to argue with you. I shall learn from this, and cease and desist with ANY discussions related to organized crime and ethnic communities on any and all Barisone threads going forward.

Any thoughts on LK and the victim impact statement? Nancy Jaffers article made no mention of a victim impact statement. It doesn’t seem like LK was at the hearing yesterday. Do you think they allowed her to make a statement come a zoom? Or do you think she submitted one to the court?

Why do you think Nancy made no mention of LK’s statement?


The Innocence Project does amazing work. Some incredibly tragic stories.




Who is “feeding his delusions”?


I’m unaware of anyone “feeding his delusions.” I’m sure you are unaware, too.

MB has stated he can not recall the memory. No where, in any clinical setting, will a mental health professional encourage a patient to claim a false memory that they do not recall “for their healing.” That is something you made up. It simply isn’t done.

MB should not claim anything if he can not remember it, as detrimental as that is for LK’s civil case. I can see why IM and company are mad that he isn’t spewing “remorse” or claiming to have shot her. It hurts their civil case.


Lying is an art form. Bad lying happens when you’re sloppy. Judges know this.

Like lawyers, judges save things on their computer. If papers had been done and submitted there would be a copy and push a few buttons and what do you get? Another copy! Push another button and it’s efiled. E-filing with a Notice of Appearance attached (a N of A is a short form that simply says you represent a person, their name and your name and address - takes 3 minutes to do) and in 5 minutes all are filed with all parties.

So a lost copy causing a delay? A bad, laughable LIE.

Bad apples don’t fall far from bad trees?


Dang. I have so many unanswered questions about LKs victim impact statement. Maybe I-M will come back online today, and speak about it to everyone.


I can imagine going through the reams and reams and huge boxes of documentation before the trial didn’t help Michael with his mental state. I suspect he realized his life was in far greater danger than he ever suspected.

Now he may be asked to help with the 38,000+ pages of SM posts. I personally believe this will be cathartic for him because he can realize this woman attacks everyone, everywhere, including total strangers.

At least now at Greystone he will be in a bonafide program to help with his mental health. I suspect Dr. Simring will stay in close contact and perhaps monitor his progress (I don’t know for a fact).

The bottom line is Michael KNOWS the level of support and physical protection he has waiting for him when released. Being at Greystone, with its greater freedoms, will be wonderful for him to begin assimilating back into a “normal” life outside an 8x8 cell for 2+ years.

I don’t care what anyone says, the Kanareks are worried and should be. The despicable outburst yesterday filled with anger and lies speaks volumes about their stress and worry about the future. They truly have nothing to offer except deception and attempting to change the narrative (see Jealoushe’s previous post). Here’s the thing - facts are facts. Words matter. These two statements will become paramount in the civil trials.


The last I heard from LK, from [someone] reposting something she posted, was that her parents would attend in her stead.

Did you see the statement by the judge saying that one reason MB was not being released was that he might be a danger to LK in the horse community or in the civil trial?

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IF there was an impact manifesto prepared by Lauren, it may have gone directly to buddies Taylor and Schellhorn, who would have been well aware she is not a victim(based on the verdict) and no statement could be entered into the hearing transcript.


If such a statement was made, it simply shows more bias on Taylor’s part. If anyone is in danger, it is Michael Barisone and the Finish the Bastard gang. Plans for his personal protection once released are well underway.

EDIT: I apologize…I mistakenly thought I was responding to @Virginia_Horse_Mom rather than the poster I responded to.


Plus MB has nothing BUT seek help - from police, docs etc.

In this world there are those who seek help and there are those Creature Features who do not.


Oh. I just looked at Nancy Jaffer’s article, and saw this paragraph:

The judge expressed concern that if Barisone crosses paths again with Kanarek, either in the horse world or in court (Kanarek is suing Barisone, and he is counter-suing) it could result in “a situation I don’t think he’s capable of dealing with.”

I don’t see that Taylor used the word ‘danger.’ Why do you think Judge Taylor said something about “danger?”


6[quote=“Virginia_Horse_Mom, post:3555, topic:775980, full:true”]

Oh. I just looked at Nancy Jaffer’s article, and saw this paragraph:

The judge expressed concern that if Barisone crosses paths again with Kanarek, either in the horse world or in court (Kanarek is suing Barisone, and he is counter-suing) it could result in “a situation I don’t think he’s capable of dealing with.”

I don’t see that Taylor used the word ‘danger.’ Why do you think Judge Taylor said something about “danger?”

So I assume the civil trial is on hold until MB is finished treatment?

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If the civil trial takes as long as those knowledgeable in such things say it will, it doesn’t sound like this will be an issue.

ETA: but maybe slow down completion of depositions etc. a bit???

Edit again to add italicized words — I did not mean to imply there was any reason to slow down anything from any party except MB.

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It is fascinating to me what fantasies some of these posters come up with. When any of us have communicated in writing with Michael Barisone, I can guarantee you Lauren Kanarek and the horrible experience he had with her are never mentioned. No one has time or the inclination to discuss her with Michael. I can imagine the same can be said for those who have personally visited with him or talked with him via video chats. I know it’s hard for some to comprehend that the Kanarek family are not important at this point except for keeping them away from Michael and his loved ones; and the upcoming civil trials. Honestly, the world does not revolve around the Kanareks.


According to Nancy Jaffer, what Judge Taylor ACTUALLY said was more like this…

The judge expressed concern that if Barisone crosses paths again with Kanarek, either in the horse world or in court (Kanarek is suing Barisone, and he is counter-suing) it could result in “a situation I don’t think he’s capable of dealing with.”

I still think Taylor is biased against Bilinkas and Barisone by extension… but… the way I read this, I actually think it seems like Judge Taylor might be noting the obvious, that if LK comes back into contact with MB, it might be confrontational and detrimental to MBs mental health. And maybe, out of an abundance of caution, it’s not a bad thing to ensure that MB has received extensive therapy and developed specific coping skills and a strategy to deal with such potential situations, so that they don’t escalate.

I think there is a way to read between the lines, and note that it seems like even Judge Taylor recognizes it’s highly likely LK will continue a campaign of harassment against MB. One way or another.


I started to post earlier that it seems that the judges comments were extremely unprofessional.

Not surprising at all that after 2+ yrs in a jail cell, during Covid, that MB would not be mentally or physically in tip top shape. Then the stress of actually being on trial, in the room with his tormentors….would any of us be cool, calm and collected?

I hope his attorneys file a complaint. Maybe it’s not worth the effort. But no judge should be allowed to be unprofessional in his courtroom. He’s allowed his personal opinion and feelings, but they should not be expressed out loud in a professional setting.


It seems like they should be able to go ahead and depose LK and any other key witnesses who are NOT currently receiving inpatient therapy. No doubt it will take some time to get these things scheduled, etc.

Maybe I am missing something… but why can’t LK sit for a deposition prior to MB? Same with RG.

Is there a legal reason that the plaintiff and all witnesses related to the plaintiffs claims get to wait and sit for their depositions 2nd… after the defendant?